D3 did it better in many ways

I am with you all the way. It is so lame. Not to mention the complete lack of build diversity and how we can not even try other things without spending a huge amount of time. No armoury and huge gold fees which equates to bunch of extra grinding to try something new out. How did this make it past testing? You already released D2R, and how did that go? As everyone expected. It was a great release, sure, nostalgic, but about everything went the way we expected it. The systems aged badly and QOL from D3 was lacking as well as the fluent combat. Who prefers it this style anyway? Does anyone look at PoE numbers and go “wow thats huge!”? just asking coz from steam charts it really ain´t that big.


DoTs can’t crit.

Then your argument doesnt hold up, you’re comparing a game that took years to finally get fixed to a game thats been out for 1 week.

This is a poor argument, because

  1. You’re admitting the game needs fixing to be good later, so the current complaints are actually valid.

  2. Blizzard was already able to fix Diablo 3. But they have to launch Diablo 4 in a worst state than D3 post-fix? And now we have to wait for an extension to fix what they already fixed in D3? …what?


Yep after a few seasons once they were implemented that is where I was at. The RMAH was nice to make some money at least until it shut down.

…of course this remark doesn’t apply to people with DoT builds, because they wouldn’t even choose this stat to begin with…come on, make an effort

Well see thats your opinion. An incorrect one but an opinion nonetheless. I don’t think the game needs to be “fixed” as its a lot of fun as is. There can be more to add, loads more, but you’re complaining about a game that hasn’t been out for more than a week. With seasons on the horizon, much like D3.

You can’t compare the two as their playstyles are extremely different, which is a huge disconnect for the community, although there are similarities as is with most arpgs, there are differences people can’t seem to adapt to. The game isn’t the issue, its the players inability to adapt. They would rather complain about what they know, D3, than embrace a game that has its own builds. Once you understand its not D3, its a lot more enjoyable.

Reaper of Souls (and specifically Josh Misquera dropping the tough love in a meeting saying the AH had to go to save the game) stabilized Diablo III and made the game about loot again. However, as the it went on with all the free content after, the Torment levels and power creep went beyond large, to beyond gargantuan to just plain absurdity.

And, again, Greater Rifts and even Adventure Mode became about speed running every second of your in-game time. There was a hard clock on every meaningful dungeon you ran. And that isn’t particularly appealing to many players. And it doesn’t fit Diablo IV at all, since so much care has been put into making the world itself a place to breath in and absorb.

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You are comparing a brand new game to one that has been worked on for 10 years…Compare what D3 was on release and the horrible launch it had to what it is now. There have been hundreds of changes from nerfs and buffs, reworks, new classes, more items, mechanics…The exact same thing is going to happen with this game over the years to where it’s going to be polished up to the gem we all want it to be.


Another one… I don’t know what to tell you mate.


Try reading the whole post? That might help you out with some understanding. Do you need a TL;DR?

You can’t compare a brand new game vs a game that has been worked on for 10 years.

You can’t compare D3 after 12y of development with a just released game.
It completely invalidates your argument.
Honestly you already lost me at the title: “D3 did it better in many ways”
Do you even hear yourself?
That’s a sacrilege.

Right off the bat, you’re factually incorrect. It took D3 until the Reaper of Souls pre-patch to fix loot with loot 2.0.
Which came out nearly two years after D3 launched.

I had a lot of fun with D3. I’ve had some fun with D4, mainly the campaign. I am trying to enjoy D4 but the game just feels so dated and prehistoric at times and the constant nerfing of every little thing is making me not want to play. I really enjoy dungeons when their packed full of mobs and elites but blizzard wants us to kill 5 mobs and run a mile to the next 5 mobs, while back tracking constantly.


AH was the biggest flaw, yeah. Once they removed that everything got much better.


D 3 is a disgrace to Diablo,


D3 is the best Diablo game and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.


Yeap, D3 is a pile of garbage and the few surviving players are high on copium.

They should not cater to the overly casual or the hardcore crowd. The game is fine as it is, excluding bugs and some issues with the scaling.

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I dislike how weak your basic attack gets. At level one, 3 to 4 hits, less, depending on class and the enemy was dead, level 35, I need 16 hits… that’s not fun and my weapons are at current level.

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Builder and spender mechanic is garbage and they didn’t learn from D3. Most D3 endgame builds didn’t use a builder or they had to make it viable with a “adds 50.000% dmg” legendary.

And here we are, having these unfun useless builders again.