Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

Donut is a professional troll. Just don’t engage.


Please… no.

Don’t turn this into a mindless game where mobs die with one hit.

Sooo boring and uninteresting.

Says the guy probably playing necro or pulv… one shotting everything… lol

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No i am not, but if it’s possible ii am obviously doing something wrong.

kk whats your class/level/wt/build then bud.

What makes what thier saying brain dead. They want to use more skills. Exactly what is hard in diablo at most kite a few mobs cast a buff or a button to group then spam 1 button. The Early/Mid levels is a Stand and wait until your getting other scources of regen. Casting a generator 6 to 8 times to get 1 or 2 spenders does need to be adjusted a bit. I love the game but the post isnt wrong


Those affix slots can also be used for boosting spender skill dmg, so that is fairly irrelevant unless of course the basic skill dmg affixes give significantly larger dmg boosts than spender dmg affixes.
Even in that case it would be better if they were just balanced on their own. Trying to balance things through items is a terrible idea, as exemplified with Diablo 3.

You know you can just play D3 if you want, right?


D2 is fast… with a complete build. It actually starts really slow.

Same for D3, though it’s easier to complete the build in D3, and harder to “perfect” it.

D4 doesn’t seem different in terms of speed, it’s just much harder to complete a build.

Rogue ,build doesn’t matter i think.
When i hit a mob once it doesn’t die ,i don’t think it matters what build i have.

What you are suggesting is ridicules.

If mobs die with one hit ,the game would be finished within 10 hours or less.

You noobs need to have a build that includes defensive, mobility, AOE, a basic attack maxed out, that way you can cycle your abilities, not just spam them.

OMG THANK YOU, After playing an elemental shaman in Retail I would have -never- figured out a spec with at most… -checks notes-… 6 buttons. Thank you for this insightful and meaningful suggestion. I don’t know what we would have ever done without you. Its not like Maxroll, Icyveins, Wowhead exist, nor countless videos teaching people how to play this SIMPLE game on twitch, youtube, facebook, and titktok… we would have NEVER figured out the mechanics to the SIMPLEST rpg genre… Again… THANK YOU SO MUCH. /eyeroll

100% agreed.
The game right now just feels like you run around waiting. All you do is wait.

Town ? Wait
Fight ? Wait
Login in ? Wait

i agree. the resource restricion and the insane amount of cooldowns just dont make any sense at all. Lightning sorcerers also need a huge buffs as well. Remove the CD, and give us more resource pool 2k will be optimal by default. The abilities are to expensive, and the generator abilities are just not generating enough resources back at all. The stats on the items are all over the place specially with sorcerer gears. This game dont need the same resource method what D III had. Most people wants to have the same fast pasted fighting like in D II without worry about resource managment or cooldowns…

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If you mean “longer” then yes… D4 is honestly the slowest out of all the diablo titles to get a speedy farm build going for endgame. Seeing lvl 70+ players farming at the pace of a lvl 30 in D3 is sad.

We should be plowing through dungeons blinking to each pack.

Otherwise it’s gonna take a long time for people to get use to this slow speed when all we’ve been use to for over 10 years is D3’s lightning fast pace of 1-2min GR clears/farms.

and people like you need to realize people want to use skills that appeal to them and not be LOCKED into a playstyle that performs but isn’t fun to play or manage.

But hey you wont see that logic because you’re probably the type to only play meta skills/builds from any ARPG you own.

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Hahaha, look i don’t have a problem playing this game.
I am doing fine, thank you.

I don’t have problems with regular mobs or with bosses… you are saying that you can kill them all with one single hit ,i am telling you that that’s ridicules, that’s all!!

I don’t agree with the OP, like i said in my first reaction :slight_smile:
The difficulty setting is just fine.
But you are taking it into the absurd.

Yes skill trees matter and i would suggest that potions also matter, i don’t use them much but potions can help because they give a boost.
If you are trying to tell me that this game isn’t difficult then i agree, however some people perhaps do have problems.
There is nothing wrong with taking them serious, perhaps there are people who don’t max out skills, and randomly spend their skill points, something i don’t do thank you.

btw:shaman aren’t even in this game, so i am not sure what game you are even talking about.

If your abilities don’t cost resources, basic attacks have no reason to exist.

So what? You are probably a WoW PvE hero, I mained a PvP mage, balance/feral druid, Shadow Priest, Elemental Shaman. Devoker at 2100.

This game is easy, and you have so many ways to build your character. If you just pick an ability each and look at your attack power, you will fail.

Edit: I hope Blizzard learns from WoW that catering to bad/lazy/dumb players will just make the game no interesting, bland and bad.

In the end, you will have a game where melee is just pathetically OP and the only way to play the game.

Diablo would be full of mongos as well, like WoW with Dks, DHs, Warrior, MW, Ret.

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You’re in the wrong series pardner

Imagine the entire world just plays 2 builds on each class because others are just useless