D4 is designed to frustrate players

The playstyle for ice shards is to teleport to a group of mobs, draw them all in with you raiment ability, freeze them for vuln with frost nova, then shoot ice shards.

But your ice shards won’t hit anything that’s right on top of you, which is where the raiment power places them. So half the time you have to move from the middle a little bit and then shoot your ice shards.

If something walks on top of you, you have to stutter step one way or the other to try and get some range. It’s entirely frustrating and annoying.

I’m pretty sure it’s a bug. But there is no way beta testers didn’t bring this to their attention. From what I understand, they didn’t really listen to anything beta testers brought up to their attention.

And something tells me this will never get fixed.


It’s ridiculous to think developers designed the game to frustrate players. Why would they do that? What incentive do they have to develop a video game to purposely frustrate the user? What do they get out of it ?

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My main complaints are with the imprinting, enchanting crafting system. No way to turn lower quality mats into higher quality ones. I feel like I’m holding on to all of these items and aspects but I have to crush legendaries to apply them, and I can only use them once because you can’t extract imprinted items. I end up feeling behind on ilvl compared to my drops because I only have enough materials to imprint one thing, and then I might drop something better right afterwards. Enchanting should be more deterministic given the number of stats in the game and how hard it is to drop something that’s perfect. Deeper crafting in general would make the itemization more interesting.

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Dude didn’t add the Resource Burn effects in Nightmare Dungeon. Imagine being in a Nightmare dungeon with Resource Burn effect filled with range monsters.

Well they can ‘fix’ those issue in seasonal update in case they don’t have anything new to show each season and then white knight will just applause that blizzard really did listen to the community

Like you should know by now that blizzard just love to create problem and selling solution for good will or $$$ and it very clear in this game lots of good qol stuff from d3 are simply not there


100% seeing this. Thought it was just me.

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Don’t think this game was ready for launch, maybe 3-4 more months in the oven could have ironed out majority of the issues but this isn’t the same blizz we know. This feels more like an indie game with a big staff/low budget.


You forgot the trash rooms. Devs call these “hold out” rooms. They’re the rooms in dungeons that lock you in until you complete the task. Usually they have higher mob density than the rest of the dungeon but they have zero loot, exp or gold. It’s literally just to waste your time.


Yep, I get it all the time, especially if I am trying to get 2 or more abilities out quickly one after another. One will happen, but the other won’t.

Certain AoE skills, like Blizzard, often requires 2 button pushes to get to happen, even if I haven’t activated a skill before that for several seconds.

Another related issue to skill input is a situation where my character won’t move, and I am not CCed or surrounded. Clicking to move simply does nothing for a second or two.

I don’t think either is a ping issue for my connection and ping is pretty good most of the time. It just seems the game ignores my commands once in a while-- usually when it hurts the most lol.


I salvage any sigil with resource burns. Not worth the time and effort to get through it.


Preach on, brother. I was just coming on to complain about the damage resistant mobs that are every fourth pack. There’s nothing awesome or compelling about whiffing against normal mobs for 30 seconds before it lets you do any damage, when they’d die in 3 hits normally.

Yea this happened to me several time too I noticed! My character will just be stuck in place and all left-clicking will be ignored. The only way to get control back is by using Space or casting another spell. Definitely a bug and adds on top of the already clunky response.


D4 is designed to frustrate players

Every video game in history is designed to frustrate players. Why does this surprise you?

I can handle design meant to slow us down, or make us pay attention to what we are doing instead of rush rush rush, so many of your listed annoyances don’t rustle my jimmies. The things that get me are bugs/coding issues, like the keyboard input which is huge, and the worst implementation of a mount in gaming history. I also give a nod to the asinine paragon board respec. Am I crazy in thinking there was a respec all button in Beta?

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I am about to start the game and noted your points. Thank you for this. This is useful for my review.

So at first I thought this was a “too many things on the screen so some actions get dropped during a network request” but yeah it’s totally this. Try mashing three skills at once, only two will fire. Wtf.


I got on D3 a bit ago. It feels so crisp and responsive.

I am sad.

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I have also had this issue. I am very attentive to key presses, and I have had many instances where the input didn’t register.


Damn. You definitely hit the head on a lot of the annoying issues with the game.

So I’m not the only one who has experienced this… I thought for sure my keyboard was just crapping out on me.


LOL yeah I got on yesterday since I can’t play this buggy piece of excrement, and I was shocked at how smooth and crisp D3 feels. I farmed about 50 paragon on my HC whirl rend barb. Like Butter.


Its not their intention.

The game designers are just horrible at their jobs lol.

They actually released this game with no gem tabs and 4 stash tabs btw.

All you need to know about how bad they are at their job. But aleast the diablo title is strong right kek fastest selling PC game, soon to be fastest dying PC game.