D4 is worth 40$ at most, season 1 is a scam

Tazzy: (from a flagged topic)

If you say anything positive about the game you are bullied, falsely flagged, and eaten alive in these forums. You can’t even say anything positive about Blizzard on the official diablo IV forums without being accused of being a “white knight”.

I would actually like to suggest that Blizzard take some action because official game forums Should be a safe place for fans to discuss the game in a meaningful way without all the negativity. As it stands right now, anyone trying to talk about the game in any kind of positive way are being bullied and harassed by black knights.

Tazzy: (now)

Don’t you see the problem?
You don’t say anything positive, you’re not even arguing.
This is white knighting.
You could join conversation telling why you feel it’s worth for you the full price without attacking others.
But the first thing you do is:
It’s worth it, you’re just entitled.


well said, im glad you tagged him so maybe he can see his own flaws, but i doubt he will, he wants to be positive and be free to voice his “positive opinion” but whoever says anything negative about the game gets attacked by him “you’re just entitled”,

well guess what, yes I am entitled to a better game cause I paid a 100$ for a better game.

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D4 is nostalgia bait, they tricked us all.


In the videos before the release I was promised about 160 hours of playing time for $70.

I’ve had more than 160 hours of fun so far and I’m still enjoying the game.
So for me the game was definitely worth the money.

very simply put, the negatives in D4 outweighs the positives by a ton!, not a single aspect of the game is perfect, not even graphics for that matter, cause the entire map and theme is dark/grey and boring colours, could have been done much better than that and less boring.

to write whats wrong with the game and suggest different ways to fix it requires 20-30 pages and we could do that, except we aint getting paid for it, they are.

You can make mistakes, but you can’t ignore and not solve the problem for a long time. It’s fatal!

Learn from GGG this company quickly solves problems, and you have only the name Big Corporation.

im glad you feel that way, I wish I could share your opinion but I dont.

fun has a subjective definiton for each one of us:

there are those who value and enjoy the story telling and cutscenes in the game and that what makes the game worth it for them, the story telling and cutscenes ends once you finish the campaign which is around lvl 38 up to lvl 50 depends on how many side quests you’ve done.

for a lot of other players and they are the vast majority btw, story telling and cutscenes are a cherry on top, what they care about is a fun gameplay, fun combat system, balanced game, actual content once you reach level 100, cause for a lot of us theory crafters the build is fully realized when you are level 100, not when you are 50 or 70, once you fully finish your build you need content to play that build in, NM dungeons are already consumed during leveling, its what you do from lvl 50 to lvl 100!, so thats not an end game content.

now im not gonna mention the massive issues like lag, rubber banding, bugs and glitches that we face every single day playing the game, put all that aside, the point im trying to make is people play games differently and what makes a good game “GOOD” differs from a player to another.

at the end of the day we are asking for actual improvements, real content in the game that we all can enjoy, including players like you who are already enjoying the game and think its flawless, there will be more fun.

Yes, it is always subjective and depends on the point of view.

And my point of view is different.
For me, the endgame is between 50 and 100.
When I reach 100 I’m done, that’s the end of the endgame for me.
Maybe I’ll play this or another character, it depends on the fun.

But when I reach the end of the game, by my definition, that means the game doesn’t offer me anything that I enjoy anymore.
It could have been before I hit 100.
When this happens, I just quit my activity in this game and do something else.

Sometimes when new content was implemented and it appealed to me, I would come back and play the game again as long as I enjoyed it.
That’s how I feel with all games and it will be the same with D4.

I’m not the type to hold on to a game at all costs.

stop using another account to reply them self , developer suck
this game is scam
every patch, nothing new, wondering around + - skill damage that all they did.

It’s worth about as much as a Sims dlc pack at Walmart.

Throwing “scam” around when he obviously doesnt know what the word scam means.
Kids these days are being failed by the education system, sad times.

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Houston, we have a troll.

It’s been two months. People who were thinking of buying the game have already made that decision one way or the other. And you’re not getting a refund for a game that you max leveled. That’s just a stupid request.

For me the lag got worse the past couple of weeks. Before it was usually just when I ported to town. Now I’ve started noticing it out in the open world whether I’m mounting a horse or sometimes in large fights. They definetly need to fix that.

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yep a scam with no refund option . already apply 3 time a refund deny

“kids” im 33 years old KID, they advertised a season that is supposed to have new content and they advertised new endgame other than NM dungeons and Lilith, their own words btw KID!, they didnt deliver on what they promised and the season costs 10$, it is a SCAM whether you like it/agree with it or not, on your way KID.

The season costs nothing, how can you got scammed when you payed nothing?

$10 are for cosmetics and completeley optional, not for content.

its something you pay to support the game, its like buying support packs in PoE, you can play the game without them, its a free game, but you buy them to support the creators, how is it hard to understand, and by advertising a “new season / new content” then not delivering anything whether you paid it for it or not, its a false advertisement, aka a scam.

also how are you calling it “free content” when we all paid for the game minimum 70$? nothing is for free buddy, this supposed “content” is already paid for and millions of players are upset with the outcome cause it is disappointing and wasnt what they advertised originally.

hence why they are looking for a new season and dungeons designers!!, if they didnt fail massively, why did they apologize and admit it on live stream then? smh

You get cosmetics for it, it’s advertised.

If you don’t buy the cosmetics because you want them, but because you want to support the company, that’s a donation.

I have never heard of any donation being a scam, I was not ordered to do so and it is entirely voluntary.

You paid $70 for the main game (Eternal).
Did you only play 10 hours?

Season content is free content you don’t have to pay extra for it.

you keep calling it free, I remember paying for the game expecting seaonal content, you’re either incompetent or you’re playing dumb, not sure which one though.

if I advertise something and deliver something else then im scamming, false advertisement is essentially a scam, whether its paid or free, it doesnt have to involve money, but this one does involve money, the money we all paid for the game to play it.

I paid for 160 hours of gameplay, which I got.

But if you’ve really been scammed, it’s easy to get your money back. Just go to a lawyer.