They took risks when making Diablo 2

And OMG it’s still paying off 20 years and 2 games later.
Man I wish everyone could see how much of a trash shovelware game this is, if only they didn’t have the Rights to the name.


They’ve got lightning in a bottle. All they have to do is just copy D2. Copy/paste the items and skill system if they have to. New zones, D4 engine, boom – game of the year.


if not for the name

you would not event spit on this game while playing path of exile

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Yup looks like a troll post boys. Pack it in, nothing to see here.

Right… They are taking a risk… And oh, you have a whopping 2 posts, paid shrill.

This is true. I agree.

Always room for improvement. It takes time.

Yeah? Well team 2 got it right straight out of the bat! Team 1 can’t improve upon 2 seasons for exactly half an year? Please, explain how big of a room exactly are you talking about?

No amount of patch gonna make this poopie of a game close to decent lol

The core game is the problem, good luck with the overhauled

Ill see you in 15 years.

Didn’t answer my question, though.

Improve for who? You guys that wanna run around in circles for d and get free ubers without effort? Is that your version of improvement?

I didn’t say anything about any ubers. You said there’s a room for improvement. So, tell me what improvements you think will save this season.

Save the season, lol…

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
HAhaha, ok, I see now. You really are delusional that everything is fine the way it is. Oh boy… :joy: :joy:

Sure sure. Whats wrong? Actually have to think for your ubers?

they took risks even with D3.
Yeah it failed, but fundamentally it was very different game from D2.

They took 0 risks with D4. Cuz it’s d3 clone and let’s be honest D3 was extremly controversal game( for me and for many others it was extremly trash). Why? Cuz their marketing departmant works now way better than the their developers and they knew that with 0 risks they could sell this game anyway.

It is not a D3 clone, if you have ever played D3 you would know that.

sure man, it’s not.

They renamed things so that guys like you think it’s not a clone.
LMAO. Probably D3 player.

D1 on floppy, D2 on a CD, D3 on a DVD, D4 on download, Warcraft one on 52 3.5s. Wolfenstein 1. Yadayada