Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

I’m playing sorc without issues. This is a build or item grinding issue for you. Try different things. Learn how to synergize skills with the tree. The legos are there, you just need to discover how to put them together. There’s a lot to the game. If you want something that requires less attention, with poor telegraphs, and unlimited skill resources that enforces purely out -gearing content please go back to Path of Exile.

I feel like generator skills need to either generate more resource or deal more damage. I’m really enjoying the game but the combat flow feels kind of janky at times due to how often most builds have to cast low damage AND low resource providing skills in order to use the skill they want to use and actually will inflict damage.

The closer you get to 50 and beyond, the less those generators do since they scale like crap on their own and aren’t worth investing in, so you’re spending 5 seconds doing 100 damage to use 1 ability that will hopefully obliterate the pack.

do you not like sitting in CC for 20-30% of your playtime? smh

Bwahaha, you CAN’T out gear content.

Occultist sells junk 15 levels below your level…

Mobs are scaled to your level…

Play the way I want is a MYTH in this game…

You are required to “figure” out how to break x,y mixed with x2,y2, mixed with 1pt here, 1 pt there…That’s number crunching…that’s NOT gaming…

Most want to pick up the game and just bash sh-- to escape from the REAL WORLD and NOT die because we/they don’t number crunch or copy/paste one of the only builds that can clear content after T2…

So take your holier than thou attitude n st—itwheresundon’tshine please…


Skill issue

I just beat a boss doing exactly this. Died 4 times before I realized that i just needed to cast hydra and run in circles until boss was dead to get passed him. I constantly feel underpowered at all times. I could go grind more for loot, but then I level up and am behind again. The loot drops are so bad I am level 17 and still have common gear in one slot and blue items in 50% of the others.

After I beat the boss, I got two legendary drops, one amulet and a dagger that was less powerful than the yellow weapon I was currently using. At this point. The game just is not fun. It did not feel at all like an accomplishment it was mostly just frustration.


wait what? you mean you dont like pressing a basic spell that deals 100 damage 5 times to press your core that does 5k? wild man i love it

its actually so awful
my current build that im using just for something new is focused on blood surge
you could cut the cost of it in half and it would still be too high
30 of my max 100 essence
the BEST i can get for essence generation is 8 per cast

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Cool downs are next gen. Didn’t you know?

No “we” don’t. You and a handful of very vocal people do, at most.

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i dont want to feel overpowered but not feeling like a wet noodle would be nice at least

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Sorry you’re not very good at the game. Best of luck to you and hope you find happiness somewhere.

Playing sorc and mana is pain. Lvl 66 got 130 mana and its so sux.

Been strugling with mana like all the time. I hate that stupid zero damage frost bolt is occuping my slot for no reason. Hate the basic/spender mechanic.

Game is pretty good tho, too bad devs are out of control nerfed every possible build for sorc to ground and left one build only playble for now.

Like why the hell they nerfed hydra and chain light? They dont want to looks stupid to buff it now after nerf?

Wanted to try barb as alt but probably not worth it after nerf to shouts.


We WANT to feel overpowered.

Are you level 100 yet?

If not, shut the heck up and go play until you are.

Level scaling is the is ruining what could be an amazing game.


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Thats not an argument. Most builds come online halfway through and then your just grinding paragon and looking for god roll gear.

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All they really need to do is make builders/basics better.

Having to hold left click for 8-10 seconds and do nothing at all except slowly fill our resource bar is not compelling game play.

If they want to keep that same basic loop, they could simply double the amount gained per activation, making them half as boring to use, or they could actually make them do something useful like damage, meaningful buffs/debuffs, or other interactions.


you sound like someone who’s barely played the game or started in WT2 or brute forced to WT3 and wonder why it’s harder.

Who’s this “we” you’re talking about?

Not only that, you can also become vampire, kill dragons and get married. Talk about deep.