Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

LOL you definitely didnt play the original D2 or early LOD then either. the frankengame D2R is basically a bullet hell spammer as well.

Can’t play for another hour, but I agree with the sentiment, mostly. I don’t want the game to be SO easy that I literally get no satisfaction from it… but I also don’t want it to be so difficult that it feels like a chore. I want to feel like I’m strong and consistently getting stronger.

Unhide your profile and I’m sure the person WILL block you. As it stands right now, I haven’t found a way to block trolls with hidden profiles like you.


Must be a build issue.

I’m WW barb and 1 shot capstone and did helltides in nightmare and not a problem.

Try using deathblow + fighters DB, rallying cry + TRC, warcry + MWC, WW + FWW, lunging strike + BLS, and call of the ancients + 2 talents, use a slashing wep and either do 2h swords or 2h axes + expertise.

Get a few shield bubble legs, call of the ancient leg that does a ww when you do a ww, load up on core skills dmg increasers + the slow on bleeding talent and + dmg on bleeding and slowed units and make sure to have expose vulnerability 3/3.

Use deathblow to make ww spread vulnerability as long as you don’t interrupt ww. Make sure to snag unbridled wrath too. At this point its all about finding out how to regen fury better, getting resistances up, and learning to use deathblow to kill a target so it instant refreshes.

You can also weave in deathblow + warcry + rallying cry, refresh DB then use deathblow + call of the ancients to spread a lot of damage. Or use em all at once for massive burst.

Now how well barb will work in torment is another story but I’m looking to find out first hand.

A lot of these complaints sound like it’s more an issue of stat bloat and cooldowns being too high. In that, I agree. I don’t feel overpowered, but I do feel powerful, and for me that’s fine. But I can understand that gear stats DESPERATELY need to be streamlined so there’s less variation and thus it’s easier to gear your character well especially along the journey to endgame. And many skill cooldowns are just silly, I don’t know why I’d want a skill on my bar that I can only use ever other minute. My builds have been running around DoTs and quick cooldown skills so I can stay mobile, but not every build has that luxury. I hope they reconsider that, as sometimes it feels more like a turn-based game than an action game, except the enemies get a lot more turns than you XD


ROFLMAO. If you have to MOD it out then it’s not a cheat it’s the game design. Mana pots weren’t a cheat with or without parenthesis. And in D2 my abilities felt meaningful. That’s the difference.


This So This Too many words


gotta buy the potion of power on the store for 100$ a season


Spam has no meaning, what are you up to lol

It’s simple, game is flawed and was left out that way cause that’s how it became popular

And now it’s too late to “fix” it cause people would rage night and day for years if such an attempt is done

Again, a game that allows you to use the “high tech weapons all the time” without considering cost is simply flawed…

Optimisation of use and again (sparing) should feel like a reward, but it’s not the case, that’s just bad design (i.e. flawed)


Yeah, no. I played D2 and D2R and there are lots of builds that aren’t constrained like this by resources, coupled with mana on attack and kill, you rarely have to use mana pots. Especially in D2/D2R with insight on your follower, the only time you needed mana pots was during tele-spam to find the boss. So I’m not sure if you’re being purposefully deceitful or you’re just ignorant… but either way you’re wrong.


But… you can just play those games right now. You can load up PoE, create a new excel sheet to plot out the build, and socket 9 million support gems so that you can hold one button to kill literally everything.

You’re asking for a redesign of the entire combat/skill system in D4.


Speak for yourself, that’s the reason I hated Diablo 3 and I’m dreading that 4 becomes like that. I personally enjoy dodging and kiting stuff around.


You’re certainly free to believe that make believe story you’ve created about me. It’s not true, but you believe whatever makes you feel better.

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kid, there is no story here, just reality. you were perma resource starved in D2 unless you had ridiculous gear or tons of leech items. shops didnt sell mana pots til a LOD patch… LOL


You guys have a resource problem.

I mean when I pop my buttons everything is dead and im rounding up the pack during cd.

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Nope didnt insult anyone or call anyone names.

I don’t get your interest in mana potions in D2 but once you have a Insight runeword on your merc, and this is incredibly easy to get, you never need mana potions again. Hell I’m always using full rejuvenation potions, never mana potions.

Clearly you never played D3 about GR 125… lots of kiting, use of mobility, and cooldown rotations… that’s what I expect at max level… not level 55.

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Ah yes, the attempt at shaming insults by calling someone a kid.
You’re proving that you’re the one that never played by claiming you were “perma resource starved”. But like I said, you’re free to create whatever stories you like. They aren’t true, but you do you.

So insulting people is so natural to you that you don’t even see that you’re insulting people. Says a lot about the kind of person you are.

I like the fact this version is less mindless TBH. Damage windows, having to think and bit and TBH there are ways to generate resources especially later in the game.

That said I agree it can be a little feast and famine early for some classes.

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