D4 feeling good…

I recently played latest d2r ladder and D3:S29 and have to say D4 is a solid entry.

I played a few hundred hours of D4:S1 and then popped onto D3:S29 and was actually blown away how fun D3 really has become (after playing a few thousand hours of D3 I hadn’t played since S16).

That being said I still found myself missing the combat in D4 and the D4 mechanics.

D2r, while fun in its own right it is mostly supported by nostalgia. The additions made to D2r really improved D2 but it’s difficult to return to after D3 and D4 combat.

Reviewing the previous games after playing D4 made me look forward to the future of D4 even more. Having experienced the evolution of the previous titles I’m excited to go through the evolution of the new title.

They need an armory in D4 so badly hopefully it’s coming in S3.

For now looking forward to D4:S2.


Brace yourself for incoming negativity……


Maybe i should give the old ones a go again and compare. Maybe i just got old and don’t like games anymore…


Amber heard seems just fine too…oh wait when you really get to know…you might have crap in your bed.

But to be more serious, its a great game on the get go. D4 has great graphics animation and general movement mechanics and battle is fine.

Just everything else has some issues thats all. After im done playing a few dungeons i gotta play the stash game.

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Right because we should be positive about the fact that we paid between $70-100 (or more) to go backwards in time just to relearn all of the mistakes of the past for a second time.

Can’t wait!

Usually when a restaurant messes up my order twice, I don’t go back for a third time.


You mean the d2r ladder that is 5 months old now?

Ive used this before but think of Diablo 3 as a gently used SUV 2009 with every option you can think of.
Diablo 4 is a brand new SUV. Looks amazing. Awesome paint job. Tinted glass. 40 inch tires. Only problem is no power steering, sound system or cup holders.

D4 needs to buy options for this new SUV.


It’s crazy, the depths people are willing to sink to, to defend their nostalgia.

OP hand waves the fact that everything plaguing the current iteration of the game were lessons already learned from previous iterations.


Kind of why I cook for myself. Maybe learn to develop a game?

Lol…pretty good, similar analogy as mine.

Ahh a completely inappropriate response, followed up with “DeVeLoP YoUR OWn GaME.”

D4 shills entirely paper thin and ideologically bankrupt as usual.

Can’t defend the game? May as well use nonsense arguements!


Why should I defend the game? Do you think it’s good and deserves rescuing by me?

If you guys are bored check out D3 s29. It came bundled with D4 right? Anyways I got like 50 hours played since last week. If you like & miss quality loot the season theme are these fissures which open treasure levels. You get enough mats to reroll everything primal. Or even find them generically. You dont need to suffer until s2 comes out.

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Oh does it? Interesting.


Defending “complainers”

Truth bomb

Next you will say “well you used to post this or this before you left for a month”.

We know. Some people get their Jimmies rustled and hold onto things a long time but if you go look objectively I’ve been pretty open minded and fair as of late.

D2 was good for it’s time, but IMO it was an over rated game. It has it’s fanbase, but for me if the franchise had continued down that path I would never have bothered with the rest of the series. That probably explains why I could never get into any of the D2 clones that came out after.

D3 has certainly improved since I first played it and I’ve been enjoying my trip thru this last new season. D4 has been the only version that has kept me for any long length of time. I also look forward to what’s next.


That’s awesome. It probably won’t hold me very long in its current state but I’m glad you enjoy it.

Its a nice and sincere post. I believe you.


Yes, I don’t doubt it myself, I am just wondering how long the novelty and “honeymoon” period lasts when you come back.

That will be more telltale about other players who come back.

I played BG3 most of this past weekend and didn’t have any issues with coming back to D4…until I had to deal with stash, which was after my 4th dungeon run - needing to reconcile pieces - I closed the game with a sigh. I’ll deal with it when…I feel like it.

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His name was a meme.
He pretty much asked to be on the list.

The summoning is now complete. Farewell again.


Two days. When I came back I noticed a ton of issues in two days after the Diablo fan haze wore off.