D4 feeling good…

There are way to many variables in DIV. IMHO then made the game to complicated.

Man… I got that Efamous? They made a meme? Jeez. Kind of proud honestly. I was always the goofy tall lanky uncoordinated nerd. Now I’m a meme.

It honestly is also impressive anyone remembers me after being gone for a while lol.

I could say the exact same thing about you outrage zealots that come to these forums to say “Dis game bad cause its bad”. The absolute vitriol, wicked nonsense that comes from the haters is beyond ludacris.

There was a thread today where someone of your caliber stated that the “Quality of life is affected by the cut scenes being too long”. The amount of threads that have been posted, over the last couple months, that had even a modicum of positivity got flagged into oblivian by the zombie like cult of haters…eventually getting overturned, but by then the post was in the graveyard never to be seen again.

You could say that being too far on either side of the hate/love spectrum is an issue and that might be right but I have seen, and had, much more fruitful, interesting, and constructive posts have come from those that enjoy the game but recognize its flaws.

You look to the hater side of the spectrum and they recognize the flaws with nothing good to say about the game at all, instead resulting in everyone else being called a clown, white knight, shill, or any other buzzwords they think will shut someone down.

I would rather have a conversation with anyone who is maybe in the middle, to loving the game than someone ridiculous as you to call someone a “Shill” because his opinion of the game differs from your subjective opinion. You aren’t cool, you show just how ridiculous you are and everyone, except your zombified cult of outrage zealots see you for exactly what you are.


:clap: :clap: PREACH my brotha :clap: :clap:

Can we get a hallelujah and an amen!


Wow, I’m so glad you’ve had interesting discussions with people on the forum who have no ability to change the game.

Very happy for you that you’ve found like-minded individuals who hold no sway on the direction of the game.

Very cool, very productive.


Whole lotta text to say nothing.

I see the shills are just as triggered as ever, glad I come back here every now and again.

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Why does a little video game make you so butt-hurt? This seems like very odd behavior.


To be fair I was only gone a month. I know guys who in their 40s who still hate the first girl who broke their heart in High School.


That’s crazy that literally 80% of the names in every thread on this forum are the same 10-12 shills.

I see this place has become a ghost town. Can’t argue with stupid. (insert reverse joke haha, clever)

I really want to know. Is it that personal? Like, do we have beef or something? Is that you David?

Back “On Topic”

I am glad some people enjoy the game. For me personally it needs A LOT of work. I’ll stick around at least one more season though.


This guy can’t handle the fact that people who enjoy the game, and even those people who enjoy it have made critique posts and stuff that needs to be addressed in the game. But this person clearly can’t see the other side stuck in their own little world kind of like a gee idk whats the world oh right barrier!


Make a D4 season 1 blood lance necro so fun.

Because everything offends that person. To little skin no common sense… its like the meme of the bike rider sticking the stick in their spokes and flipping the bike… GOD DANG D4


Yeah, I stuck the stick in my own bike by buying D4. You’re the one still trying to ride the bike with the stick stuck in the spokes saying there’s nothing really wrong with the bike – despite your bike not working like a bike should…because…you know…stick in the spokes.

Lmao. Enjoy your echo chamber, I’m sure the same 10-12 people will be here soon to comfort you in the feels and give you positive reaffirmation. I see the only people still playing/coming to the D4 forum are literal lost souls incapable of higher thought.

THIS person LOL how does one ride a bike and make it move if the stick is still there? LOL

So thats you too then right?

That’s why I’m confused about people like you who continue to pedal. I gave up pedaling, the bike isn’t working.

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Leave then stop coming here if the game is not for you.

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Ahh typical D4 ran out of excuses and responses: Go AWaY ANd LeaVe mE in My Echo cHamber.

and we’ve come full circle.


Why do you come here though? Enjoy the conversation?

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Can you drop your barrier for once? or nah? you just hate the game clearly and hate anyone who shows any resemblance of enjoying it. I feel sorry for you being cooped up and sheltered that your beloved gaming experience has been tarnished and we don’t follow your views.

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Same reason as you, to argue on the forums. Only difference is I’m willing to admit it. You know, pretending to be of higher moral standing than someone is worthless when there’s a digital record of your dealings.

All you guys do is sit on the forums telling anyone being negative to go away, you pretend like you’re having some discussion on here lmao.

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