Community Questions for Oct 4 Developer Update Livestream

Did some clean up, got rid of some specific questions as I feel they would just answer the more opened ended ones. Added two new categories, 8) Gameplay and 9) Quality of Life and moved the appropriate questions into those spots.

@Bukkit I added in your question to the Gameplay section

@Nyurei - not yet, let’s see

Would it be possible to add more rewards to the Tree of Whispers? Such as more gathering materials, glyph exp, maybe throw in a random elixir or two?

I’ll throw it under the Open World Category.


i really hope your work will get acknowledged - itd indeed be really great if the cm left a short remark here. something short like “i got it on my screen and will put it forward!” would be really lovely ^^


Are there any plans to make Unique items scalable? Would like to try new builds on alts without having to level to 80 before finding out it doesn’t work.

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Here’s a big question “why do you think most players think this game is a joke?”

C ?) Any loot filter updates you can give us?
Option to convert filtered out items to drop gold or materials on pickup
(reduce clutter and still benefit from drop)

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Thanks for doing this Iggi,

  • in terms of enchanting, it would be great if we could roll an affix more than 1 time OR if it must be 1-shot, if all possible affix’s were available. Rolling equipment is far too punishing - especially for certain classes
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I would like to see a question aimed towards fixing Dungeons as a whole, not just Nightmare Dungeons. I think by fixing dungeons (adding randomization in layout and size, unique events, hidden rooms, secret bosses, fixing unlock mechanics, fixing dungeon bosses) it will go a long way towards improving Nightmare Dungeons, and I would like to see changes to them as well, not just fixing the repetition of the NM Dungeons specifically.

Changes to Nightmare Dungeons for me would simply be adding new monsters to fight, adding new challenges (to actually change up the way you play in a NM Dungeon), divorcing Glyph XP from rushing the dungeon boss (tying GLYPH XP more towards “completing a dungeon” rather than rushing a boss), and things like that. Otherwise, dungeons as a whole need to be fixed.

I would like to know if they have any plans on fixing the skill tree/paragon/board/aspect system? The entire progression system in the game is boring, and not deep enough. Having a deeper skill tree (more skills to choose from as well as more upgrade paths for each skill) would help to differentiate people from each other.

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Are there any plans to make Gems more viable?

They are extremely lackluster for the most part, especially the weapon options - Skulls in particular are a complete joke, offering such little Life on Kill per tier I don’t know why anyone would bother, whereas in Diablo 2 they were extremely valuable for the life and mana leech.

Also, many skills underperform such as the so-called “Basic” skills (it would be nice to have more aspects that affect them as well as uniques) but even worse, there are numerous abilities that don’t even work such as the Sorcerer’s passive that is supposed to give Mana Regen for each nearby burning enemy - it literally does nothing, and this along with numerous other issues have been reported since the beta.

Can we please get some kind of ETA on when these will be fixed, and are there any plans to allow for more builds that don’t directly rely upon the use of Core skills?


while bumps arent neccesarly nice to see according to the rules ill take the risk and bump it =)

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3 more days to go :smiley:

its big load of questions already ^^

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Would you add an option to make the ambient wildlife immune to player abilities, so I don’t have to kill the bunny?


Reworded and changed the category to Dungeons instead of NM dungeons. I would agree dungeons in general need a bit of a rework from the ground up.

As for the whole skill system and paragon I’ll add “Will any changes be coming to enhance the skill tree or paragon board, such as more skills, passives, special paragon nodes, etc.?”

Aspects have been mentioned in the appropriate section.

Thanks. Those changes work well.

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Can we get the ability to fully (eye color, hair color, skin tone etc) change the look of our characters at the wardrobe please?

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This is fantastic! We do source a lot of questions from Twitch chat during the event, but we’ll see about getting some of these addressed as well. There are a lot of repeats during streams and throughout channels, so we can’t call out every individual username on the ones we collect, but keep an ear out!


Will there be more customization options in transmogs, specifically weapons (changing colors, visual objects embedded within the weapon like crests/jewels/markings etc) ?

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And obviously some of these questions may be addressed during the live stream before we even get to the Q&A at the end, I understand that. Always good to have a consolidation of questions though, instead of just random posts to look through constantly.

Callouts of names isn’t a problem, as long as the question is asked. If Random_Player32 gets their name called out for the same question asked here, it’s not a big deal, this is a group effort of forming questions, we just want answers at this point. Now we don’t expect every question to be answered, but there are a few big ones in the list that I’m sure the majority of the player base would like answered.

Thank you for responding to the post though.


What are the nerfs that are coming for us?
How is Overpower going to get “boosted”?
Any word on more stash tabs?

These are my top questions.

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I think it would be nice if ALL of these got answered, even if its not going to happen during the livestream and happens in an outside article instead or something.

This thread feels like it formed because a lot of these questions have been asked since the beginning and have yet to be addressed. It would be nice to know that Blizzard “is truly listening.”

At the moment it feels as though easier questions are cherry-picked, and that greatly lowers the morale of the players.

Edit: I think OP did a good job at making these questions more palatable and easier to answer as well that I don’t think it should be an issue.


Can you please allow new quests and content to be available on eternal realms so that we can role play them with our mains?

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