D4 feels bad man

Nah diablo immortal also did that… if you farm exp hard you get minus xp buff so no more lvling for today… also after 7 legos the drop rate reduced…

Itemization of the D4 is tragic! This game has broken the basic elements that make ARPG games good. The only thing good in D4 is the graphics, sound design and some animations.


D4 looking sexy feeling gooood :biting_lip:

After a break (sorc lvl 94) i wanted to see if Season 1 has improved a bit. I played to level 11 and got my first legendary item! Level 2… blue items in inventory were far better. switched off again. I don’t want to know how someone who bought the game new at full price feels. diablo 4 is like that legendary item: it could have been so good. but it is not.

the new cooldown times are cool too. is there a cd reduction for the new gems? would make sense, then the char feels exactly the same in the endgame as before the first season. really fun to work towards

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I think leveling 1-50 is pretty solid dude, and they’re improving endgame by each patch - Poe didn’t get to its current state two months in

  • Loot is boring
  • Gameplay is more boring
  • Dungeons are even more boring
  • Renown is hell on earth boring
  • Season 1 is nightmare boring
  • Social aspects are insanely boring

Bored, Bored, Bored. Been gaming since Zork 1. Cant even force myself to play.


Sorry but your posts are more out of place as you are either whining about a whiner or just trying to be annoying…

That is exactly how I feel, and I play Diablo games since 2002.

Shouldnt you just be reading the positive post if reading a negative post upsets you that much? Logical fallacies, youre full of em. “If theres something I dont like anything about. Then I avoid it.” Yet you click on the threads you dont like anything about and insert your dipsht opinion that no one in the thread cares about.

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It doesn’t take a philosopher to know that season 1 wouldn’t fix anything. The game has fundamental issues. Without a proper foundation, there is no way to build a sturdy game.


They don’t even need a boss every time. Boss hunting is actually boring and would be more fun if it was random and had a high chance of dropping good loot, now if only the game had good loot.