D4 is worth 40$ at most, season 1 is a scam

You paid $70 for the base game. It’s not anyone’s fault you had a completely skewed set of expectations and associated that price tag with free seasonal content updates.

Poe is a crap game. Its bad the same reason all of the wow expansions since mop were bad. Might as well be called path of systems.

I dont evaluate the game by how many I hours played, this is not a single player campaign game, its an ARPG grindy game, I paid 40$ for many single player campaign games and they were very short, like Titanfall 2, its a very short game and I wish it was longer, I enjoyed it a lot, did I tell them you guys scammed us? no, cause the game was really fun.

D4 on the other hand, is not fun, lagging, rubber banding, hitting invisible walls along with the countless bugs and glitches isnt fun,
leveling process to 100 is done by doing NM dungeons, you reach lvl 100 and expect some new level of content but there’s none, you beat highest NM level, beat lilith, and game is done, you realize thats done in like 2 weeks tops?, so no endgame content added in S1.

and im not asking for my money back!, im asking for real improvements which blizzard is trying to achieve, however when I ask you for help you can provide it, on your way whiteknite.

Your whole post is opinion. I feel the opposite on most of it except maybe the bug part and the randomness of hearts. Im having more fun in the season than i did pre season though. Mainly because of one of the malignant hearts and no, its not the barber i actually think that thing is annoying and poorly designed. So anyway you obviously played for more than 150 hours if you are complaining about post level 90 things on both eternal and seasonal. Lets say you bought the 100$ version. You payed a whole 66 cents per hour you played. Totally didnt get your money worth.

no, I paid 100$ for the entirety of the game based on their advertisements that it will be seasonal and every season there will be new content, my expectations arent coming from my imagination buddy, they are coming from their own promises, again they didnt deliver on any of that, again, thats why they are looking for a new season and dungeons designers, on your way whiteknight, thanks for your thoughtless take.

No, because I can’t play as much a week as 2 full-time jobs take up.

Leveling process is done with 50. Endgame starts with 50 and is done with 100.
No more was advertised.
80 hrs for campaign to reach the endgame and additional 80 hrs in endgame to reach 100.

my game starts when my build is realized which is after lvl 100, there’s no endgame content, stop evaluating the game by how many hours are played, its not how its done buddy, leveling process isnt exactly thrilling you know!, its spamming NM dungeons endlessly, running between vendor and your stash back and forth in between runs, thats not exactly a thrilling experience, especially not with the lag and unstable servers!

The seasonal content was never factored into that price tag. Sorry to break it to you.

If the value of a game’s base price is intrinsic on you being able to play the game forever, then your values and expectations are skewed. I suggest fixing them and perhaps you won’t be so angry about things.

What’s the matter? Did I strike a chord? Sorry.

then why do you keep getting paragon points up to level 100?
saying that leveling process stops at 50 but then you can get another 50 lvls is actually the dumbest thing i have ever heard, but ill humor you,
why do you keep gaining power with each level? to stand still at the end and do nothing with it? and no that wasnt what was advertised btw,

they literally said that NM dungeons and Lilith arent their end game plan and that they want it to be a lot more than that, so who are you exactly to claim otherwise?

sorry, but ill not be responding to you anymore as I think you are incompetent, saying that leveling process is done lvl 50 when there are literally another 50 lvls to go, that did it.

Me too. Games are one of the cheapest forms of entertainment.

they were factored into the price, im not gonna link you what they advertised, go do your own research, and there are no chords to strike, you are defending the guilty after they already admitted guilt and promised to never do it again, so to me you are wasting your breath and my time, im responding to you out of respect, but not anymore.

and btw, dont try to convince me, im here on forums complaining about the game cause I want it to be better, go try to convince the millions of players who already uninstalled the game and gives no damn about your whiteknighting moments.

That is literally how you evaluate if you get your money worth out of something. If you didnt enjoy or need to use it. Then you wouldnt. Im not even arguing for the game. Thats just how the world works. Thats why people take free things even if they wont use it. They lose nothing out of it. There is even a saying for it “time is money”.

If thats the case then diablo 3 foenst have an endgame til you hit max paragon, which doesnt exist.Everyone who bought that game must have been massively ripped off…

They weren’t. If they were, we wouldn’t have a cash shop and/or battle passes. The very existence of these things is evidence alone that the game’s base price does not factor in seasonal content.

Yeah, that’s pretty clear to me.

Sorry for explaining to you how pricing works. I didn’t realize I was speaking to a toddler who has no fundamental understanding of how the real world works.

well, im glad you had fun in your 160 hours, I didnt, I dont consinder scuffed game play, lag and bugs “fun”, fun has a subjective definition for every player, yours is based on time spent on the game, mine is about the quality of that time, quality was hot garbage, so think what you want, but millions of players who left the game, critized it, statistics and the game’s rating would disagree with you, have a good day.

In d3 you level up to 70 and increase your power endlessly via paragon.
In d4 you level up to 50 and increase your power up to 100 via paragon.

Yes, but not at the release but continuously over seasons.

And yes, they promised new content every 3 months through the seasons.
We have already received the first one, so they have kept their promise.

hello my friend, i disagree with you, this game is not worth 40 dollars but it is worth exactly 0 because currently it has nothing more to offer than a free to play game. To tell the truth, it is currently even worse than a current free to play.

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Thats not true… i never daid anything about fun. I said if you played it that much you got your moneys worth. If you go to an arcade and put a dollar in you might play for 10 minutes. Where as a dollar in diablo 4 gets you an hour and a half. I never montioned fun at all. It is irrelevant to the conversation we are having about value.


Free-to-play games aren’t free.

Glad I could clear that up!

I can say the exact same thing about you, I can easily say you dont understand how pricing works and have no clue how advertising like they did raises the bar for them and they werent up to the challenge they put to themselves, but you dont matter to me, not in the slightest, so your opinions about me or about what I think holds no values whatsoever, so you can stop whiteknighting.

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