Dear Blizzard: This isnt Elder Souls

This is why im on t1. because the endless amounts of dodging and kiting i have to do for boss battles is not worth it in the end when it takes me 10-20mins to beat a boss. not my cup of tea.

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I like the game the way it’s. It’s not that hard as you describe it tbh….
Maybe lower your difficulty.

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This Is what I am hoping for, I was so frustrated I quit playing. I will come back in the future if they ever fix the fact that I only do damage when my Ultimate is up. I HATED waiting 90 seconds to do meaningful damage again. I personally don’t enjoy games that think a long fight is a fun fight.


No… Those are DEMONS. Its supposed to be hard, l2p

This is the easiest ARPG released in years. Just goes to show the playerbase is mostly KFC customers.


That is one thing which should be buffed imo.
Generators should obviously do less dmg than spenders, but they should still do respectable dmg, so it feels like using them matters more than only for charging up other attacks.

Diablo 1 it depended on how you played. Obviously that one was a completely different game. There were no acts etc. and just a pure dungeon crawler going from level 1 to the end.

Diablo 2 was fast and easy. Only time it got hard at times is if you rushed through normal and nightmare and then got to hell at a low level. But overall, doing all 3 difficulties was pretty quick if you think about it.

I see D4 going more slower because for me I am always getting side tracked doing dungeons, events, side quests etc.

But, everyone plays all the Diablo games differently so for some, people have just been doing the campaign and ignoring dungeons and side quests.

Yeah, it’s not even just the ultimate either. I’ve tried a few different sorc builds and they all rely on frost nova to freeze stuff and then my skills do tremendous damage. So, not only do I wait for the ultimate cooldown, I’m always waiting on my frost nova to be back up. I wish we could just get consistent damage instead of this spiking damage bs.


So many wild and baseless claims so far, so let me clear things up.

  1. “Get good/farm gear/drop world tier”
    I have all the bis legendary aspects, they’re super easy to farm and did it before I left WT1.
    I killed the butcher solo in WT3, this isn’t a matter of skill or gear, it’s a poorly designed system where abilities are a crutch instead of a benefit. When you’re fighting a mob you want to FIGHT, not WAIT for abilities to come back up or a mana bar to refill.

  2. “I’m doing fine! I’m level (not 50+ in WT3)”
    Bruh go play the game. Of course its easy, everything is easy before WT3. Follow a build guide and you shred through the first capstone.

  3. “My class is fine”
    Honestly happy for you, I wish mine was. The fact that there are only three decent sorc builds and only ONE of those uses a Core skill shows how broken CORE skills and mana are.

  4. “Go play WT1”
    Why? I’m almost 60 and again, soloed the butcher in WT3 without dying. None of this is difficult. Most of it is a waste of time. I gather up 50 mobs, blow cooldowns, and then come and troll forums while waiting for the cooldowns to come back. BORING.

  5. The fact is that blizzard touted this as a “play your way” game. Except most people can’t play the way they want. I wanted to be a chain lightning sorc, but it’s just straight trash in anything above WT2, regardless of gear or skill. We’re all slave to the metas because blizzard nerfed too much in a BETA based off of WT 1 and 2 and now they’re probably scared to roll back those nerfs.

Its a constant fear of falling behind, coupled with the that fact that upgrade material can only be found in helltides, it’s just a poor system. None of these mechanics are hard, and to anyone who has actually played a difficult game, they’re laughable. And either way no character should feel weak outside of their cooldowns. Non-elite trash packs should be canon fodder. Elites should be engaging, and bosses should be difficult. None of that is true. Its all about murder things before your cooldowns or run away. Thats not skill. Its a waste of time.


I think the levelling is poor. What’s the point of levelling up if the monsters keep up with you? Just killing trash is the same chore as it was before. The Morrowind sequel Oblivion was the same as this, and lousy to play.
What’s supposed to happen is that you conquer a region, and then move on to a more difficult one, or change the difficulty level.
Blizz should seriously look at this.


User Profile>Preferences>Users Click the add button. To get the full screen name, hover your cursor over the name of the user, and look down where it shows you the link, It’ll say something like ht tps://us.forums/blizzard/en/d4/Trolluser1234

Well that’s handy. Great. I only knew about the way via a person’s profile. Nice.

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Disagree. Nerf the hell out of overpowered abilities so this doesn’t become yet another “press 2 buttons, wipe screen, move to next screen” endgame. What’s the point of that? I’d rather kite than annihilate the entire screen of enemies in a nanosecond.

Great for you I guess, my level 20 bow rogue is really struggling, had to switch to W1 and even then it isn’t smooth at all.

Idk me on trap rogue and my Druid friend on pulverize are killing torment nightmare packs in 2 seconds

Sharkbng. In D1 my sorcy found a Staff of Apopcolypse. I STILL miss that staff! I could kill Big D with no problem. I want my Staff of Apopcolypse back!!! Hell yeah I was overpowered and I LOVED IT TOTALLY.

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They want you to do a bunch of tired synergistic D3 endgame stuff to keep your mana up and your cooldowns reset. This is fun when it comes in variety and you get to discover it yourself and tweak it to your own play style. But right now it seems like they have planned out a very specific set of correct builds, and we are expected to follow them or else face a baseline experience of resource strangulation and square dancing.


That’s just plain bull****.

its not. have you played the game?

Yea I have since thursday.