D4: 1 year later

It’s been almost a year since D4 was released.

The good is that there have been some improvements. Some quality of life improvements, some balance and game system improvements.

But the fact is that most of the good that has changed should have been in the game from the start and much of it was in past editions of Diablo so there was no reason that they weren’t in the game upon release.

The negative is that there is still so much about this game that is just ‘meh’. The itemization is still not great. There aren’t nearly as many uniques as there should be and there are no other different types of items like sets or runewords. Understand I’m not asking for sets, runewords, or uniques to be the best in slot items, just something else so there is more variety to the drops you find and the possible builds you can do.

The new tempering and masterwork system is okay. Better than what was there before, but that isn’t saying much. Most of the tempering options aren’t useful and the rng on it is awful so you just end up rolling over and over hoping for the things you actually want. I have replaced very few of my legacy items because you need to get really good rolls and rng on the new stuff for it to actually be better than the old items, especially with the DR changes.

Leveling is too fast. 1-90 needs a SLIGHT nerf. But the 90 to 95 should be at least 2x what it currently is and 95 to 100 should be at least 3x what it is.

Items now have less + to skill options or at least don’t roll as often and I feel like we could use an additional 5-10 skill points, which could be awarded for the 90 to 100 leveling to make that higher xp grind suggested above more worthwhile and rewarding.

Now that you don’t get the + all stats modifier for items, many of the paragon board abilities that require stats are unobtainable unless you trade with other people or farm on alts to boost stats that are generally just not good for your class builds.

It just really feels like the people who make this don’t actually play the game because there are so many obvious issues that were they actually playing the game often for fun they would run into and know about and fix.

If you love the game as is that’s cool and I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I don’t hate the game and still pop on to play from time to time but it’s just disappointing because it feels like it could be so much better.

That’s my thoughts on it. How does everyone else feel about the state of the game 1 year later?


For me it’s quite simple - with every season this game is closer and closer to it’s predecessor - D3. While at the launch there were some guys who tried to argue that it’s not D3 clone - now it’s clear to absolutly everyone that it is D 3.5 or D3 ressurected.

I mean it’s ok, it’s not a shame that they can’t make decent ARPG, but why do we needed false advertising before release?


Another thing is that much of the D4 world doesn’t feel distinct. I don’t know if that’s because everything is connected or what but…

Like Diablo 2 had the different acts, and each act felt different and unique. With D4 everything feels like it bleeds together and it’s all the same. I know there are differences, but it just doesn’t feel like it in any meaningful way.

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They took the biggest swing and a miss on their world building. The whole world looks like garbage. You’re dead right, there is no variety or character to ANY of it. No name towns, no name characters everywhere. Literally the only part of the game that got me to stop and go “oh yeah, that’s actually cool” is when I stumbled across the old diablo 3 town area in caldeum. They had 30 years of games and books to build on and we got a generic fantasy hodgepodge, a 13 year old girl horadrim and some assole named Elias. i’ll be back when WC4 drops guys.

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Words and stuff! I’m important! Tuesday.

It’s not Tuesday and this is a blatant troll/spam post. Report it as such.

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It is looking more and more like D3. easy to level, Children cry gold is to hard to get, Prism’s are so rare.

I have friends that have almost all of their gear max’d already in 5 days?

I just want to play and mesa round.

classic d4 was just like d2 (everything was slow and clunky, you had to farm renown every single season, man there’s just so many things that were “d2-style” lol) but everyone complained and said it wasn’t and that it was trash, so now you’re getting the better version of the game which is more like d3, which quite frankly is the better outcome overall and especially for people who really enjoy the series as a whole rather than just their nostalgia from d2. i think most people who want it to be more like d2 didn’t even enjoy classic d4 and possibly haven’t even played d2 for years.

d3 isn’t even a bad game it just doesn’t take that long to max out your gear and stuff is oversimplified (game hasn’t received a real update since 2014 so its understandable). over the span of the games life (vanilla, RoS, and various good seasons) there’s been plenty of good content especially if you liked grift leaderboards. or if you liked it when it was more like d2 in vanilla (all the d2 players hated vanilla d3 as well). easy to put in 1k+ hours even just playing it casually over the last decade.

some things need to be tuned but the overall style of gameplay of RoS and loot reborn is just better. if you want d2 you gotta play d2r or poe ruthless.


They have without a doubt made improvements, but the fact they were so far off on the base game is bad, and whats even worse is that they will be asking for that expansion $ when the game is now finally coming out of beta.


You do that, animus.

i just wonder, will there be a time in the future when you wont be an angry kiddo?

seeing your way of communication i can only assume you are a child, or… well …intellectually disabled.

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To me the game is still the same now as it was at the beginning. The introduction of the revised loot system has seen me play slightly more. Level 100 | NMD 100 | Build Sigils 21 | but from a content perspective it’s the same as it ever was. Helltides are boring. NMDs server no purpose once sigils are done. Whispers are still incidental content despite Blizzard wanting to bring them into the ‘gameplay’ loop. I just use the pit to get mats for upgrades and have no interest in pushing it because I dislike timed content. I would have liked to see NMD beyond 100. Ultimately though, for me, the base game is boring. I will be back next season to repeat because I do it every season with a minion necro, and I find levelling to be fun.

Wow. You just made feel uneasy. I miss the sense of world and iconic towns like Harragoth and citizens like Akara. It is and was nothing like D2, and thats okay. Its just gotta keep improving.

tbh from the beginning it was D 3.5 and now it turned out to full D3 ressurected. People whos talking that game was like D2 have no clue at all LMAO


I think the game is in a much better state now than at 1.0 release.
The devs have listened to the community feedback and changed alot with the game. The problem is that the playerbase is so broad that not everyone will be pleased.


İ cant play the game after a year since blizzard broke it with their magnificent patch a week ago

So thats my 2 cents

They spend their time on the forums trolling people, this is what they do. They tell us it’s because of us that we can’t advance, not because the game has no balance and it’s not well thought.

If you happen to like a build or a class that it’s not designed to farm well, you are done. You have to play something you don’t like or quit the game.

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the sad part is. i honestly believe you for believing this. :man_facepalming:

The current state of the game is undefendable. Only if you’re job is to do so. 7k posts … are serious?

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and yet here you are, supporting d4 with your presence. Good job!

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