The more I play this game, the more I feel this game is designed to frustrate players. Let’s face it, how many of you are not frustrated? I don’t know why this game’s philosophy is to frustrate people.
Here’s a long list of things I can think of:
Horse getting stuck on the smallest rock that you cannot see
Respawning at beginning of dungeon or miles away when you die
Chain CC from frozen, serpent eye, fear, etc (You’ll get rewarded with sacred gear for killing them)
Back tracking for animus drop because your pick-up radius is -10 and not noticing
Back tracking dungeons in general to waste your time
Forced to listen to survival thank you for 5s+ before he drops your chest reward
Events spawn 5 mobs at a time for you to kill every 5-10s to waste your time
More Sacred gear drops instead of Ancestral in high level content
Input delay on PC - May be bugged due to too many inputs queued I think
4 SHARED stash tab
Not being able to do certain NM dungeons on your alt because you have to re-clear the stronghold
Map blind for all alts
Necro summoning minions in WT4+ non stop because they get 1 shotted by anything, even if fully spec into minion defense
Necros having to exactly mouse-over corpses for spells to work, or you’re just casting into the void
Many NM affixes are just there to piss you off (Lightning, orb that blinds you, resource burn, etc)
Paragon board respec is tedious
I’m sure there are tons more to add to this list. The list above just makes this game anti-fun.
The best way to play bleed barbarian is to make the mobs bleed then run forward to the next pack, but if you do that, all your gold and items are constantly falling behind you. Of course you can sit around and wait for the monsters to bleed out, but then you’re not taking advantage of the play styles strength.
It’s clear the developers didn’t pay much attention to how they were designing the game. Their only goal was to get it pushed out this year.
Yeah, it just screams time wasting mobile game design. Every little thing you can think of has some irritating design choice behind it purely there to waste your time. I have failed the wave events simply because the game waits way too long to spawn enemy. The pickup radius is intentional because in diablo 3 there was a shrine that increased your gold pickup range. They have the technology but purposely made the game like this. Why do all of the aspect icons look the same? Why do the glyph icons look the same? Why is there no way to search your stash? Why is the stash so small when there are 10 character slots? Why is the character inventory an odd number from the stash inventory?
They created these problems and will sell us the solutions through the seasons and battlepasses/expansions.
Though some of the items on the OP’s list are per design and, in my opinion, not that big of deal (NM Dungeon affixes, for instance), there are definitely some puzzling, if not outright lazy UX design choices.
For example: Who thought that not adding a “Refund All” button to the Paragon boards was a good idea? Also, their storage and inventory management is awful - in this particular case, if they were intending to hearken back to their roots, then I guess they kind of succeeded. D2’s inventory management was a chore - although, at least you got to play a bit of Tetris… Seriously though, managing gear, aspects, consumables, sigils, and gems - they simply offer the barest of solutions.
Considering that Horse travel, related cosmetics, and such are supposed to be a big feature of the game, they really need to refine it - a lot. I want to love it but it’s buggy and can sometimes be more hassle than it’s worth - especially considering that you can dramatically boost your movement speed with passives and stats on your boots and amulet.
A lot of the event mechanics, dialogue, and such are fun the first handful of times - brings life to the open world. After awhile though, it gets dull and tedious. I’d love to see more variety and more dynamic interactions. I always enjoy finding an event in a dungeon that I haven’t seen before or don’t come across all that often
The input delay issue is huge, but I’m not sure if other players are experiencing the same thing or it’s just a minority. I’ve tried different settings too from turning on/off Nvidia Reflex etc and nothing seem to fix it.
It really makes the game feel laggy, sluggish and clunky on PC, especially if you have high APM.
I haven’t had this issue at all, they’re not that difficult to notice, show up on the minimap as bright blue dots, and they drop right at the mob, unlike with d3 rift progress orbs which spread out to like a 15 yd radius or something.
I haven’t needed to backtrack in any dungeons since the beta. Are you just repeating things you heard from the open beta?
You poor thing…
This is for events with a time limit for mastery. It’s not testing that you can kill a lot of small enemies at once by waiting for them all to spawn and then killing the easy ones with a couple quick aoes, it’s testing that you can kill what spawns quickly. That is the challenge of the event.
I get plenty of ancestral gear in high level content, but ancestral gear isn’t just “gear that is high level”, it’s its own grade. So, why do you expect to not get sacred gear when you still get whites and blues?
If you think this could be “Too many inputs queued”. This could also just be due to your keyboard. Depending on the kind you use, keyboards are limited in how many key presses they register simultaneously, so it could be that your keyboard isn’t even sending those key presses to your computer at all.
One of the benefits of mechanical keyboards.
Likely going to be season journey rewards adding new stash tabs, as there were for d3.
They already confirmed this being changed for the season 1 patch. (Campfire chat a week ago)
Yeah the damn pebble issue, also Horse speed is how far your cursor is ahead of the horse. Alot of things about the horse are annoying.
Never had minions 1 shot by anything, even running WT4 at 60 or NMs far above my level(like NM40+ at 70). I dont even spec the “max damage minion can take” nodes. This is mostly a character setup issue. Minion defense comes for gear/paragon stuff.
I’m enjoying the game a lot. Still agree with most of OP’s points. The horse especially drives me bonkers. I hear it’s not as bad on console but on PC sometimes I wish I could spear the thing and roast it in some hellfire.
I get this is fine for the first time experience, but if you’ve done these events 10+ times, do you really want to listen to the same dialog over and over?
I am using a mechanical keyboard, so that isn’t the issue. There’s actually a huge post on D4 subreddit about this as well. Seems to also exist on Xbox and PS5, so it’s not limited to PC players only.
Have you not played dungeons where you need to bring two or more pedestal to a door/entrance? It’s backtracking when you run through the same place again with no mobs.
If this is so, explain how is this considered fun or challenging? Mobs aren’t even elites…
Dude i have a long list of things wrong with this game that aren’t even on your list lol, so yea, there are definitely tons more assinine things that are in this game to make it tedious and annoying to play.
I think it would be better if these events either ended as soon as you gained mastery (unless it’s a “survive” mechanic) or better yet, you get bonuses to loot and xp commensurate to the number of mobs killed or waves cleared after mastery has been achieved. I don’t have any issues with mastery unless it’s a “Keep these guys alive for x amount of time” in the middle of a NM dungeon. Still, if I am going to have to twiddle my thumbs for a wee bit after I’ve already “mastered” the event, I’d like to be rewarded for my time.
as annoying as this is, its kind of necessary, if you revived closer to a very dangerous enemy, they’d just waltz right over and kill you again if you had made the decision to portal out or something, im not sure what the solution is, maybe a small area of invisibilty for the player unless they start moving?
Otherwise i completely agree with all your other issues.