D3 did it better in many ways

I’m a MMOs and D3 veteran player, and here are several things wrong with D4 that were better in D3 imo :

1. Itemization is a chore

Oh brother…honestly half the stats on items are useless/make no sense and should be removed.

For instance

Critical Strike : Works with all builds, clear, good
Lightning Critical Strike : Useless with multi-elements builds, limiting, another layer of RNG to get it among the ocean of other stats

Another one

Damage reduction : Clear, does the job
Damage reduction to close enemies/Damage reduction to distant enemies : why not just have one damage reduction and that’s it? I thought the game was casual friendly? Who is this even for?

Also a lot of stats aren’t really clear enough on what they do.
On my sorceress, dexterity states “increases critical strike chances”. So, should I seek dexterity or flat critical strike chances then? If I run a frost build now I suddenly have critical strike chances, frost critical strike chances, and dexterity that do the same thing? Huh…which one is the best? Do they stack?

Overpower. What’s that? Where does it come from? What triggers it? It says something about fortify, what is fortify? How do I get it? It sounds like a barbarian/tank thing, should I get it on my sorceress? It’s so confusing.

And I’m not sure I like the fact that every item can get any legendary power at random, because it effectively doubles the RNG layer. When you loot a staff, instead of “maybe it’s my BIS staff with bullsht stats”, now it’s “maybe it’s a staff with a bullsht aspect AND with bullsht stats”.

I’m level 51, WT3, and everytime I get new loot I sell it, I don’t even bother looking at the stats anymore it’s so exhausting and seems pointless. There’s no “wow” factor anymore, just a “sigh” factor.

2. Dungeons are boring

I’ve ran maybe close to 35 dungeons in the game (out of what, I think they said 150 or something?), and I can confidently say that in reality I’ve ran like 4 or 5 because they’re all a blatant copy/paste of others. It’s one of the laziest features in the game, and frankly shameful for a Blizzard game.
I swear if I see the “horadric vault” design again…

Also enemies that spend their time fleeing you is not fun. There are too many range attackers, and by range I mean “edge of/outside your screen” attackers, or those that back away constantly when you walk towards them. It breaks the pace, it’s not fun.

Also the objective “kill all enemies” has to change into “80% of enemies” or go altogether because in prison-like layout where some mobs are alone in a cell, that’s even more annoying to clean up.

D3’s rifts were way better because you opened a portal directly from town, you zergd through a fairly linear map configuration with no backtracking, no stupid “objective” only there to fake content inside the dungeon (who needs that?), you had a boss at the end with a sht-ton of loot, and you could do it all again 30sec later with a completely different and randomized layout.

And we had fun. Now when I think dungeon I just wanna logout for real, it’s bad.

3. Paying to respec has to go

Why do we need gold to respec again?
I understand that when you use the services of an NPC to enchant/socket/extract aspects you have to pay them, it makes sense from a role-playing standpoint.
But what do I do with my gold when I respec exactly? Does eating money makes one forget their knowledge in Sanctuary?

Also I thought we were done with that by now Blizzard… they got rid of it in WoW, and in D3 it’s also free, so why did you charge for it again in D4 ffs… Always 1 step forward 2 steps back, it’s exhausting.
Who likes that? Who is that for? There’s already a million gold sinks in the game and you decide to gate the one thing that could make people want to experiment and have fun with their class?

If I find a build defining unique and suddenly I want to swap spec? I feel punished. This is bad.

I’m sure there are a lot I forget, like the talent giving you 3/6/9 more mana (what a joke)


I agree and I have a strong dislike for D3


Okay so just gonna put this out there, D3 was considered one of the worst atrocities in the franchise on release, far and wide. Anybody remember the “so we doubled it” memes? I’m not invalidating your entire post, but I’m just saying if you’re going to directly compare D4 to D3, never forget what D3 was at launch.


Yes I’m strictly talking current D3 here, not at launch


99% agree, I like Fortify tho.

The thing that infuriates me more is the lack of spec slots to allow as to change specs with one button, like wardrobe in D3 or spec swaping in WoW.

FFS you have tons of legendary affixes and skills and you want me to play the exact same build ALL the time…are you insane?
This is 2023 not 1997, WAKE UP

Also add a freaking group finder for every activity (world bosses, keystones, whispering tree, etc)


The only thing D3 did better for me was make me want to log off.


Festering pile of feces?

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As an old D2 player. I welcome the addition of more stats to craft a min maxed character specifically how I want. Paying for respecs is cheap lol.

I’m 81 on d4 and I’m still having fun and have ran waaay more dungeons than you. Even had an 8 hour session yesterday where I ran the same dungeon non stop the entire time and I had fun the entire session. Reminiscent of d2 runs and far better than grifting.

D3 was the worst Diablo ever made.

They should not cater to casuals or the d3 crowd.


Yea sure…cause casuals aren’t the ones who keep the franchise alive as we represent 80% playerbase or even more.

Get back to your mothers basement.


Lmao stay triggered.

They made a good game and you can’t handle learning stats. If you want a casual game go play immortal.


Lol you act like D3 was good at it’s launch. It was a trainwreck at launch and took a few years for them to get it “right”.

You should be breaking it down, but okay… :man_shrugging:


I will play whatever the F I want.

Go play D2


Why would I go play d2? D4 has plenty of depth. You’re the one complaining it’s too hard. Want me to hold your hand? Happy to do a video call and teach you how the game works.


The funny thing is that as bad as D3 was initially, the majority that kept playing agrees that it got much better after RoS, and as far as the overall flow of the game it definitely did things a lot better than what’s currently going on with this extremely slow and copy/paste game.


Very old school D2 player here also. D3 was VERY bad at launch. I’ll give it credit and say that it was better after all the changes and stuff, but it still has 0 depth. I don’t want this game to be another D3, but after scrolling through a lot of the posts here I don’t know if there’s enough old dogs left.


Most of these posts are basically “I don’t understand the game. It’s too complex.”


1 nobody said anything about D3 at launch, I’m talking current D3 and it’s the same company so they should now better now

2 If that’s the only thing that bothered you I guess we agree on the rest


No. D3 is a bad game, made simple for reasons, d4 is a step forward to a more complete version. Keep in mid that opening resistances and damge types enables the possibility to create more skills based on those layer of defense interactions in the future, either way, all what can change is just the visualization of the skill rather than the gameplay, . Just like poe, grim dawn, LA. And every other decent Arpg


And your answer screams “I have poor taste in game design and will eat anything that I’m fed” I’m sorry mate


i alway say complicate the gameplay, simplify its interpretation.
Its ok to have 1000 stats if the player can easily understand and exploit them