D4 is worth 40$ at most, season 1 is a scam

Saying “this game will have seasonal content” is not an advertisement unless it’s explicitly stated in a marketing ad, and it doesn’t mean it was factored into the base price.

Go to the Diablo IV store page. Do any of the tiers/editions include seasonal content in them?

I’ll go ahead and help you and tell you that the answer is no, they don’t. The closest thing they have is the season pass, which is not required to access seasonal content.

Hence: It’s not factored into the base price. You have associated the base price with the seasonal content by your own merit. Blizzard didn’t do that to you.

Just because you say it several times doesn’t make it true, chief. This is nothing more than a cheap discrediting tactic because you have nothing else of substance to argue. I have my own grievances about the game and have vocalized them on the forums, but don’t let that stop you from chirping it over and over again to make yourself feel better about your bad spending habits.

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I didnt say that you mentioned fun, but I did mention fun, its a game we play for entertainment…?, fun is in the name?, its supposed to be fun? xD???, evaluate the game the way you want, for you its quanitity over quality, for me its quality over quantity you dont set the bar for each player in the game, players do, and millions of players have already left the game due to reasons mentioned in my post and more!, are you ok?

I was saying to my friend before s1 that it’s a really good $20 game so i agree

It’s not worth the full price.

OP still feels entitled.

Compare other AAA Games and their content to DIV. It’s not even close. But, asking for a refund down to a price the OP deems ‘reasonable’ in his mind is a bit silly.

They’re free if you’re okay with being weak. If you play barb in D4 you’re okay with being weak. They should have just realeased it F2P with barb and sold the other classes

where did you get the idea that I’m mad about the 100$?

to make things clear, chief xD. I love the game, I want it to be better, you do that by critisizing it, by complaining about its flaws and faults, not by whiteknighting left right and center and clapping for the devs who failed to deliver and in the process almost killed the game, you and people like you running saying that the game is flawless wont push them to improve it, I played wow for many years, Blizzard dont listen to positive consructive feedback, unfortunately.

so you gonna ignore the entirety of the campaign they did to promote the game? whether it was live streams on twitch and youtube or any other articles that were written to summerize those streams?

you gonna throw all that out of the window and ignore what they said and promised in them, right?, lets just stop arguing right here my friend, we aint gonna get along, you are a whiteknight, I respect your stand for them, but its unnecessary and pointless, cause like i said, they already admitted fault, they already promised to never do it again, idk what you’re defending for exactly.

If I played 80h/week in a game that was developed for 160h, I would still be bored after 4 weeks.

again, and again and again, its not about quantity, its about quality, time played is taken into consideration, dont get me wrong, but was that time fun? all of it? wasnt the lag and rubber banding and DCs stressful rather than fun? isnt spamming NM dungeons and leveling process stressful and not exactly fun with all the issues the game has? can you digest what im saying here?

You called season 1 a scam and said the game is worth $40. You then spent another 42 posts in this thread arguing with people about the game, calling them delusional, white knights, shills, etc. etc. Basically the works.

I mean, I don’t know about you, but typically I don’t call things a scam unless I’m upset with it. I think most people, when upset about the price of something they paid, call that thing a scam.

So I would say you’re pretty mad, yes.

I’m not ignoring it. I just don’t think it matters because, ultimately, I and everyone else paid $70 for the base game, which is approximately 100+ hours of content. The seasonal content is just a cherry on top.

Is it perfect? No. Am I disappointed in the seasonal content? Sure.

Am I going to call the game a scam just because I don’t care much for it? No, because I’m an adult who understands that the $70 I paid for had nothing to do with that seasonal content but instead the game itself.

yeah me also but…from one alpha testing ( dragonflight ) to another ( D4 ) Blizzard just continuously failing…its shame like a hell…

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You could call it a scam for other reasons. You could at the very least call it false advertisement because it has been riddled with bugs and even unplayable at times for console players because this game is in beta (at best) yet they advertised it as finished.

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Wow…your logic is so messed up…yeah, keep thinking that and see how fast Blizzard doesn’t change anything. Blizzard loves their “yes” people…including the streamers that completely lied through their teeth!!

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I flagged your post because no matter how much you disagree with me or anyone else you mentioned above, call out posts are against the Rules. That’s a really lame thing to do. I don’t do that and nobody in that list you mentioned does it either.

Hopefully when Microsoft takes over they clean house and apply their PM skills to Blizzard!!

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I am upset, not about the money though, about the game state, Diablo is a big title, and I gladly paid 100 euros for it, im upset about the unfinished work they have given us for 100 dollars/euros, would you agree that they could have done a MUCH better job in every aspect of the game?

you dont think it matters cause you didnt watch it or just straight up dont think it matters for no reason, doesnt magically take it out of the pricing and advertising equation, does it?, if it didnt really matter they wouldnt have done it in the first place.

the game itself isnt worth 100$ tbf with you, count in the campaign the amazing cutscense voice acting, etc, and then count in a long grindy boring repetitive process to lvl to 100 and sort your stash tabs out every few runs, thats not really impressive for 100$, Assassin’s creed have a better value in terms of campaign and story telling element to it, so ultimately its false advertising, not completely obviously, but to a degree it is, it didnt fall to expectations that were set by their own promises and advertising!.

Sure. I mean, there’s certainly a conversation to have about the game’s state. I don’t think it’s any secret that the game was rushed to the finish line. We have articles corroborating such claims so I won’t really refute that.

But we’re not talking about that. The subject is about season 1.

Brother, you can’t sit here and act like you don’t care about the money when this entire thread and conversation has been about your perception of the game’s value. This feels like such a goalpost move.

Lol okay. Now I know not to take anything you say seriously. Good talk! Hope you get over the value thing. Seems like you’re really stuck on it.

well, you are kinda whitknighting along with many others, the very first reply to this post is from you, what did you say in it?

you complained to blizzard about people calling you whiteknight and the forums are supposed to be a safe enviorment, but here you are attacking me and calling me entitled even though im just saying my opinion about the game, you kinda dug a hole for youself and fell in it tbh xD, unlucky.

I don’t mind being called a white knight. I love diablo and I love blizzard and I have since 2004 so that doesn’t bother me if I defend them.

I really dont care about the money, I mean the fact that im here hammering the devs and the game is because I want it to be better, much better.

the “scam” in the title is meant for the 100$ they charged us, but honestly its more for the false advertising, both are essentially the same thing though, my expectaions were way higher than what they delivered, and thats their fault, the promised a lot and couldnt deliver on it.

finally bro, thought you will never finish, you dont seem to understand that people have different taste and opinions and what makes a good game “good” is different from player to another, have a good night.

Some things.
I also have rubber banding lags and dcs from time to time, but Blizzard can’t do anything about that, it’s because of my internet.

There are also many things that I think could be improved, but they are not so critical for me that they spoil the fun for me. For most things I have workarounds that I can live with until they are resolved.
Nmds are not boring for me, I love them, but my favorite thing to do in D3 was bounties, which weren’t for everyone.
And the leveling process is not stressful for me because I enjoy the gameplay and the environment. The longer it takes me, the longer I can enjoy the game. Level-ups come along with game activities.

Unfortunately, what I couldn’t find out is whether you had fun for most of your playing time (>95%), because that would be all that counts for me and I wish you that you can answer that for yourself with yes.