D4: 1 year later

It’s been almost a year since D4 was released.

The good is that there have been some improvements. Some quality of life improvements, some balance and game system improvements.

But the fact is that most of the good that has changed should have been in the game from the start and much of it was in past editions of Diablo so there was no reason that they weren’t in the game upon release.

The negative is that there is still so much about this game that is just ‘meh’. The itemization is still not great. There aren’t nearly as many uniques as there should be and there are no other different types of items like sets or runewords. Understand I’m not asking for sets, runewords, or uniques to be the best in slot items, just something else so there is more variety to the drops you find and the possible builds you can do.

The new tempering and masterwork system is okay. Better than what was there before, but that isn’t saying much. Most of the tempering options aren’t useful and the rng on it is awful so you just end up rolling over and over hoping for the things you actually want. I have replaced very few of my legacy items because you need to get really good rolls and rng on the new stuff for it to actually be better than the old items, especially with the DR changes.

Leveling is too fast. 1-90 needs a SLIGHT nerf. But the 90 to 95 should be at least 2x what it currently is and 95 to 100 should be at least 3x what it is.

Items now have less + to skill options or at least don’t roll as often and I feel like we could use an additional 5-10 skill points, which could be awarded for the 90 to 100 leveling to make that higher xp grind suggested above more worthwhile and rewarding.

Now that you don’t get the + all stats modifier for items, many of the paragon board abilities that require stats are unobtainable unless you trade with other people or farm on alts to boost stats that are generally just not good for your class builds.

It just really feels like the people who make this don’t actually play the game because there are so many obvious issues that were they actually playing the game often for fun they would run into and know about and fix.

If you love the game as is that’s cool and I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I don’t hate the game and still pop on to play from time to time but it’s just disappointing because it feels like it could be so much better.

That’s my thoughts on it. How does everyone else feel about the state of the game 1 year later?