Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

everything on my screen dies in about 2 seconds, elites in about 5 seconds. bosses 20 seconds tops if they move and teleport around. WT4, and im underleveled



Nah definitely want some competitive plays don’t need to mindlessly walking around nuking everything. You can do that if you have the right build and stats, then you can go nuke everything. Need to grind bro it’s not a given.

Its a game with 6 buttons. You’re already only pressing two of them regularly. There’s no great combos, there’s no synergy between skills. I spent three million on Sorc trying to find a build outside of meta. I -wanted- chain lightning and a “burning x 4 sources” build to work. They just don’t. You’re already a slave to a meta. Sure you probably think you’re original because 8 of your 58 points are in a different spot, but realistically 95% of people are playing the same builds. Its garbage and broken. Kiting is a waste of time. The should be engaging outside of a cooldown rotation. Especially in WT3 and even into early WT4… thats why there’s Nightmare dungeons with +10 sigils… THATs where I should be kiting… not a base level dungeon in WT3 at level 60.

nEeD tO gRinD BrO… If i rolled my eyes any harder they would have come out of my skull. I’ve grinded. Its a bad system. There can easily be a balance between being overpowered and feeling useless outside of cooldowns. Nothing about this game or games like it is difficult. None of these mechanics are hard. None. Elite Packs and Bosses should be engaging, but random trash should be canon fodder to basic and core abilities. YOU CANT OUT GRIND A GAME WITH LEVEL SCALING. ITS IMPOSSIBLE. STOP SAYING IT.


Ice Shard build is like a 1 button build, i would love to spam it more sure

And before you’re GG geared that build is trash and you know it.

There are multiple sources of "Basic skills do +x% damage. My barb only has to hit 2-3 times to kill trash. After a couple of kills, I can nuke an elite + anything in the group with one spender. I kill most packs in about 8 seconds. You probably have random gear stats that could be stacked for damage multipliers if you used the enchanting system a little.

Speak for yourself… you want to feel overpowered, I don’t… hell, many of us don’t. I like a challenge.

I don’t want a god-mode simulator where I’m bored after a week of play.

No, it wasn’t. In Diablo 2 cooldowns weren’t even a thing. If you had the mana for it, you could cast it.

Did you even play Diablo 1 and 2?


Spoken like a true edgy forum troll.

No amount of obos, events, dungeon spamming, or hell tides the past two days has fixed the fact I can’t upgrade my weapon since level 48 despite being almost 60 due to having to have the legendary power on it. I have gotten two in my entire play through that makes my build work. Slam wearbear. It’s a bad system, the management part and how much power is in the leggos vs the skill tree. All of the powers should have been in the codex at reduced power to prevent this problem.


It’s a circle of irony then. You’re only saying what I said is ironic because what you said is ironic. You’re a cry baby and put others down all because you aren’t getting what you want and have a different opinion. Goo goo ga ga wittle baby. Take a shower and go talk to people in real life. You’ll notice having the attitude you have online won’t fly out there. Good luck lmfao.

Somebody is upset, :laughing: :rofl: :joy:. I point out your blatant irony and you come back with some unhinged rant. Hope you feel better.


This is definitely a problem with games that force the use of every ability in a build in order to be viable.

Completely different genre but a game like Risk of Rain 2 you’re not spamming every button to keep things on cooldown to perform.

Cooldowns and abilities should provide support structure to the main combat loop, not be part of the main combat loop.

It’s like supporting actors in film, not everyone should be a main role. That would ruin their usefulness. Imagine if Dana from Ghostbusters was a main and not supporting, her existence as a plot device from which we can better understand Venkman would have been eliminated and the film worse off for it. Her position was key in the film as it was which made her a stand out character while being the support. You couldn’t make the movie without her character but the movie would have been worse if her role was different.

Games are no different. It’s clear devs don’t understand this concept.


I don’t think you could be any more cliché. Down to your emoticons. If pointing out that you’re an irrelevant human being makes me sound upset to you, cool. It just proves my point on my first statement. What do the chronically online say these days? I want you to be able to understand. You are “Smooth brain bruh.” Peace chicken grease. I await to ignore your next response.

Look more childish insults from someone that got triggered when their irony is called out. Be better.

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Thank Lilith someone said it. Seriously, bring some BUFFS to these classes that don’t rely on cooldowns and standing around twiddling my thumbs so I can fight monsters in a free flowing manner.

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I am in world tier 3 as summoner necro, and honestly, I have no problems to regen my focus, every single mob and boss dies quite fast, I have died to some odd things now and then, pretty mych one shots, but for no reason do I feel it is to slow, unless you meet those fortified armored packs

You will enjoy your World of Diablo. And like it.

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I Still Play D2R And that’s how I know your 100% Wrong! Stop Lying

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D2R lol… as if that is what we were talking about…