Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

Elder Souls?

I can’t speak on the Soulsborn games, beyond Elden Ring, but the Elder Scrolls series is notoriously a power fantasy.

Elden Ring is also a power fantasy, if you’re not entirely braindead. There’s so many opportunities to power level that only a few bosses give you any real trouble.

As for Diablo IV, they’re toning down on the power fantasy because it’s a live-service and based entirely around such. The goal is to keep you grinding until the next installment, so you buy that installment and grind more.

Hopefully they find a balance so people don’t feel it as heavily as they do now.

I can’t fully express how much more I’d enjoy this game if i didnt have to worry and worse DEAL with things being nerfed all the time I hate it, it causes me so much stress, anger and anxiety.

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I am torn apart on this subject, while I appreciate a slower pace than D3, I have to agree that the actual state of the classes isn’t really fun to me.
CDR might be the best and funniest stat, if I were under constant unstable currents with my sorc, I’m pretty sure I would have a lot more fun, even without the damage, being able to see spells going everywhere is so fun.


I’ve ALWAYS HATED the resource generate → resource spend model.
It’s slow, clunky and it only makes you feel stupid.

Either you blow up 10 monsters at once or you spend 45 seconds killing 1 monster at a time. The end result is not entertaining, rewarding or fun.


I’m still reeling from the D3 Crusader mantra of adding cooldowns as a thing. I have resources, why do I have to have cooldowns too?

Could we pick one or the other? Thanks.

A sorc who wants to use Conjuration but it sucks


100% spoiled by Diablo 3. You don’t really like Diablo games and ARPGs, you just like arcade games.


I am not particularly a fan of cooldowns (albeit I think they offer some flavor in skill design), but considering all the complains we see from some kind of people that they dont have endless resources for casting skills all the time, I am afraid that cooldowns are needed :frowning:

Quoted for truth.

Yawn. What a lame thing to say, with zero basis in reality. I’ve played Diablo since D1. I’ve played dozens of dungeon crawlers from Fate (hey, they were free,) to Snack World, PoE, Lost Ark, etc. It’s easily my second favorite genre of all time. I haven’t played D3 since D2R came out. Hell pre-lod was better than this. But all those games ended up going the same way because THATS WHAT PEOPLE WANT. If I wanted to play a Souls game I’d play one. Diablo isn’t just an “ARPG”. It’s a dungeon crawler. Always has been. Maybe YOU don’t like dungeon crawlers, and you want a more typical ARPG experience. Go play GoW or something.

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It took me little more than 1 week playing around 3 hours a day to level up an alt up to 51 with the “worst” class currently (Necro).

My trick? I don’t use core skills, so I pretty much have 100% essence 90% of the time (only use it for spamming decrepify to get a lucky stun)

Now I’ll try to finish contente until I start a new alt following the same idea, no core skills.

“Worst”? 3 s tier endgame builds, 2 s tier nightmare push builds, 3 a tier leveling builds.

You meant best, right? Arguably tied for 1st, at worst. Was that sarcasm? I’m confused.

Also… why level an alt? Just have someone run you through the wt2 and wt3 capstone and then farm normal wt4s… takes like 2 hours to get from 1-50.

lol necro is not bad if you have more than 2 brain cells to know how to play it

And that’s my point. This game is too easy it is not even fun. You just need to spam AoE till everything is dead.

I don’t understand how people complains about not feeling “overpowered” when the dmg in this game stacks so easily it hurts (literally). You don’t even need core skills and ultimates, just spam the bomb and voilá.

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Definitely agree that the generator/spender cycle needs a fair bit of work. Core skills shouldn’t be 3-4 casts before running out (at lower levels); that’s just seriously dull.

It gets a lot better with various synergies late-game but I definitely feel like - as a sorc especially - the masteries and conjurations should be more mana + more powerful, with core skills being a lot cheaper. 10-15 mana cost of core skills would probably feel a lot better. Masteries should be expensive and require a lot of gear focus and synergies to make them more spammable.

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I feel like fixing sorc could/would be so easy, but if this last big patch of “balance” told us anything, its that Blizz is doubling down on generators and that’s about it.

Which NM tier on WT4 is so easy to you?

Elder Souls awesome game. But i like Sekiro Souls more.

About not feeling stronk:

  • World bosses die in under 10 secs. I so much feel weak.
  • i can spam my tw rogue quickly through the content w/o struggling. Of course doing very oh so much high nm dunegon tiers im not feeling such much stronk anymore. But for everything else.


OP is 800% right!


Maybe provide some context? What class, level and build are you playing? Do you have any cooldown reduction gear?