D3 did it better in many ways

People still know what they like no? I understand D4 may be more to some peoples taste, but others like what D3 had to offer more. You have to be accepting of everyone point of things and not just say they view things the wrong way. There might no be much hope for D4 to change significantly in that regard, but people should still have their right to express disappointment over that. If you do not enjoy something you simply do not enjoy something. I too can understand people being a little bit distraught about a sequel that plays vastly different than its predecessor. For a game series like say Monster Hunter from capcom that would be a major water divider, if even embraced at all. You have to understand for many D3 was their first “real” diablo game, so that is what they know and partly love/enjoy.


you are right the d3 launch was utter trash and the game was bad until reaper of souls and years after all the fixes that came to the game.

but as d3 stands right now as a game it is leagues above d4.

if they had released d3 in the state it is in now and kept adding endgame content to it, it would be a smash hit, way more then d4


Then they should play D3, not try and ruin D4

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d4 is a step back from d3 :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


And devils advocate states the following.

1. Itemization is a chore.

It was also a chore in D3 trying to farm the exact skills you want on your items… its way easier in D4 with the imprint system.

2. Dungeons are boring.

Yes so was torments which was literally dungeons…

3. Paying to repsec has to go

Expect it costs like what? 16 gold to do a full respec? Are you really crying over a few hundred gold? Even if its a few thousand gold you can literally get that selling one yellow. Wtf are you crying about? Have you played any games like POE? You literally get like 3 respecs then need to farm “orbs of regret” to reset your skills again which take awhile to get… a few gold for a respec is literally nothing.

d4 literally is d3. just without any of the good QoL and other mechanics that were in d3.

what do u think a nm dungeon is. they are grifts. lmao

only different between d4 and d3 is d4 sloppily tried to copy paste lost ark mmo lite on top of d3 without taking any good aspects from d3 or lost ark, like the many difficult boss battles in lost ark.

they tried to do it with dungeon “bosses” but they are hilariously bad, basically bigger damage sponges

even elites are more dangerous


Only to those who are clueless

Kind of makes you wonder why it’s even there then…

Does it matter? It doesnt cost crap so why are people complaining about it? Just to complain?

Little thing like this exacerbate people’s annoyance with the bigger things.

Yes which is kinda the point here. Why are people crying about spending 16 gold to respec? We have bigger issues to worry about that actually matters.

Well ill agree pn one thing, after a dungeon run or something i just DE or sell everything without looking at the loot.

Too much of a chore to decide if a need an extra half % on dmg to distant enemies sacrificing half a % to close enemies etc…


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Unfortunately, DoT abilities such as firewall and blizzard cannot crit.

And D2 players should go back to D2:R or PoE instead of ruining D4…

See, both sides can say that. So maybe let’s not?

Yep. But that Lack of QoL is really jarring when you come over from D3, so I can understand the complaints.

I’m hopeful they’ll fix all these kinda issues in time though. D3 was a mess on release, and they turned that completely around. I’m hopeful they can do the same with D4. But it is frustrating still.

:grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Yeah, I’ll give you that. I’d like some more variety, even if it’s just boring D2 style tile swaps.

lol no. Respec has already proven to be VERY affordable, even for people like me who salvage everything and never sell stuff. I’ve redone my entire build a few times, and it’s a drop in an enormous bucket.

That’s the problem, you’re looking at the ugly child that Blizz is trying to ignore, as if it’s the standard. There’s a couple D3 references in D4, but they essentially drew a sharpie line over the story to change it’s trajectory. They don’t want D3 to be the standard that people go by, and yet here you are, in the painfully vocal minority.

Yeah, that’s some garbage imo. Give a %resource boost, and have gear with +resource stats. Balance it so there’s no way for an infinity resource build, and let people pick between being resource focused, or burst focused.

agree Diablo 3 is 10 times better than Diablo 4 its more fun it doesn’t feel like a chore and they were not afraid to let the players feel powerful

Diablo 4 feels like a watered down bad Path of Exile clone with worse mechanics and worse options, no complexity and no depth.


The * cc damage is best there if you run the frost bolt enchantment. Frost damage can be resisted easier

If they get more players back by not catering to the D3 crowd then yes absolutely. Making D4 another D3 is a surefire way to drive the franchise into the ground for good.

This stupid world we live in does not like humbleness

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The only thing I like better now about D3 is it has a crusader class. Follower stories were good but followers understandably don’t make much sense in a shared world setting.

I had few thousand hrs in D3 before S3. I made top 50 hc with crusader one season so I’m not gonna dog d3 too much.

But I absolutely hate the power creep. It split up the people I was playing with. Leveling became a thing of the past. Bounties became meaningless. Normal rifts became meaningless. Non complimentary set items became meaningless. Certain skills became meaningless. The first several hundred paragon levels became meaningless being able to leech it in a few hours. The season journey became meaningless. Account wide paragon was bad too.

All of that trivialized the hard core mode experience that I played except at the higher ends of greater rifting.