D4 feels bad man

I can get behind most of what you said providing the side objectives were optional. But this I don’t understand. The dungeons already feel too large. I wish they would cut the size to 1/3 what it currently is. When I go in a dungeon my goal is to kill the boss and get out of the dungeon asap. Most of the time I get halfway through a dungeon, think about how many of them I have to do to level my glyphs, and just log out instead. Everything in this game is an absolute slog.


That is because they made the dungeons uninterssting to begin with, with the only goal at the end. Thus, get to it as fast as possible and kill the boss. I am all for larger dungeons. I want them to get larger as the difficulty level goes up for example. I want labyrinthine, deep, massive dungeona to explore, witb multiple secrets and objectives to do. And by objectives, I don’t mean collect the glowing rocks to unlock the door. I mean alternate things to do, as I explained above with the glyphs, or secret rooms to find, secret bosses, hidden things. All of that is good for me. But smaller dungeons? No thanks.

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leveling is definitely not fun.

freaks who hit 100 in a day not withstanding (how the f?), leveling is a chore, a boring slog.

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How Is this game any different from Final Fantasy 9?

Wait, so literally nobody in this thread replied to that guy at all, and that is what you chose to contribute? Who is contributing to the toxicity and polarization here?

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I think that is preferable to what we have now, but I could see a world where there are actual engaging objectives.

He didn’t look comfortable at all. Looked like he was sleep deprived and with all the negative feedback that has been coming lately must take it’s toll. I wish him well.

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They tried, with things like the lost adventurers event in dungeons who just die the instant the event starts and offer crap tier boring loot when completed. Lol.

That was kind of poetic. I know the entire post wasn’t all yours but yeah…just playing anything but this right now. BG3 soon.

Except those “events” are the same as every other event you find everywhere else. They didn’t “try” to make dungeons interesting and unique. They simply grew proficient in their copy/paste tool.

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Still think the paragon points should have started from level 1.

They are pretty much just glorified attribute points.

I think the paragon boards/nodes should have been incorporated into the loot system, so you have to find the nodes you want, and make your own board based around them. That would have made for a deeper system I think, and the possibilities would have been better.

I can reply to whoever and if you have a problem with me replying to somebody, that’s on you.

Indeed hence ppl want a refund

Of course, just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy.

Nothing new in this thread since early access opinions, but good to see players continually coming out of the wood work and realizing what a travesty this game is.

Then don’t play it, seems like an easy fix to your problem.

skill issue, sorry bud

How is find kill loot boss worse than find and place stone?

I agree the dungeons could use something else, but there is absolutely no more thought required to find a stone and place it versus finding a boss and killing it.

The problem is that one of these activities is the heart of the game, and the other is arbitrary tedium.

You can keep this bs going, because it just doesn’t add up. It’s literally like the fools who keep asking why, why, why after every answer.

You see, if people are complaining and I make a post calling out that behaviour, people like you will call me a hypocrite, but it is different and if you can’t see that, once again that is on you.

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