D4: 1 year later

All I do is review your game with my presence.

i for sure hope we get an amory soon. id bet money on it you play daily.

I bet money you didn’t touch this game. I hope your paychecks are good. Do you guys have any openings?

seems you are losing this bet.


funny tho, you didnt even say that you dont log in daily. guess i was right :slight_smile:

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Nice, look at you, favored by the devs. 0 skill.

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if you ask really nicely i can carry you =)

Ok. I am in. Define nice?

try your best id say =)

i want to believe it :wink:

Tell me this, do you afk when you fight the pit boss?

cant really do that. the golemmancer does need some precise timings to deal damage.

1 year after launch, power creep won. Build diversity is still in shambles, since there is no intention to balance anything. Group play is like a red headed step child, in a game that wants to be a MMO. Worse yet, itemization after a revamp, feels clunky. It feels terrible when anything remotely challenging is nerfed into oblivion so that it’s accessible by everyone (t100 NMD’s).

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Just ask the devs to patch it for you, you should be able to afk when fighting the pit boss.

This isn’t D2. Get over it already. This doesn’t have acts. It is an open world game this time. So of course each act felt different. But in reality, the only difference in acts was the locations. You basically did the same things. Take off the blinders.

My lord, people need to move on already that this is NOT D2 and no Diablo after will be D2. Go stick to D2:R if you can’t move on from the past.


i wonder, since the game is in an “undefendable state” and anyone liking it can only be a “shill” or an employee… how come you log in daily and play?

side note, so far you arent doing great on asking nicely for a carry.

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I like throwing wrenches in the gears :slight_smile:
I think you should ask me nicely, I spend time on you now.

I’m enjoying the game a lot more than I did at the release. A few things I’ll note:

  • The pace of leveling feels good now. I like the faster leveling process for a seasonal cycle. You can get up and running faster on your main and you can get some alts going without too much trouble.

  • Tempering feels good to me as do the changes to the loot system. Sifting through a bag of yellows every 5 minutes feels horrible. Some RnG in any crafting system is to be expected. People crying about “bricking” just like to complain and want to walk into a vendor and buy perfect gear with no effort.

  • The Pit is a nice fast change of pace. I like the greater rift feel with loot just at the end. Master working feels “meh”. Upgrade my item by 5% - yawn, okay thanks I guess.

  • World bosses need some attention. These should be epic fights not one hit wonders where that are gone before you can get a 2nd skill press off. Buff their health or abilities or something. They are just loot pinatas right now and soggy smushy ones at that.

  • They hit a home run with Helltides. The density, maidens and threat are all fantastic. There’s not much else to say about that. Bravo!

  • Druids and rogues need some help. It could just be me, but I find them lackluster all around. Rogues in particular are just boring, and the bow skills are lacking in flair and flavor.

That’s it for now.

Actually Elias comes back every season since you have to do his dungeon to unlock WT4. The only difference now is the fight is so easy that I can say"Hello again Elias"…then a few seconds later say.“goodbye again Elias.”

I really am getting tired of that character. They should switch the WT unlocks every season to spice things up. Or maybe switch up the bosses.

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i think what our little conversation lead down to is that you cant be taken serious. playing a game on a daily base that you dont like and consider to be in an undefendable state. Thanks for proving that. =)


I personally would say its alright. It’s better than Diablo Immortal but it’s not even close to being as good as D1-D3. It’s not doing the franchise any favors that’s for sure. It’s not terrible it just needs some work…okay a lot of work. The issues i have with it are having to be online ALL the time. Lagging and rubber banding. I really wish we had a private and public rooms again. The mtx store prices are pretty crazy. One set is about a third of the game. And so I’m personally pretty worried about the price of the expansion and D5. Watch D5 be a full blown mmo with a 40 a month subscription. Blizzard’s prices are a bit outrageous.


What makes you say that? Did you pay attention on what you said?