Current tempering is REALLY bad

Couldn’t agree more you’re 100% on the money.

Almost all the threads on this topic have a lot of trolling. Someone says they like or don’t like it, and someone responds by calling them “a childish baby” or “stupid” etc. I don’t know why so many people feel the urge to include personal insults on a forum like this when they disagree with someone. Just talk about why you disagree and leave the personal attacks out.


If they just added a no-change option like Enchanting has, that would help a lot. Sure, you could still roll the same useless Temper affix five times in a row. But if you at least rolled one that wasn’t 100% useless for your build, you could try for the one you wanted (or for a better roll of the same one) on your final attempt without ending up with a total brick.

Or yet another currency could be added, something similar to the rarity of a scattered prism (or a bit rarer even). You could spend those for an extra Tempering roll. For max flexibility, maybe that currency, let’s call it a Blacksmithing Token, could even be spent for a zero-gold Enchant, to give you a temporary respite from the sharply escalating cost of Enchanting re-rolls.


It’s the same 1 to 2 people doing it. They spew their vitriol, get banned, make a new account, come back, and keep going.

Really, really mentally and emotionally unhinged people who are totally incapable of seeing a valid point someone else makes that they may disagree with.

But, I guess, accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty is their modus operandi.

Seasons does not last long, these tempering changes does hurt anyone.

It is beyond idiot to wait 500 hour for the next 3 GA wpn, they don’t drop like candies.


Eternal lasts forever, you should check that out.

There already is enough randomness in the drops. Why do we need more gambling and luck to adapt an item that dropped to our builds?

Every season there is new stuff that is pretty compelling to play over the eternal realm, so I don’t really care if everyone who played daily all season long has BIS everything by the time the season ends. If Blizzard’s goal is everyone plays seasons, then the game ends after 3 months, so the target should be that most people will have the items and build that they want by the end of those 3 months.

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I think the hardcore players who are trying to min-max and spend hours farming the perfect base item are the ones who are most critical of the seeming silly RNG, not casuals.

Will you guys cool it with the absurd idea of spending unicorn-rare gold just for a shot at another RNG-based re-temper?


i like it. stop whining and go find another GA in an already dumbed down game. we dont need to trivialize this game even further and u dont need to have BiS in 2 minutes. pathetic crying nutheads ruined this game more than enough.


I only did it to finish the quest. I see no reason to keep doing it.

Tempering is fine as is.
An option to keep current temper like we can with enchanting would be the only change that should be considered.

Now being able to enchant away garbage GA’s (I’m looking at you life per second) and keep the GA boost is another matter altogether in my opinion (at a much larger scaling cost, even include hard to get materials to do so)
Diablo is a loot grind game, if you don’t get the stats you want on a piece of gear, you get back out there and -gear grind- for another.


current tempering diminishes the excitement of finding a great 3ga item

it should change


Talk in your name.

That’s it …

If they change or remove or add a reset button or whatever will make it easier not to brick items, then they need to lower the amount of items with GA which one will find.

Because if they do …whatever wet dreams you guys have about resetting bricked items and they leave the drop rate…as is, in 3 days you will be BiS.

So whatever Blizzard will do , I hope they will not listen to QQ-ers like you guys.

At least not in the way you wanna do it.


Doubtful because the credit card warriors will just buy that BIS item in 1-2 days. I kinda like the system but its not friendly to people who buy items with BIS expectations.

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An added benefit to a good system?

I’ll allow it.

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I like the current system.

But if you want I reset it should cost. Here is a proposal for an acceptable cost IMO:

  • you can get a tempering reset on GA items
  • each time you reset it removes a GA affix


  • you can destroy a 3GA item to add a tempering reroll on a different item

Something along those lines… i.e. expensive

But i’d prefer it to stay as is and would like to see a tempering manual tweek to smooth out some of the rough spots.

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Yeah, this is my only reset cost idea as well!
It would be a meaningful cost, that wont be made meaningless over time with power creep (even costing another 3GA item would risk that).

I’ll even let you pick which GA should be removed.

Then guess what? They will be back on this very forum, crying that they bricked a PERFECT item and that is NOT FAIR!! And that they want the system NOT to bricks items anymore!! Because they are 40+ years old and don’t have time to farm for items anymore …

True story!