Community Questions for Oct 4 Developer Update Livestream

they cherry pick soft ball questions. don’t get your hopes up. they’ll probably answer to the state of rod’s colon and hype basic game functions as super seasonal add on content.


Why is there not a public test server for D4 to test if content actually works before it is released? This is a must answer since season 1 not only launched with statnerfs - but also with multiple bugged or just broken seasonal features.

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Reread all questions, if they can be answered with a simple yes / no, they need to be reframed.

“Are there plans for X…”


“What are your plans for X….”


(Saxophone solo)


I really hope itemization gets covered by the developers with the next round of talks.

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For the Labor Day exp boost and attempt to bring back players you made changes that eliminated network disconnects, lag became nonexistent, and the gameplay was great.

My question to this team what did you do this past weekend that took the gameplay back to pre-Labor Day conditions and settings? Effectively bringing back repeated network disconnects and lag so bad that rubber banding was the least annoying part and fighting invisible werewolves was a regular part of the helltide during the limited time I was able play.

Before anyone begins to defend blizzard you can take a long walk.

I’m so disgusted with blizzard right now.

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Thank you for looking at forums


Will there be any changes to the Uber Lilith fight for more consistency? If you damage her too fast the wrong way you can get stuck in endless waves, or waves that overlap with each other.

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nice! really cool you made an appearance to this nice thread :slight_smile: big thumgs up =)

and yea, the usernames dont really matter really. ^^


My question pertains to the mount and its controls. Having to have the cursor so far out just to have run speed instead of a slow trot makes it very difficult to control with any precision, and makes my wrist hurt having to fling the mouse around just to do something as simple as rounding a corner.

Are there any plans to eliminate the need to have this awful control scheme and just let us have run speed as default so we can have our cursor closer for better maneuverability? A run/walk toggle added to the UI for mounts would let you trot instead of run and would make the control so much more user friendly.

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Happy to hear there is some attention to the questions from the community. Hopes up they can be answered, at least some of them.

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I don’t expect half, hell even a quarter of these to be answered during the live stream, but if even 5 of the big ones are answered, I’d be more then happy at this point. Regardless if it’s from this thread or users from the twitch chat asking.

Doesn’t hurt to ask though, and as much as I criticize the game, I do want to see it get better.


This is a sentence a lot of users on the forums and in general need to think about.

Meme on the game sure, meme the developers sure, criticize it an trash it down, BUT what are your actual intentions is very important. It’s important to keep things away from toxicity, keep it funny, and try to help around.


i’m skeptically sarcastic. i’d love for this game to make a u- turn. i admit 1-50 was great.

but the constant nerfs, build uniformity, and glaring end game inadequacies coupled with this company’s incompetence, greed, and messaging has left a bad taste with many.


Good list, it is missing a significant one:

Zoom out! The current zoom level of this game is nauseating.

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Same, I’m cautiously hopeless. Meaning I still follow everything, but don’t have much hope for the future of the franchise. Considering everything we have seen from Blizzard so far.

Just looking forward to this being better, but I don’t think they will change it so much unless multiple expansions happen.

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First one in the Gameplay section, been there a while :grinning:

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iggi putting more effort than blizz will do in both streams. don’t give up. hope dies last.

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How many developers are left working on D4? Did anyone there admit to the bad itemization and terrible uniques? Any discussion on how many of the players, streamers and fans of the franchise have quit the game?

  1. When world tier V, VI, etc…?
  2. When zooming out camera feature?
  • is the hardcore perma-death by disconnect fixed?
  • is the number of characters slots increased from 10?
  • are the resistances fixed (especially against poison and freeze bombs)?
  • is it fun?
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