D3 did it better in many ways

bro what are you even talking about

u keep saying d4 is way better then d3 but u bring up how much d4 is the same as d3

we are judging the game on how it is now. now how it might be in some future scenario, get a grip

stop embarrassing yourself

Maybe learn to read then you will understand what I stated between the 2 sames has zero relations. Not my fault you are blind. Last I checked D3 didnt have nightmare dungeons, glyph or paragon systems but sure.

Talking about embarrassing yourself. Stop while you are ahead kiddo.

man this is so fun.
When D3 guys complaining about any D4 systems and in the end they do realize that it’s still their D3 systems which were originally and have remained complete sh*t

Every single point utter nonsense as usual, claiming that dungeons are “boring” when rifts were the exact same copy / pasted thing 99% of the time to which you don’t even have to travel to, making it even more tedious, is advanced brainrot.

man i wish you were smart enough to know that nm dungeons are just grifts from d3. guess not

and glyphs are just legendary gems from d3

surprise! you love d3 more then you thought

and paragons? you would love poe and poe2 more then d4 lmaooo


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then why are you playing d4 since its the same as d3? lmao


well i’ll probably hit 100 in 1 or 2 days and stop it.

Game as bad as D3 was. And D3 was one the most boring and casual arpgs ever. So remain clownface for yourself.

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whatever you have to tell yourself lol

Yeah they should, whats your point?

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OK so casual gamer with to much vacation

This game it plays like its weighted like d immortal… to start with the streamers can find gear i have 120 hours in progression is slow, but possible i don’t have the time to keep going and the progression is boring to boot . That is the bad was an awesome store line, However if people cant progress its pointless.

Yet they are not. Good try tho.

Which is funny because the extreme majority of people ravenously defending the game here will be gone in a few weeks for the next new thing.

Eventually the QoL requests by the remaining players will put D4 more in line with D3 (the fact that people hate on 3 but love 4 is hilarious because they really arent that different. Its just how it goes every time.


Yeah, all of the affixes on gear seem out of control - there are just far too many of them: Crowd Controlled, Chilled, Frozen, Slowed, etc. It’s hard to tell what is what. Does a frozen enemy count as crowed controlled, etc.

That said, I just hit nightmare tonight, and after running a few nightmare dungeons and getting some drops…those differences don’t seem to really matter all that much. I’m level 54 at this point, and at World Tier 3, I’m annihilating dungeons like it’s candy. End bosses are down < 60 seconds with 1-3 potion usages.

I’m playing an Arc Lightning Sorcerer, and it’s become a joke. I ran a Tier 5 nightmare tonight…un-wittingly with a friend (we didn’t realize at the time it was Tier 5), and after a few deaths, we still owned the hell out of it.

It seems like min-maxing these effects don’t play as much as role as I thought they would have.

So, I mean, just play the game and move on…or not.

I can’t wait to see what the final World Tier has in store for me, but at Level 54, it’s currently a joke, and 99.9% of the gear I find at this point is useless and just gets salvaged - waiting for the next tier to upgrade items and move forward.

This isn’t the game I was expecting with D4 - it’s a mix between Diablo Immortal and Lost Ark…and for that, I was skeptical. But I’m having fun with it for now.

So…chill with the affixes, and just run with it?

Edit: I’ve played all of the Diablo games. There isn’t a single one I hate. D1 was awesome (hellfire was a pile, but still enjoyable), D2 was a struggle at first, but it’s good in it’s own right. I still love D3, even though it’s dumb monotonous (at least there are seasons to have fun with). And D2R is a good rendition forward from D2 IMO.

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LA is not an arpg, it’s a mmo like D4 aimed for and failed misserably

Yeah, I wouldn’t consider Lost Ark as decent. I played, and I gave up on it because…reasons. The progression was terribly gated to “raids” and RNG upgrading of gear. And the “raids” you had to group up with ppl, and if you didn’t have a static group, good luck getting through the wipe mechanics with a rando group.

The only bad thing about LA is that It is Korean gameplay and progresión, everything else is a very good mmo.

I hate Korean games so yeah I dropped It at max lvl.

D4 should have been THE western mmo
Now it’s a wanna be failed.

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What drugs are you taking? No respecs just force players to follow guides or get stuck in early game since the game screwed them over. Meanwhile experienced players are going to skip to the end-game asap leaving others behind.

We see this every league in PoE.

Koreans have a totally different culture when it comes to working together (they actually like helping each other out), and while LA works for them, it definitely does not work in Western Culture. We’ve seen that with the toxic cultures of many MMOs here in the Western Culture.

That said, D4 is not even on the same level to be compared.

If you want non-existent character customization and non-existent character immersion, go play D3.

Um +100 for respecs please.

Thanks the gods that we have a way to infinite respec in D2R (with some grinding)…oh, and we can infinite respec in WoW for free. D4 should allow respecs…as they do…but the gold requirement needs addressing.

I don’t know about you, but having to level up a new character just to try out a new build because of new legendary/unique I got is insane.