Current tempering is REALLY bad

well the problem is this is a 3month season. most people play about 2 hours a day. no one is going to come back if the time they put in on a 3month cycle is frustrating!

RMT is currently ruining the game with no AH or LFG besides 3rd party

the game is in a very bad state! even tho the loot change is nice but really they just dumb down the actual affixes on gear and made tempering the real issue where core affixes are needed for the build!!!

solution tempering is instead put into the skill tree

adds another branch to the skills free to pick out of 3 options on the skill itself but you can only select 2 of the 3 new branched

to get these skill points you need to fight the pit world bosses or any of the summoning bosses

this would add more skill customization

why? playing 2h a day has got me 2 usable 3ga

exagerations just dumbs down the discussion
as i said, there is more than 3 day ive playing and im not even close to the called “bis”

they may implement it for um resplandent spark, but sparks are free rn

i dont know what they are going to do
i rather they just rise the mat cost to temper and remove the limitation



Simply no! Removing the limitation = Diablo 3.

And if you want to play Diablo 3, go do that.


I don’t know why, but I have a feeling that D4 gonna become a seasonal weekend game just like D3.

Literally, with all this cryings …pf ! If they will listen to “dads” with 2 hours a day, it will 110% be a D3 game all over again.

Don’t mind me. Working on 1000.

True. But I’m not really trying to ‘fix’ the system because I don’t think anything is wrong with it. More, Just throwing out suggestions for how I think it would be acceptable for resets.

Personally, the only real ‘fix’ I would like is to keep the current system but rearrange/represent it to be more psychologically pleasing. Because its a psychological issue that these folks are complaining about.

fact still remains tempering sucks and needs ajustments!

temper roll that has 4 skills that and 1 that is actually part of your build is a 20% chance to get your roll and that is only 1 affix out of 2! so you already burning through half of your tempers to even get your skill

temper need either a totaly rework on skills that are part of your build

or increase the roll attempts

or each affix has it own counter

atm you need to find new gear just to change your build a little and that in itself is bad game design! you should be able to change your build with little to no effort

but instead you are punished for not following a Youtuber

No facts, just your opinion, even if shared by many. Which your are entitiled too. Claiming your feeling is some universal truth for all is delusional.

Starting your arguments with falsehoods isn’t going to do much for you.


majority of the player base says otherwise

You have no idea what the majority says. And an opinion, even if its is shared by the majority, is still not a fact. It remains an opinion.

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This is the biggest “fact” I’ve heard today, made my day. Would question my self why should I continue playing.


the fact that there is little to no oh i just love tempering its so awesome threads and there is at less 5-10 post a day about how bad tempering says a lot

People who happen to spam more do not represent a majority.


It says there is ‘a lot’ of post on the forums about it. Nothing else.

It is most likely that the vast majority of people that play this game have never even came to this forum.

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still dont see any thread on how awesome tempering is

im open to other suggestions
but something must be done

Why make threads about it. It already is.

Note, I don’t think tempering is awesome. Those affixes should instead be addeed the moment the item drops.
But the limit is good for the current system.

u suggesting a new idea to temper by removing it tells me tempering is bad

I guess people want to brick the same item 5 or 6 times.Imagine the outcry. Count the number of time you brick then add that to rerolling the gear. Ouch