Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

What depth? What difficulty? I kill entire elite mob packs up to 10 levels above me with two or three hits. (Currently WT3)
The boring part is i have to wait for my cooldowns or i can barely kill anything.

If the combat only feels every 30 seconds fun there’s something not right.

This is neither depth nor difficulty.


whats Elder Souls?
never heard of that game.

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As a Necromancer who uses Sever, Decompose, Bone Storm, Blood Golem and Blighted Corpse Explosion I rarely if ever have problems waiting for a cycle to be up and running since the only cooldowns I manage are Blood Mist and Bone Storm.

Only crappy part is the constant noise from exploding corpses. I swear I’m not doing it to be obtuse, I’m doing it to get back essence for the next fight lol.

If you have problems with skill cycles being on cooldown too often then that’s probably a trade-off for your build or you can mitigate it with better gear. Either way, if you want to be overpowered in D4 you can be overpowered…but you have to earn it.

P.S. Elder Scrolls games have insanely overpowered player characters lol. Especially Skyrim where you’re a demi-God who can shatter time with their voice.

You people are playing some Chit builds lol…running around? Im fighting from sart to stop synergizing 4 skills that are always up on my barb lol

Is copy/paste meta build high iq stuff now?

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Everything is good before WT3… come back here then.

You will always get players that cheat and just look up guides these days. Thats unavoidable.


It will take a while for it to be experienced in full by the masses of normies who will be coming in beginning this evening. So I expect it will be in waves. At first it will be all love and kisses, this is great, amazing, etc. New game smell effect. Keep an eye on how things are beginning around 36-48 hours in, and then especially beginning around 72 hours in … so beginning Wednesday-Thursday timeframe, and I expect these forums to be a veritable bonfire.


Gotta give you credit. You’re committed to the gaslighting.

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Why do you keep saying this? Its like a new word you learned but dont know what it means.


D2 is honestly faster than this trash heap as it stands currently if you dont play with meta spenders.

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I’ve had the same account since 2005. You couldn’t “trounce” a blind kitten with your weak trolling. And that’s all that I have to say to you.

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Slower paced than D3, yes.
But you weren’t waiting on cooldowns or resource starved.

There’s a significant difference in how that’s done.

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I don’t normally jump on these trains but I have to agree.
It seems like they are taking a goofy MMO-oriented balancing approach instead of an ARPG approach. Everyone just wants to blast. You already removed leaderboards, and individual player power is near meaningless to the experience of other players around them. There’s no reason to skimp extremely strong, crafted builds. Realize what FEW skills are being represented in the meta and buff the floors of the others.

If your development plan is to meta-shift using new item buckets each season that is just super boring. Your game is a spam blaster, not a competitive MMO.


It takes less IQ to run in circles waiting for resource regen or cooldowns than it does to use the spells you’re waiting to use.


D2 is not fast, it’s flawed

It is NOT MEANT to be fast and yet it is cause of kill - potion - kill cycle

If want to really feel how D2 would feel naturally the price for mana potions should be like 10x and see how it goes… Can’t help but feel that’s how the game was initially intended/designed to work, it’s just that people have found out that going “all in” with a spam of hard-hitters pays off cause gold income is greater than the rate of constant spending for mana potions

In a normal game that should never be a case, there should always be a time/period/instance where “sparing” should feel like doing the right thing and optimising usage of abilities for biggest effect with less attempts “wasted” to be a rewarding experience overall

At least let’s admit at least that one tbh… :thinking:


some people still stuck in 1980

Literally what you’ve been doing with every post. You even do it in this one I’m replying to.


thought you blocked me?? so we are to believe your first post on the forums was to whine about my comments deep in a thread that was buried for over 4 hours at the time of your post. LOL sure

maury determined THAT was a lie

ya got smoked on your other ID and now youre gettin smoked on this one, by someone else now it seems LOL

im playing a barb too. this character is like a chainsaw, non stop killing

they must be magic users or something LOL

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