Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

lol kid confirmed, no older than 20 most likely, never played D2 original. whole game was perma resource starved without stuff like leech or frosties, no mana pots from the vendor LOL

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Nothing but projection from you.
Done with you now.

emoji confirms the age

its ok kid we who actually played D2 launch know you never touched the title, its alright, just admit it LOL

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Sorry you are triggered. I never called anyone names. You can try again, :sweat_smile: :rofl: :joy:

Not talking about late game and on-kill triggers or runewords, talking about the mere fact that once lvl3 or so is completed noone has to auto-attack anymore, there’s no scarcity, it’s simply do the “safe but powerful” ability over and over, buy pots, rince and repeat

Have you seen anyone playing any class “scarcely” as if they have to save a mana pot for a better purpose later on ?, nope… That’s like picking up a whole ammo pack with 1 bullet missing on an FPS and still having enough to kill stuff, or picking up HP globes with 5 HP missing the moment they drop

No decision making anywhere, to savor/optimize anything, it’s a cycle of kill-replenish-repeat all game long… That’s (again) the problem of gold income being greater than the amount needed to spend in a “comfort zone”…

And b.t.w., power also equals safety so if you’re allowed to simply “spam power” you don’t have to worry about safety as much either, again, not rewarding “careful usage” of assets of power in the game at all (arguably even punishing also), that my friend (at least in my book) is a flaw


No, I have not. I’m casual, I’m actually not sure, but I played last season maybe to a point where I spammed one ability on my crusader that either oneshotted everything or I was dead in moments. That’s not fun for me. I enjoy the game as it is.

Game is garbage. They have no idea at all what makes it fun.


Dude, u’ll be able to do world bosses in less than a minute, or even solo them. You are able to do sigils with minions 10 levels higher than your self, kill “uber bosses” in PVP / Helltide Area all by your self in minutes, if that is not overpowered then i don’t know what is.
The game is honestly way to easy at the moment.

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It’s modern Blizzard. The old designs were around fun, the new ones are around fear. In the older versions of Diablo it was about the thrill of finding new, interesting, unique pieces that impacted your character in interesting ways – in other words, the core motive was the fun of finding that very rare piece of sweet loot. In D4, by contrast, it’s about the constant, grinding fear of your gear falling behind, and disempowering your performance against trash mobs – the motivation is not primarily the thrill of finding sweet loot as it is the relief of finding loot that keeps you from falling further behind, and being in constant fear of this, and therefore being ever-vigilant to prevent it. Fun vs fear.

Same as what happened with WoW. Used to be based around fun, and then ended up being based almost entirely around the fear of falling behind.

Blizzard is obsessed with motivating players by giving them the fear of falling behind – if not other players, than falling behind the ever-scaling mobs.

It’s really a very dark design philosophy based around some of the worst elements of human psychology, and it runs through their games now, not just one of them.


I really don’t want D3 levels of power spikes where we are doing trillions or quadrillions of damage. Where things just keep getting buffed, over and over to the point that you are now pigeon holed into certain builds. I remember when the Thornsader set had 500% more damage. Now, it’s 67,000% That is over 100 times the damage. I don’t want to be an overpowered god like entity. I want to kill god like entities as a mortal and t-bag them for relying on their hubris and becoming complacent with their lowly opinion of me.


Gloating about (assuming) you triggering someone. Literally troll behavior.

You decided to ping me and comment yet when i point out how you obviously got triggered, it is trolling? You can think what you want and keep responding to me. Its obvious.

Yeah mob scaling kinda sucks TBH. Dont know why some people like it, but to each their own.

Feels a little better once you get some more gear, but I would like to just roll over lesser mobs sometimes. I agree it is nice feel OP.

I’m sure that makes you feel better to believe that. Have fun living in your fantasy world.

It’s just D3 again. Useless basic abilities and kiting + nuking with cooldowns.

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It just really wasn’t though. I’m 39 and have played every iteration of diablo imaginable… you can even play “that” version of Diablo in D2R. No one was “starved”.

Go play on a lower world tier or do lower tier nightmare dungeons :clown_face:

I onbe shot everything with HoTa all the way to world tier 4 tbh, games way too easy.

Well, Campaign bosses and dungeon bosses are a pathetic joke

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People who bring up and talk about their and others I.Q. usually have an extremely low I.Q. themselves. They’re projecting by bringing it up in conversation and putting others opinions and likes down by saying their I.Q. is low all because in fact their I.Q. is extremely low and they don’t have the same opinion and likes as others.


Yeah, this is not Elder Souls is an RPG, you want all the power for free, go play an arcade game.

In RPGs you are supposedly working for something, If you miss super powers in a few days, you have D3 for that.

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I disagree 100% with every sentence in this post.

Now this is an issue for sure.

Nerf cooldown skills.