D4 feels bad man

He’s probably been eaten up and spat out by Blizz higher up (Rod mainly, gotta have a scapegoat) multiple times in the last few days…

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Kind of defeats the purpose of the title “rare”, no?

Yeah - a lot of people came out of the woodwork upset about nerfs they read about. That was just the straw to break the camel’s back.

I concur.

Yeah - that guy is being chewed up and spit out by the corporate machine. I’m sure he’s a great guy to have a beer with and all. Just… ouch.

Honestly I have no clue what you are even talking about. Are you sure you’re in the right thread?

Someone said “I like the game”, and you replied to them about how people with criticisms of the game are upset when other people like it? Even though nobody said anything like that? The OP actually pointed out why they didn’t like the game, and you decided to inject toxicity into the thread. Like, you’re doing exactly what you’re accusing others of (in other threads I assume because it didn’t happen here), just from the opposite perspective.


I don’t understand these kind of posts. Criticism about certain aspects of the game is valid. But when you are complaining about every single thing about the game. Then the question is… why are you still posting about it? Shouldn’t you be playing something else.

If there is something I do not like anything about. Then I avoid it. I do not linger around it telling it how much I don’t like it. It is like someone who does not enjoy fast food hanging around a Mc Donalds restaurant complaining about how much they don’t like the food they sell. Which is what a lot of you people seem to doing. This is very strange (no life) behaviour.


Nah.I dont agree , Action rpg doesn’t dictate pace. It not a singular category.
Although speaks to the person that wrote it.

Has 66 uniques just like D1, boring, like what, most of them i have found are ok.
Sure some could be better and more creative.

Cleary doesn’t take the time and effort to read the details on weapon names and the variety of stats you can then transform into a legendary with multiple power choice, for example ash bringers power is on a Two hand sword in d3 only, D4 you have what 3-5 options on powers to slot on gear,

Not a MMO, been said its a aol arpg.

Last one is just dumb.

Is this person Dense. Honestly game has some flaws and needs polish.

The people who think this is factual, need a re-work.

It’s honestly like goldfish brains.

100% this is the main problem

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I agree that this game is very bad. They oddly decide every few weeks to try and make it worse. I really don’t understand their logic. But they keep feeding us this crap and we all keep eating it. Put the spoon down folks, maybe in a year it will be more fun to play.

Part of the problem I suspect is PVP…

They put too much emphasis on making sure no single piece of gear would obliterate an opponent in a PVP bracket.

With stacked uniques, whoever stacks the most in a bracket tends to win. That’s why D4 doesn’t allow stacked uniques, and has no low level uniques regardless. It’s also maybe why its hard to find a piece of gear in lower levels at least that gives a significant power spike.

In D4 because every level only gives about 2% more performance per item it keeps everyone on the same flat curve.

Itemization is partly bland because that is what keeps PVP fair, and then add the weird crap that level scaling does to drops and you have the mess we’re in.

Also if you look at the bonuses “damage when near or far, vulnerable” etc they look more like PVP stats than PVE ones.

I’m a senior player, casual as I just enjoy playing for said enjoyment. I have played D2, introduced it to my kids, Loved D3 played it and all of the seasons, and now for something completely different. I had high hopes for D4. I started with a sorcerer and struggled to level 50. Decided to try again with a different sorcerer. Never really got any decent drops, nothing memorable but managed to make level 30 before the update. I started dying again in a place I had been before. Over and over my sorceress died and died again. I stopped! No point as it wasn’t fun. When I was playing D3 you could expect the rare drop of a legendary. Not so in D4 IMHO. I struggled. I liked the graphics, the areas were interesting but somehow I just didn’t feel a connection. So I’m back playing D3 season. Why do I have to play to tier 4 before I can expect to find anything memorable? Why is it just a slog to the next encounter trying to level up in hopes of finding the Next ITEM for my character? Reaper of Souls made D3 better. Not sure this will happen for D4 and not sure I’m willing to wait. Sorry Blizzard, in my opinion you really destroyed it for me. For now Not playing D4!!!


I agree. They’ve also intentionally put in mechanics that slow down the game - like having to find and run under a dome to protect from being one shot. There are at least 3 dungeon affix types I skip entirely, not because I can’t beat them - they are just no fun. Stop, pause, wait, backtrack. I get the feeling that those that ‘discover’ Diablo 4 two years from now will be much better off.

I’ve actually thought a lot about this. I actually agree with the original post for all items listed, but only as it relates to end game. I think the main story and levelling I really enjoyed and over the last 30 levels to 100, felt exactly those things. I did get there, but it was more goal oriented to hit 100 than expecting to really enjoy the journey. It’s just very uninspired end game material and for me, the biggest problem is the loot at end game. Before that and as you are working thru builds and paragon boards and tweaking and feeling some power improvements thru various gear choices - all good, get to a certain level and for me, it becomes what the original poster posted. The game is worth my money, but they need to really address the slog that is 70+.

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Low density slow paced gameplay combined with slow paced and forced builder generator feels bad. As does nearly all Uniques being bad.

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ITs not working, I cant with these seasonal characters the whole design is draining, i was having much more fun on my main eternal character and got him to level 60 like just a few days before the season drop and now i feel like it was pointless


Did you get those quotes from me? Because they are almost word for word what I say and how I feel lol

Really just the lag feels bad, man.

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Gtfo and take your 66 children with you.

Its like an MMO, but this one you get to go back to lvl 1 every 3 months due to no real end game content.


I’m not playing seasons. Never cared for restart. However, I am a level 95 necro. There are still paragon board nodes that have been reported by multiple people regarding the Hulking Monstrosity tree nodes that increase damage while golem is active. Those nodes do not even function. You get 0 damage increase. The fact that they were reported first right at launch and later on, still not fixed is just Blizzard not paying attention. It has shown in other areas, like the huge nerf with the latest patch. While I have played every Diablo game, this one has the most work that needs to be done. I love Diablo, but, they really need to start listening to the community more and going in a more positive overall direction. For me, not being able to access 25% to 35% damage increase (because I love my minions no matter how bad they are now) just adds more slog to how long it is taking in combat.

do they have a single gamer on their development team? or just a bunch of money hungry suits that don’t know sheet about gaming or what would be a badass game? Angel and demon legions with the ability to join either? team horde pvp? arenas? guantlets? a group finder? an auction house for actual gear? godly divine platemail? raids ?nothing, I can’t even name any dungeons or where any bosses are because they where all the same generic grind, three this open the door, three that open the door, grab a box open the door…what where there two actual puzzles from a kids menu…maybe just add tristram open a gate to hell and grind down till it’s over level return to town regroup idk i grinded the entire game solo…ultimate edition you get one non moving emote, what a rip off, no healers no core group, no reason to group up even if you could ive beaten every area cleared every dungeon, went 25 in beta…got nothing…20 in sever slam nothing…ultimate edition nothing…i haven’t even started the game up for the battle pass because of seasonal characters i’m not restarting this pile of cash grab rip off mediocrity again. I love D2 and what this game could or can be but right now the ball is pha-king dropped. it’s not even an improvement on diablo immortal at least it had elder rifts as repetitive as they are better than every dungeon being the exact same just in a less conveinant location, was there a single option in the entire story? it’s a long strait hallway of text, any innovations like the nemesis system? any real control over this world it’s magic or the war between heaven and hell?…no instead of looking like the new world of warcraft or eso online, it’s an overhead game which is fine but with zero innovation choice or personality wth, it’s so boring and generic you cannot possibly have any real gamers or creative thinkers on your team, im so disappointed in the people that could deliver…they just never do, it’s like hogwarts sure it looks good but it’s so shallow i can’t get into it.

Agreed. The reward system just doesn’t feel rewarding for sure. There’s nothing I’m thinking about when I finish playing for the evening that I go to bed contemplating how I’m going to get there tomorrow or whatever.

You know when you’re ultra excited for a game you just got into or have been into, you go to bed, but you’re still thinking about it? How you’re gonna do this, what you’re gonna do next, and you have all these things to do.

I don’t do that here. The season 1 release made it even more clear how lackluster it all is. The forums discourage me from even wanting to play at all and rather I’d spend time reading posts just to self fulfill my own prophecy that the game is suffering yet I do not seek out others’ posts that align with my own. I just feel the same way by default.

I don’t know.

At this point when I play I just feel like I’m dead watching everyone else around me live out their lives as if they know what they’re doing, enjoying it, and I’m wandering aimlessly around wishing I could feel what it’s like to be part of something I don’t understand and simply mimic what everyone else is doing thinking the point will present itself to me and change my perspective and bring me back to the living.


I’m glad I still bought it. I gave them my money. I own it. I own my decision to sacrifice that money but let it not be in vain. I have hope they will use it wisely and improve the daft state it is currently in no doubt.