D4 is worth 40$ at most, season 1 is a scam

so beside the very underwhelming release and the massive lag and servers instability in the game, I was hoping that most of the issues will be fixed on S1 release, S1 got released and what do you know, majority of issues are still there, balancing the game was done horribly wrong, they added some hearts and some seaosnal dungeons that have no scaling and are absolutely RNG in regard of what they drop and on top of that they are no challenge whatsoever, boring grinding.

endgame remained the same and nothing was added to it, it is still NM100 and Lilith and both arent really a big challenge, Lilith drops random “sacred xD” and ancestral items, and NM dungeons no matter how high, they dont drop anything special, all you get is a title and a mount once you do NM T75 and T100, this is the first game I have ever seen that doesnt drop anything special from doing high end content, literally random useless items and it gets old and boring REAL freaking fast.

blizzard should refund the S1 money and for those who bought the premium copy of the game they should also refund it, S1 is a massive fail on all levels.

to people who are thinking about buying D4, dont do it, atleast not now, the game is released in alpha state, no content, tons of bugs and glitches, endgame is nonexisting and rewardless, maybe wait a year or 2 until they finish coding the game and add some real content to it, blizzard just scammed people with this game, I regret buying it big time.


It’s worth the full price.

You’re just entitled.


i dont feel scammed.


If this game was listed for free on the Steam store:

  • it’d still have a 22% approval rate (2.2/10)
  • it’d still have a declining player population because it fails to engage players

They milked it for the Diablo title that was established nearly 30 years ago.


OP dont worry that the first two people to comment here responded negatively – they’re VIPs on the IrisFlower list of D4 trolls/knights.


entitled? do you even know what “entitled” means?

I played PoE and other ARPG games, PoE in terms of fun, how the player get rewarded as they progress the game and grind the end game is absolutely thrilling, im not gonna even begin on the content massive gap between D4 and PoE and im only comparing a season in PoE to a season in D4, this season brought few items to the game and a boss that dies in 2 hits, no scaling no specific rewards, nothing!, YET PoE is a freaking free game!, im not entitled, I have a brain and able to compare 2 different games in the same genre!, the player count dropped from 5-6mil to 300k ON A SEASON RELEASE!!! and the game rating dropped from 4.8 to 2.2 or something, you are literally delusional, let all that sink in!


Glad I paid for it with WoW gold.


lmao, should’ve probably done the same tbh.

Bro, don’t take the bait. I know you’re new here, but you’re attempting to have a conversation with someone who has bought all of the chromosome expansion packs.


Nah man, it’s at best an indie game made by 6 men team. Almost comparable to a white label product. The good stuff is the graphics but rest is crap. So I wouldn’t pay more than $15 for it.


Most of the people saying it’s not worth it have like 200+ hours played I’ve noticed. They don’t in many cases realize ARPG’s aren’t meant to last forever. Hence why we have seasonal to manual reset the game every few months.

While I can agree with them the end game gets bland. I still feel like I got my moneys worth. I personally have probably 250 hours into the game already at this point. And I still have 3 whole classes I haven’t even tried yet.


oh you’re absolutely right, ARPGS like D4 and PoE arent meant to last forever, see in PoE every seaons lasts 3 months, I personally play like a month and a half sometimes 2 months and then bail out, play something else, PoE has enough content and mechanics that makes it interesting long enough, D4 S1 brought literally nothing, few hearts that allowed players to further customize their builds, bosses? encounters? scaling? nothing from the season affected endgame content, NOTHING!, nightmare dungeons are literally unchanged, at the end of the day everyone will have his own opinion based on different experiences, so you can think its a good game and its worth 100$, I think its a massive scam and is a drop in a bucket when you compare it to PoE or Last Epoch.


It’s really not.

If I go to a ramen restaurant and my 30 dollar bowl of ramen is actually just a Cup of Noodles, I can both eat the Cup of Noodles and say that the meal should have been 29 bucks cheaper.

D4 should have been f2p with 40 dollar optional campaign.


This is the thing I never said it was an amazing 10/10 game. I just am saying I got my moneys worth.

I played Kingdom Hearts awhile back. I beat the game in 17 hours. There was no extra content in the game. That actually felt bad. Was like a 2 day game.

I don’t consider something I put 200+ hours into a waste of my money though. Clearly it has kept us all captivated enough to take 2 weeks of our lives lol Hell we are still on forums talking about it right now.

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nah man, the game is worth full price xD, meanwhile blizzard themselves are looking for season and dungeons designers xD, if blizzard themselves know that they’ve failed and didnt deliver, this guy thinks otherwise!!!, blows my mind.

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Quality over quantity. I can play clash of clans for years and not spend a dollar.

D4 is not a premium cut of steak at a steak house. It is a Steak-Umms

70 dollars was overpriced.


Revert the patch !



Nah I was here before the patch. People were wildly confused and upset at what this game was before the patch.


they werent exactly 2 good weeks, I have not yet played the game ONCE without lags, rubber banding or bugs, every single day i face bugs and lags, im not hammering blizzard and their game cause I hate D4, im hammering it cause I like the game and i want it to be better, but if you keep your opinion to yourself and never talk about it, then they will think they did a great job, like I said, some people will think the game is a good game and worth the money but statistics and the fact that blizzard apologized for S1 and the fact they are already looking for Season and dungeons designers says otherwise, we know they failed, they know they failed.


I have a rule.

I take x = how much game cost
y = how much hours I played and had fun.

Divide x by y. If it’s less than 1$/hour, then worth it !

I’m already at more than 100 hours in D4. For me, even if I stop playing, worth it.

What other fun in the world you can get for 1$/hour ?