D3 did it better in many ways

The cost of the respec may be an indication we will not have an armory system like in D3 where you can change quickly and easily. I could have sworn that when I did a full respec at 50 it cost a lot more than a couple thousand but I really wasn’t paying attention. Money isn’t super hard to come by right now but I would like the option of easily switching between different builds rather than being expected to level another character. Especially with the smaller number of characters we can have and the awful storage options we have.

I think anyone who actually likes the current itemization or is otherwise fine with it is just fooling themselves. It’s not good and it’s hard to find worse examples in the genre. Whether it’s Diablo 2, Diablo 3, Path of Exile, they all do it better. In those games you know what stats do when you equip them, you don’t need to be level 100 before you realize “wow stacking this stat is actually pretty good”. D4 is just needlessly complicating itemization for the sake of it.


I’ve respecd about 60 times now. It’s like 350k gold around level 68 for me. Just trying all diff builds to see what worked best for pve and pvp.

Obv the only thing with real dmg is ice shards. I want to make lighting spear work. Ifs great for pvp or should be because of the stuns. People always have a bubble shield up though and it just does nothing. And then if the shield is down, the spear is off the screen attacking some random mobs instead of the player face tanking me


I’m going to respectfully disagree with you about current D3. Is it a more fleshed out game than D4? Yes. It should be, its been out for 10+ years. But if D3 came out today as D4 with a reskin, it would definitely not go over as well as you think it would. Today’s D3 is an almost arcadey experience, like a private server of a grindy game with its rates cranked to 1000x. People would chew through D3 in less than a week and be done with it. And before you say “but they’re doing that with D4 already”… 10+ years into a game’s lifespan vs a game that was just released. You can’t just ignore that. If you were to line up all the Diablo titles in a row and order them from best state at launch to worst state at launch, I would easily argue D4 is in the best state at launch of ANY Diablo game ever released… and thats very promising.

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TFLDR. Make shorter posts. D3 sucked at launch. Took years to get it where its at. You’re comparing a game with loads of dlc etc to a freshly launched game…dumb

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the problem with this statement is blizzard completely abandoned d3 after reaper of souls besides keeping maybe a handful, if that many, people to make small changes and updates to seasons.

so those 10+ years are much closer to maybe a year because they had basically 0 support from blizzard. i can only imagine how much passion and effort the few people left on d3 had to have to keep updating it

i respectfully disagree

they had 10+ years to learn from d3’s mistakes and d3’s improvements, they ignored d3 completely besides combat, and grifts into nm dungeons

not only could they have learned from d3 but they had other games to learn from, seems like they didn’t at all though.

you can say oh maybe d4 will become better, but then we fall into the same trap that d3 fell into, when d3 finally was better everyone left already

the same thing might just happen to d4 unless they act very swiftly


i know its like d4 is a completely different genre from a completely different company who has no experience in this genre.

oh wait.

I think this is the lamest defense of a bad game i have ever heard. they made diablo 3 they had 10 years of experience with that game so MAYBE just MAYBE they should have brought in some of what they learned from D3 to D4.


Been pondering on this, but around the same time frame… I can’t think of a single thing D3 did better.


I enjoyed D3 for what it is. But, D4 is a better Diablo game overall.

The complaints you have about the itemization is basically suggesting you don’t understand how to manipulate stats and make a build work.

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well D4 doesn’t suck though that’s where you’re wrong. maybe you just chose the wrong class. or. you decided to rush everything and now are bored 9 days into launch…Or. you didnt make it out of WT 1

I think you can when the studio that worked on that game for 10 years made this one. They should have learned something about making these games in the last 10 years I would think.

I’m guessing you don’t remember how messed up elite packs were at launch, especially at endgame.

Which ones were those? Malthiel is the only boss I ever remember having trouble with. I played D3 from Beta all the way through to S28. This is the first I’m ever hearing the bosses in D3 were challenging. They literally grouped bosses for the Infernal Machine, then had clones of the weaker ones for Rifts/GRifts.

I’ll tell ya what was a pain: those stupid key wardens lol

I would hope so. The stats in D3 don’t get anymore simplistic. And if you recall, you had to stack a whole lot of resistance at D3 launch just to sort of survive against elite packs.

D3 was in development for 11 years, then took 2 years to fix. I really didn’t care for the game until RoS. I think D4 is in a way better position than D3 was at launch.

And it maybe an indication of literally nothing. Its not that deep and yet players are already complaining about it. That whole 16 gold must be important to you.

How about we stop complaining about crap that isnt even in the game or what “it might be”. We literally have no idea what “might be” but what it is NOW is nothing worth complaining or even talking about. How about we focus on more important things.

This is entirely my point. Diablo 3 didn’t do anything better than Diablo 4. They did things differently, but better or worse? Entirely debatable. And the crazy thing is, it’s a game that is over ten years old, and I cannot for the life of me pinpoint what they did better in Diablo 3. It’s still a good game, and I look forward to killing an afternoon or two when a new season pops up… but that’s just it, a new season LITERALLY takes an afternoon or two to complete IN IT’S ENTIRETY. Similarly, I could make the argument, “Diablo 3 has had over 20 seasons already and Diablo 4 hasn’t had a single season, therefore Diablo 3 did it better”, and that would be about on-par to the arguments being made in favor of Diablo 3 in this thread. It’s nonsensical.

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I assume you haven’t done a full respec yet? Not that the money is any major concern. I don’t plan to respec often and most likely not a full respec again but I am pretty sure at level 50 (I think I have 56 points) it was around 56,000.

If it costs you 60,000 (assuming it is 1,000 a point and you have all 60) every time you wanted to go between say frost to fire mage on a whim, that would kind of suck. It’s not hard to make money just through leveling so I imagine it’s even easier at higher levels but it seems unnecessarily punitive.

At the end of the day, Blizzard will do whatever they want. Part of the player base will be up in arms, part will be pleased and the majority will be indifferent. We’re just along for the ride.

I’ve done multiple full respecs and the gold cost was so minor I never paid attention to it after the first time. Even if it was 100k it is peanuts. 1 yellow easily sells for like 6k-12k… in one dungeon run selling yellows you would have more then enough to cover the respec cost. If you have that many issues coming up with gold for a full respec you are going to have a lot more problems with Diablo then just gold…

I’m doing T3-T4 content and literally sitting on 6mil gold. 56k is nothing.

Again cost compared to everything else in the game is nothing. This shouldn’t even be a talking point when we have WAY larger issues that needs attending to.

If you want to complain about a gold sink that matters. How about we talk about the gold cost to imprint and enchant legendary gear? Now thats something worth complaining about.

Just to prove a point. I just did a dungeon and sold only my yellows. I made 200k gold… and that was on an alt at level 40.

Diablo 4 has a much better atmosphere than D3 ever did. It has a much darker and more serious tone, similar to how Diablo 2 is.

Diablo 3 is a Saturday morning cartoon by comparison. Even with the ‘M’ rating and gore, it’s hard to take serious with how bland and cartoonish the dialog and Warcraft style visuals are.

A lot of these complaints look like a simple lack of you understanding how the game works, or are based off of very little game time so far.
You got too comfy with turning your brain off to play an oversimplified D3. It’s funny you complain about dungeons being boring copy-paste when D3’s only gameplay loop was: hunt for ‘meta’ build while spamming rifts and greater rifts and occasionally bounties.


ah yes tell us how the game works mr level 100 in every class

you do realize the entire combat system was directly copy pasted from d3 right?
same with itemization

there arent “sets” anymore but still builds that require core pieces of legendary aspects that might as well be a set

d4 endgame is literally the same endgame meta as d3, infact it is MORE boring.
spam helltide → spam nm dungeon(copy pasted grifts) → repeat.


And you do realize sets are going to be in the game right? They already announced that awhile ago.

Plus we all know DLCS is where most of the end game is going to be. Same happened with D2 with DLC Lord of Destruction which added a new char and Act 5, runewords etc… along with sets and tons of other things. D3 had similar with its expansions. Why do you think D4 is going to be any different?

You should be happy they added as much end game content as they have now. Atleast we have things to do until the DLCs drops. I’m guessing you never played Diablo 2 before Lord of Destruction was out…

You don’t need level 100 in every class to read simple tooltips and loading screen tips.