Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

I disagree. Getting to the point where you’re able to mostly spam core skills and others should require a certain grind. This was the case with Diablo 2, but in that case you had to up your mana regen.
In D4 it seems to be about getting the right combination of skills and gear, and adapting how you play to make the most of them.
But it’s doable, it just does not seem to be straight forward. I for one appreciated the complexity of D2 and this reminds me of that.

Thats not an argument.

Actually, it IS an argument. Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it isn’t valid.

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So you want to have a face roll game that takes no skill to play just easy mode…got it. GO back to Diablo 3 then. You dont speak for everyone.

No, you know its not an argument. My original point still stands, and its core to how ARPG’s are as a baseline.

But sure, guy.

According to you? But I’m not sure who made you arbiter of all things Arpg… What is baseline to Arpg’s is collecting loot and killing mobs, usually from an isometric view. That’s it. Everything else you just made up in your imagination.

If Blizzard wants to change ARPG’s, as basically the creator of the genre they probably get license to do so. Could they refine it? Absolutely… But they’re definitely in a much better position to define ARPG’s than “raidmaxx-1139”

I don’t mind it. Some groups I feel OP and some I feel like I need to try and work around mechanics. I feel like they are working on a hierarchy. Grunts are supposed to feel easy and elites feel a little harder. May not be perfect, but this is how I am seeing it as I play.

Nice appeal to authority there.

That’s literally not an appeal to authority rofl. Try again kiddo

Do you have mild to severe brain damage guy?


Dude I suggest you turn down the suck knob or try a new sport, like knitting. If you’re kiting for 30 seconds your build is a horrendous failure. Use your brain or go play Animal Crossing.


Can you not speak for me? I don’t want to feel overpowered. That is so boring. I like a challenge. I like having to use my defensive skills. I like having to dodge. I like having to pot. Go play cookie clicker or something if you want to turn your brain off for hours on end. The thing that pisses me off the most is that you soulless crybabies are going to eventually win and they’re going to turn the game into a mindless slot machine and by then you’ll already be playing whatever new flavor of the month thing’s come up anyway. You are the absolute bane of fun.


is not that hard to look upon your stats and focus on one type of damage, lower a bit the difficult, farm, and overcome your own failure, don’t forget to increase all types of layers of defense.

You protest too much.

Appeal to authority is only a fallacy when you’re appealing to “false authority.” If I say you should probably listen to this oncologist’s opinion on cancer… that’s not a logical fallacy, that’s common sense. If I say you should listen to this oncologist’s opinion on the tax rate for the US… that’s a fallacious appeal to authority.

If you’d like any further tutoring I do offer private lessons and I assure you you’ll find my rates are entirely reasonable.

No, you know its not an argument. My original point still stands, and its core to how ARPG’s are as a baseline.

But sure, guy.

LMAO. What ARPGs have you been playing? Obviously, you never played Diablo 1, or Diablo II pre-1.10…

Even POE, basically the standard for hardcore ARPGs does not make you godlike early on and their endgame content tends to stay somewhat challenging…until game-breaking builds are discovered and then usually nerfed.

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Look “Raidmaxx” man, I see you winding up to reply… And you just shouldn’t.

Stay down kid.

uh bro you are so cringe. appeal to authority fallacy doesn’t magically lose its fallacy status when the authority is somehow “good” (by whose standard exactly). appeal to authority fallacy is “it’s true because this guy knows what he’s talking about.” It’s a fallacy whether or not the guy is the most learned and decorated scholar on a subject in human history. The truth of a statement does not depend on the person making it. It depends on the facts of the matter itself. This is so nincompoop tier. If Aristotle himself came up to you and said “The earth is made of Swiss cheese” it would still be a fallacy to say the Earth is made of Swiss cheese because Aristotle says so. Just stop trying to wade into these waters until you’ve at least done a bit of treading in the kiddie pool first.

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Room temperature IQ’s all around I see

Im not going to argue with a mental midget.

Reported for hate speech

I paid $90 for this game, and if i want to RP elder scrolls while playing ill do it you cant stop me.