Current tempering is REALLY bad

Tempering IS bad.
But given the current system exists, the Limit for tempering is good. It is required for the system to function.
Removing the limit/adding a way to reset it, would make it way worse than it already is.

i would much rather they just add tempering to skills instead of gear!

masterworking rerolls cost way to much and the RNG is enough

tempering should either be scraped or be implemented into the skill tree where is kind of belongs!

As someone who finally found (and immediately bricked with this garbage-tier system) an amulet with an incredibly rare affix on it… @#$%ing signed.

P.S. Whomever’s idea it was to lump vulnerable damage in with cutthroat, when it’s rogue’s most-needed temper by a country mile, I hope you slam your pinky toe into the corner of your coffee table every day for the rest of your life.

Its not that bricking is bad,it the fact that you get the same affix multiple times. Maybe a larger pool to chose from with stats more relivant to the build you are trying for?

I believe this is the ‘fix’ that should be attempted before anything else.

Adjust, tweak, and expand the tempering manuals to try and allow more forgiving/usefull options while keeping the system the same.

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The whole gearing system is bad. They need to redo it again and not do it bad this time.

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+1. I think Tempering is fine as it is.

The system works as intended. It’s another layer of rng/gambling where you have a bit of Control (Choosing which category to apply, Continue or Stop, …etc)

If you don’t like it … Just imagine it doesn’t exist, items drop from monsters w/ 5 Affixes, and sometimes you don’t get the Affixes you actually want. Any better?


lets be real d3 did this and there was no problem in that!

Speak for yourself. I like the tempering system very much as it is. It’s one the best things about season 4. And yes, I have bricked multiple 3 GA items.

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D3 was a trash tier game. How many people were playing past 1 week over the last 3-4 years.

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how much fun will you have next season and the season after that! frustration into a game that is supposed to be fun!

gambling in a game shouldn’t be allowed

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The majority of the player base is silent. You have no idea what they think. Nobody does because they haven’t expressed an opinion.

i can tell you one thing! D3 didnt leave me feeling like i got ran over!

i actually enjoyed myself playing the seasons even if it was a week or 2 i at less put in 60+ hours per season

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Everyones fun is differnt but an arpg with that low of repeatable content isnt a game id want repeated.

RNG is what makes the loot based arpg genre fun. RNG is not gambling. Paid loot box gotcha games are which D4 is not.

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RNG is one aspect of the ARPG i for one like the boss fights and the loot that drops from the boss

RNG should only be from when the item is dropped not some 4min gamble for 2-6 hours of work

but atm i spend more time thinking i rather not farm something when all am doing is using one skill bash and 4 shouts

the game is lacking and needs balance changes

temper is a great idea just needs balancing some affixes that have different skills built into the roll or distance damage on a melee build are just bad design

atm its like they just put every employee’s idea into a hat and what comes out is RNG

So rogue is the class I need to make to understand the frustration of “required” tempering.affixes?

Cuz I mean today I “bricked” (missed 1 temper) on a perfect roll on all 3 non tempered affixes, 1 being a GA +3 to Hellbent Commander amulet. I may still use it if it reaches +6 vs. +5 I have currently on the last masferwork.

I don’t “need” it, hell I could have sold it for billions, but didn’t lose my mind failing that temper.

I have had fun each season since launch. Season 4 has been by far my favorite and I already liked D4 a lot. I have been playing more hours in season 4 than previous seasons thus far. I see nothing that indicates I won’t continue to enjoy the game each new season.

Gambling is a core part of many games, in this genre and others. Nothing wrong with it.

I prefer the current system then the old one of sifting through bags looking for a 5/5. They did admittedly make it more casual but I do enjoy it much better.

And thats ok. Im doing my own build. Its alot more fun then following some X build on a website.

I do agree. They need another 1.1 patch.

Often rolling you looking at a pool of 4-5 stats which as the season progresses you may only have need for 1 within the pool. As you progress upgraded become more scares. I mean my FO ticks of 500k-18mil the only progression thats left is the pit. Ill continue to progress till i feel im done.

But i mean the RNG isnt even that bad but its enough to keep the excitement. D3 never had that because no one wanted for anything which was a terrrible model imo. Sure there are a few apposed to anything that doesnt follow the D3 philosophy but I do feel the majority of fourm dissatisfaction comes from credit card warriors.

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How about a dungeon where you have to farm mats and fight a boss then if you get said mats from fighting him or her like current farming to fight Uber bosses that after you kill the boss and if you have the mats needed from farming it then and only then you can go to an anvil or forge or something that’s at the end kind of like when you level glyphs and reset your gear to original stats and even make it a 50% 60% 80% chance nothing crazy but give us a chance to reset the roll

lets be real your only looking at GA items and they are far and few between i sell or scrape anything that isnt a GA item so. even if items that where droping had 4-5 affixes on them you still be scraping 100% of them unless they had a GA item on it