D4 feeling good…

I come here cause I’m a Diablo fan.

you dont argue you just hate anyone who doesnt like your opinion and view… where as us we actually are middle minded and have talked about issues on the games and see both sides where you see one side only.

Oh yeah you guys are real “middle minded” lmao, what a joke bro

I have never heard an adult admit to holding a grudge online over game opinions.

“Digital record of your dealings.”


You clearly cannot accept someone who enjoys the game but says it has issues that needs addressed you default to your own mindset.

Oh I don’t enjoy the game in its current state. I am a fan of the series though so I’m hoping. Lol


A grudge? Where did I say I have a grudge? Just inserting words now?

Welp, as usual, I’m bored and you all say the same boring stuff. I’ll continue to do my thing lmao.

When they add insta group finder a functional chat channel system that can be created like D3; some ladder system for content and some new content in general.

This game might actually be ok then.

You are talking about stuff I posted over a month ago. My current posts are way different. That’s a grudge easily.

I’ve experienced more of the game. I’ve left and played other games and came back.

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D4,well all in all is not a bad game. Is it what we expected ,nope. All i can do is play casually and hope they can improve the game. If next seasons a lame as this one,lol ill be putting it to bed for a year or more . They know what they have to do but adding crappy seasons really doesnt help the situation.

I’m actually enjoying the brief moments where people are talking constructively about the game. You all have enjoyed your own personal echo chamber for months now…Its interesting that during day while the children are at school its pretty civilized around here. Once that school bell rings its back to the same old, ridiculous crap and buzzwords.

It is a Friday so that means you all get to stay up later for more of the unified, zombie attacks on anyone that enjoys something you don’t. Give it time, I’m sure some children have homework to knock out before they jump on here to have your back.


Right because kids don’t have phones or access to the internet outside of their homes.

Your excuse for dead forums are that it is the year 2002. That this is your best excuse is sad.

I hate to break it to you buddy, but it’s 2023 – you can wake up from the coma now.

Well, you should know that most schools ban cell phone usage, and have firewalls to prevent most sites being used that are other than for learning. If you really want to come here and douchebag around during those hours maybe you should ask your schools administrator…

jesus you really are just making things up and saying whatever comes to your mind

I guess this is what desperation looks like…sad.

As if I care that 2-3 D4 shills have teamed up to “take me on” – lol.


We do at the one I work at anyways. If they even pull them out they get taken away until after school.

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Fight you? whats to fight a simple opinionated person? Ya… i’ll “fight” someone who actually will have a discussion.

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Well, considering I have two children in school I would say I know what I’m talking about…and since the conversation around here seems normal during school hours, and the fact you didn’t pop in here until the bell rang…its pretty safe to say its fact.

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LOL hes cracked! apparently all D2 and D3 and D4 are shills but guess what kiddie im from D1 ! aint no shill now!

Momma forgot his Bah bah after school


Calling it RIGHT NOW. He is trying to get forum action taken against him so he can brag like it’s a badge of honor or something upon return. Very 2000’s of him.

Regardless this is just a weird convo to me. Hope everyone has a good evening!


Im having a gooooooooood Evening for certain ! was working on some side projects just relaxing on the forums. But about to jump into D4 now!

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