D4 feels bad man

NGL, I’m not even going to initiate a crap shoot about mechanics or gameplay at this point. This whole thing comes across as a weird social experiment that has gone awry.

There’s no doubt that the game shouldn’t have been released in the state it’s in. After seeing the most recent campfire chat, the game director looks like he’s completely exhausted from eating piles of :poop: from every direction. The 5th floor executives are setting impractical deadlines and budgets, the middle management is confused, the software engineers are whiplashed from changing directions so quickly every week.

I still stand by this: this game should be F2P as it is. F2P with a cash shop and season battle passes. This game is trying to push the boundaries and think outside the box, yet it fails to deliver in every respect.

These four sentences from a reddit post perfectly sum up the experience:

“…This is an ACTION RPG with slow paced action.

It’s a LOOT hunter with boring loot.

This is an MMO with no social aspects.

A dungeon crawler that feels more like a game of fetch the stones and put them on the pedestals. “

It just feels bad. A huge disappointment all around.


Yeah, for me it really comes down to the homogenous class design and terrible itemization. I could have looked past all the other flaws if they nailed class design and the loot, but they didn’t. And most of these problems can’t be fixed by just shuffling the numbers in either direction. The problems are both foundational and systematic problems that need complete overhaul.


Thank you for expressing this exactly the way I feel. I’m just a loong time Diablo player and first time poster. I felt compelled to express my dissatisfaction but couldn’t get the words right.


I think this game is great!


I agree. I actually felt bad for him. I could tell the stress he is under, and yes, self inflicted.


Agreed, it’s just not for them, yet they take their time trying to convince the others that it is bad. They also get upset when you make it clear that you are having fun. :rofl:


Yes… and ultimately the game plays like an MMO. If it was played from a 1st person perspective or 3rd person over-the-shoulder perspective, nobody would even suggest it is an ARPG. The only ARPG-like element it has is the isometric view. Even then, the isometric view in this game is too zoomed in and creates an awkward ARPG experience.

They need to pick a direction to go: full MMO or full ARPG. It’s already mostly leaning towards MMO with its foundation.


I agree with that Reddit post completely.

That’s why I wrote it :laughing:


You wrote an epic statement. I’m tempted to link it but won’t out of respect.


Its a 12/10 post sir - kudos!


Slow paced action - definitely an opinion

Boring loot - eh, could be better but also 100% an opinion

MMO with no social - I guess, but why this is a big deal :man_shrugging:

Never played a game of “fetch the stones and put them on the pedestals”. But I guess the dungeons could be more creative as far as having extra activities within - I guess since most dungeon crawlers dont really have…anything.


No the problem is the dungeons have too many activities. Dungeons should have three goals.

  1. Find boss
  2. Kill boss
  3. Loot boss

They need to get rid of all the other objectives.


You can have an opinion that fast food taste good. Thank goodness some people know the difference between stuff that taste good and people who just don’t care. The loot is for now boring.

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Just wish people would get off the whole “White Knight vs Review Bomber” mentality and see the game for what it is. Painfully mid. That’s pretty much it.

It has the foundation of a great game. It’s so close in so many aspects, but just not quite there in any of them. And people will say “give it time, just wait, D3 got so good after 5 years”, but the truth is, I didn’t buy future stock in a video game. I very much expected these systems to be included in the release and then iterated on in the future.



Find boss, kill boss, loot boss is kind of the uncreative default function of dungeon crawling which isnt bad per se, but personally I feel like dungeons could use more imagination.

Find boss, kill boss, loot boss so grog find shiny make grog smile. Grog now happy grog play simple game. grog no like if grog think more than click button.


I was kinda hyped for the season, loved playing on my druid on eternal realms, did quit a week or two to make the season feel more fun, lvl 34 Necro now, feels like a ABOSLUTE slog to get through the game to get to 50 and actually start the game.

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And thats a great mid opinion, and while I mostly agree, we no longer live in a world where mid gets things done. Thats why the extremes are supported, nurtured, and enabled.

If we all felt just mid about the game there would be far less vitriol one way or the other but then would Blizz effectively be able to identify what makes the game better?

With less stress - maybe so…unfortunately we are very far away from ever knowing what peace and quiet is in this community.

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I actually kind of disagree with this take. I wouldn’t mind if dungeons had more optional objectives. Key word being optional.

The Glyph system for example is one of these things that could be altered in this way. Right now, the game is rush the boss as fast as possible to get loot and level up your glyph (with garbage mechanics thrown in the way to slow your progress). That should be split in two.

You should be able to rush to the boss to get your loot reward, as you said, but also, be incentivized to clear the dungeon to get reward experience for your glyphs, or even to find bonus addons for your glyph, etc. Of course the main issue with glyphs is that it takes far too long to level them, with multiple runs needed through dungeons, and each level of a glyph being these tiny, incremental gains, with a couple of larger boosts (the range increase) thrown in late in the process. There should be less leveling and more impactful level rewadds to the system.

Beyond that, dungeons need to be far larger, deeper, and more varied in design (through randomization). The boss fights themselves need to be far more engaging, and with more bosses to pull from at the end, with varying mechanics.

I just can’t get how a dungeon-crawl looter that is designed around dungeons being one of the major end-game activities has designed dungeons to be as bland and repetitive to run through as this game. It boggles my mind.

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Definitely the biggest problem for me is

I don’t mind farming the same crap over and over again, as long as the loot hunting is fun… But they managed to create absolutely no interesting loot. The reason why people waste thousand of hours in D2R and PoE is because the loot is interesting, ton of different build enabling uniques, materials to craft, runes to create runewords. You are basically picking up every little nook and cranny you find because the base / item could be used to further expand your game play on your current toon, or build the basis for creating another.

Really don’t understand why people keep crying about nerfs, when the real problem is much deeper.


If you think about it, 98% of all items are just rares.

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