D4 is designed to frustrate players

Backtracking is most certainly a thing.

Place 3 stones on the alters. Except, you will have to backtrack often due to no loop arounds while you collect them.

I am really skeptical about your claim about never having to backtrack since beta.

Theres dungeons without backtracking why exactly prey tell do you think blind burrows was so popular.

I’ll give you a hint…

It doesn’t have backtracking…

Oh and another hint…

It’s not the only one.

That’s an easy one. They haven’t backtracked since beta bc they haven’t played since beta.

It feels like the cut corners everywhere.

Diablo Immortal really screwed D4 in the end.

I think if this was the focus and Immortal never existed we would have the next leap forward not a half step like we got.


The heck you talking about it was made entirely from another team.

The reality is mobile games tend to both habe alot of content and are generally fun.

Being just barely fun is how they hook you into spending money.

Thats what makes games like star rail, tof, genshin as popular as it is there generally fun games. P2w games but generally fun

Agreed with most of the points.
I also want to add that certain uniques (not the super uniques like Shako) are too rare. Like druids having multiple Vasily prayer helmet but not a single tempest roar helmet even after hitting 100.
Not too sure what progression is there anymore after 100 aside from pinnacle boss.

That’s all well and good when you can target a dungeon. Stop thinking only about NMD content.

There are side quest and Aspect dungeons a well. You get what they give.

I suppose if I only played specific dungeons on repeat, there wouldn’t be a problem, but I don’t because there is content besides NMD.

Eh better then barb uniques none of ours is actually used when you push t100 or lilith.

Outside one grandfather but no one has that.

So that means you don’t need uniques to push t100 or clear Lilith.
How is that a problem?

Lack of difficulty and pinnacle challenges before uber lilith.
As Barbarian i basically 1crit killed everything from 1-100 while taking barely any damage, wasnt really a “Diablo” experience at all.

Bosses in dungeons are an absolute pathetic joke, way too undertuned

Literally not even 1 single replayable campaign Dungeon with Duriel/Andariel as a challenging boss…Excusing this lack of “Diablo” gameplay is a joke and your a blizzard apologist who
is completely fine with being drip fed content

because “The games gonna have content for years”

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I want minions to be like they were pre-launch, before they nuked them pre-launch and again on day 1.


Day 1 beta was the best state the game has been in.


I concur.

I’d like to add, respec cost are also it. it’s so easy to make a bad build, paragon boards are so complicated, I have to farm hours just to try a new build that might be a bust… and I can’t afford to tweak it…

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It cost millions, thats why i farm 100 Millions gold now, just in case they nerf Rogue’s again.

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How about a super tanky boss that teleports out of your blizzard aoe damage over and over every time you dump your entire mana pool.

I’m in the 40’s and more than half my drops are still sacred, so doesn’t look like it…although it does seem a bit less than when I got to wt4. At least I don’t still see pre-sacred anymore.

I just had exactly this in my last nightmare dungeon, only it was one of the chubby zombies that just keeps charging in random directions…with the suppressor shield XD

This is one thing I do not understand. 4 shared tabs amongst your main and alt(s) is silly.

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Man… I agree 100% with the ones above! They suck sooooooooooooooooooo mcuh!


Also, no social features whatsoever.

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The paragon tree respec is annoying, they should have a refund board option.

The events with the dialogue, like bro we don’t care.

Back tracking is massively annoying.

So much chain CC, it’s obnoxious.