Community Questions for Oct 4 Developer Update Livestream

Going to try to keep this topic updated until October 4th, please bare with me if I don’t add every single question people have about the game. Also please be mindful of not only what you want to ask but how you ask it.

These are current issues I’ve noticed have popped up a lot on these forums. Please add your own questions or if you can think of a way to reword some of the ones I’ve written down, I’m all for the constructive criticism.

As was pointed out they tend to pick more vague questions over specific ones so keep that in mind. I’ve Bolded the generic questions and Italicized the specifics.

1) Itemization

What are your plans to change itemization in Diablo 4?

  • What are your plans to condense the amount of affixes currently on gear?
  • Any plans for a higher ilvl tier of gear for endgame?
  • Would it be possible to limit the level requirement of an item that drops based on the World Tier more so then the player level? This makes it harder to gear up alts for example.

Are Set items and/or Runewords still planned to be implemented into the game?

  • Are there any plans to make Unique items scalable?

2) Crafting, Enchanting, & Aspects

Any ideas of expanding or changing the current crafting system?

What are there any plans to make Gems more viable? Perhaps adding them to new crafting recipes.

What are your plans to address the issues with enchanting such as the increasing costs, or the amount of affixes able to roll on an item?

Will the Codex of Power be receiving any changes to help with obtaining Aspects as well as inventory problems?

Some Aspects feel underpowered or are overshadowed by obvious better choices, are there any plans to go back and rework or possibly get rid of some of these?

  • As it stands, players are constantly destroying items to collect Aspects for a particular build, typically having multiple copies of the same Aspect which eventually spills over into the players Stash taking up even more space. Any plans to change the Codex of Power to possibly allow it from being the lowest value possible, to maybe being slowly upgraded as you find Aspects that have higher value, thus overwriting the base amount?
  • On the same topic, would you ever consider adding all aspects to be obtainable through the Codex of Power, not just through dungeons, but by also obtaining a piece of gear that has an aspect you could then imprint into the Codex of Power?
  • Or could we possibly have a way to temporarily store certain aspects to use multiple times within the Codex itself?

3) Skills, Paragon, & Balancing

Big question of the community, when will we receive a button to reset all paragon or a specific board, hopefully with a confirmation attached?

Class balancing is always difficult and currently feels off within the game, could you give us some insights on possible changes being worked on that would address this?

Will any changes be coming to enhance the skill tree or paragon board, such as more skills, passives, special paragon nodes, etc.?

What are your thoughts on Build Diversity at the moment?

  • We all know balance is a never ending journey, and things will be changing all the time, can you possibly give us some insight as to what your plans are for underperforming skills, or skills the majority of the player base just doesn’t use?
  • Cooldowns for certain classes are a big part of what makes a particular build work, however with the nerfs to obtaining cooldown reduction, it is still a highly sought after affix for the builds that require it. Will this be changed in the future to just lower cooldowns in general or do you feel they are in a good state at the moment?
  • Basic Abilities can often times feel like a filler ability required to regain your primary resource, or apply a form of utility such as a stun, slow, vulnerable affect, etc. Moving forward what are your thoughts on allowing these Basic Abilities to allow for more resource generation to help a player engage more with their Core Abilities?

4) Dungeons

Do you have any changes planned for how Dungeons currently work, such as backtracking, rewards, events, randomization of layouts, or NM glyph experience?

Are there plans to increase the available amount of Nightmare Dungeons per season, and possibly a few more baseline bosses?

  • Are there any plans to allow players to level their glyphs outside of NM dungeons?
  • There’s a lot of Affixes that stack against the player in a NM dungeon, some ranging from ‘a mild nuisance’ to ‘I’m going to delete this sigil immediately’, are there any plans to change, delete, or add more affixes, both for the player and against the player?
  • Is there anyway to allow the player to port into the Dungeon itself once a NM Sigil is activated, instead of outside of the Dungeon? We’re essentially zoning twice, it wastes a lot of time.

5) Player Community

What are your plans to add additional tools to help people find and form groups within the game?

Could we get some more options for Clans, such as being able to see the last member online for Clan Management purposes?

Will trading ever be opened up to include other items aside from just rares?

Would it be possible to allow trading of only dropped items found within a group, for group members only, for a specific period of time, similar to Diablo 3?

6) Open World

World Tier 5?

Will there be any changes to World Boss Timers?

Would it be possible to add more rewards to the Tree of Whispers? Such as more gathering materials, glyph exp, maybe throw in a random elixir or two?

Any chance we can see the level scaling adjusted to keep the overworld viable? Tree of Whispers becomes very slow after level 80 in part because the world is so low level.

Any plans to increase drop amounts or rates of farmable materials, or alternate ways to obtain materials, found in the open world? It can take hours just to gather enough materials sometimes.

7) UI

It’s quite easy to lose the cursor in the middle of battle, could we get see some color changes with a possible highlighted border placed around the cursor to help us find/keep track of it easier?

Are there any plans to allow the option for an overlay map? Helltides, NM Dungeons, and the overworld in general can be a dangerous place when you’re stuck looking at your map that doesn’t allow you to look at the playing field at all.

Any plans to add more options to the inventory when selling or possibly wanting to keep specific gear from being sold/disenchanted?

  • Would it be possible to add a Sell All button, or Sell Normal/Magical/Rares button similar to what we have when we destroy gear at the blacksmith?
  • We have a junk button to mark unwanted items, but could we also get a lock option to make sure we don’t accidently sell or disenchant items as well?

8) Gameplay

Can we have the option to zoom out further during combat? It’s very hard to see Corpse Bows shooting us from off screen.

Could you give us your ideas for adding in additional endgame activities?

Could we get an option for a run/walk toggle on mounts? Having to move your cursor to the edges of the screen makes it harder to maneuver in general while mounted.

Any plans to have an option to replay the story (and reset it) on all world tiers?

Will Solo Self Found (SSF) mode come to Diablo 4?

Any plans to add an offline mode?

Are there any plans to allow modding of any kind? Perhaps UI mods that would not interact with the game in anyway other then to display information differently.

9) Quality of Life (QoL)

Do you plan to increase the player stash or personal inventory in the future?

Are there any plans to allow for load-outs for our characters to easily switch between gear, skills and paragon?

Any loot filter updates you can give us?

Can we get an option to toggle or customize the combat text on screen?

Would it be possible to add a portal that teleports you back to a main central chamber in a dungeon once you’ve reached an objective you’ve completed? Such as picking up an artifact to run back, or killing enemies within a specific chamber, etc.

The color blind options are a good start, but there are several types of color blindness, any chance we could get some variations added?

10) PVP

Are there any plans to do anything with the PVP aspect of the game, or will it be similar to Diablo 2 and 3 where it is in a complete state and will not receive any changes?

  • What are the caps in PVP for Crit Damage, Attack Speed, etc.?

11) Misc.

Where possible could we get an approximate time on when things will be fixed or implemented, roughly 6 to 9 months out for example? Obviously the timeline is subject to change, but just a rough estimate would be helpful.

What are your plans for a PTR?

Any plans to add more customization to player creation (more makeup options for example), dyes for gear, or other options?

Don’t suppose you could give us a hint as to any new class(es) that might be coming in the expansion?

With the potential for new classes and so players can experience a wider variety of build options for existing classes, are you going to increase active character slots beyond 10?

Will there be any changes to the Uber Lilith fight for more consistency? If you damage her too fast the wrong way you can get stuck in endless waves, or waves that overlap with each other.

Can you please allow new quests and content to be available on eternal realms so that we can role play them with our mains?

Is the 2.0 expansion going to be coming later next year, or will there be a longer wait period before D4 settles into the annual expansion routine?

  • When is official Ray Tracing support coming to Diablo IV?

  • What will the metric be for the Leaderboards coming in Season 3? Level, NM Dungeon progress, etc.

  • As you may or may not be aware, there are people who will stand afk within an event zone, and not contribute once the event is started, but will gladly receive the rewards and exp once the event is done. Would it be possible to add in a participation stipulation where a player has to actively kill or complete a certain percent of objectives in order to receive credit?

That’s all I have for now, feel free to add your own and I will incorporate them into this thread as I have time.


You are asking real (which they dodge) and highly specific questions. You may consider more generalized questions for a slim chance to have them approach a discussion. IE: “what are your plans to correct itemization in Diablo 4?”

This communicates that we realize there is an itemization issue in its entirety, and they can cherry pick their responses and Goldie Locks it before the stream, ya know, get it just right. :wink:

Vs 5 specific itemization questions that are easily dodged, currently unknown answers, or dismissed entirely as to not expose their spilt milk.

I should add to be clear, you highlight some huge topics, would love to see them address each specifically though :frowning:

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Hmm I see what you’re saying. You are correct though, they do tend to ignore more specific questions and go for an overall vague question with a broad answer to encompass the question. Obviously I don’t expect them to answer all of the questions, was mostly giving examples of what I’ve seen constantly pop up on the forums.

I’ll add some generic vague questions for each topic, and leave the specific ones in just in case. If anything maybe the CM will forward it over to them. Anything in Bold will be the more vague question, with the more specific questions in Italics.

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Do I not see endless stash mentioned?

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Knew I was forgetting a key item, thank you. Added it as the first question in the UI section. Kept it vague of course, given the limitations we know of about player stashes.

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All my stuff has to do with itemization. I didn’t feel like retyping it into question form, but these are my main critiques.

  • Too many Aspects are specific to a SINGLE skill making them nearly almost required or useless with no in between.

  • Items drop smart loot and only drop for your current class (95% of the time, 100% of the time for uniques) making the desire to farm for alts non-existant.

  • Items requirements scale to the level they were received at and not their stats. This makes what little trading there was mostly obsolete. Items level requirements should scale with the stats on the item, not arbitrarily the level it was received. (this also hurts gathering items for alts.) I don’t know if this one is still true or not.

  • Weapons/offhands are class restricted. This lowers diversity further. These should instead have attribute requirements to disincentivize ‘off-class’ usage but not limit it completely. Could open up new build styles.

  • Weapon ilvl scales damage purely on its own, making that king and removing a lot of build options.

  • Yellows and legendaries have 4 affixes instead of 6 from previous and other arpgs making it harder to stack proper stats, and locks in GG items far earlier giving even less of a carrot on a stick. This also will make resistances, even though they are being reworked, hard to want to stack.

  • Blue and white items are 100% useless. It was said Blue would be able to have higher rolls of things in early development and this isn’t the case. Blues should have a 50% higher ceiling and floor for stats to allow sacrificing certain stats for others in niche scenarios. White items were always going to be useless however this could be fixed by having more bases for each slot and having a way to turn white items into yellows.

  • Some conditionals are just absurd, Have barrier enemy is vulnerable while you play with one hand and eat cheerios and deal cold damage there is a 5% lucky hit chance to have a 20% chance to Do a thing. I’m exaggerating a bit but there really are some deep conditionals that are either 100% uptime because the build just happens to always fill all the conditions, or they are worthless. They lean far more towards the worthless side.

  • There are nowhere near enough uniques. I’m not talking we need 5x more, I’m talking we need 20x more. Aspects are too common to be a carrot on a stick, we need more carrots on more sticks. The chase ones also need to not be more uncommon than winning the lottery. I know they are said to address this but stating it anyhow.

  • There exist far too many “buff this very specific skill and this skill only” aspects and uniques. We need more diversity in these affixes otherwise they stranglehold builds. They addressed this very slightly in the last major patch notes but it was nowhere near enough to give a bunch of build diversity. Let us come up with op and broken combos, that’s what fun is the experimenting. Being forced into builds the devs create with gear being that specific makes the game boring, homogeneous, and uninteresting.

  • Runewords when?


I have 0 high hopes so let me say I agree with you. But if they want this game to succeed they need to start answering these very specific questions. I haven’t ever seen this much pushback against a blizzard game and this many people truly quitting. Even DI didn’t get as much hate, and it got a LOT of hate. They really need to step up because a lot of people, myself included, are finally fed up and out of second chances. They don’t need to just slightly improve the game, it needs an overhaul. They aren’t gunna pull the masses back with minor fixes. Hell, even D3 had 2 xpacs planned and lost so much goodwill at the beginning it went on early life support and only pushed out 1 xpac.

So they can say and plan and dodge all they want, but if they don’t truly work to fix this game at its core, and quickly, its gunna be short-lived.


Updated a few things here or there. Keep the questions coming.

If possible can we get approximate time on when thing will be fixed. Working on “X” doesn’t really help. But it will be 6 to 9 months before “X” will be implemented would be much more helpful.

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  • will there be offline mode and if yes will it support modding?

We know the answer but really, I start to believe a moddable D4 could ultimately be the only way we will ever enjoy D4.
Activision is not going to deliver a fun game as it isn’t in their DNA.

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thanks for taking the time to keep this updated!

I just crossread so pardon me if you already listed it.

Things i think of are: Materials, anyway idea how to farm them more consistently without running arround some hours? Its not world of warcraft, while i enjoy the open world of diablo, i dont really like to go pick plants.

Trading: is there a chance to allow trading of all items, that drop within a group for a certain time period? like 1-2 hours. i think thatd highly encourage group play.

Codex of Power: maybe a way to temporarily store certain aspects to use for like 2-3 times? While i like the Idea of the codex itselfs, it becomes absolutely uninteristing to use at later levels

*Nightmare Dungeons: I too would like to see an increase of available nmds per season, and maybe a few more baseline bosses, as some are pretty repititive.

mods: are there going to be some form of mods you will allow? Set rules, like, mods that improve the UI, but dont interact with the game for example? its a bit tedious to use some external websites and manually put over stats when these things can be done by nicely done community mods

classes: is there a rough idea for the next class thats going to be released?

Again, sorry if its listed, but im sure you are keeping good track <3


Going to add a Misc Question section, this would be the perfect first question for it.

Agreed, I doubt we’ll ever see it for Diablo 4, but doesn’t hurt to ask.

I have similar questions, but they aren’t the same, adding all of these in the appropriate places.

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btw, again big thank you. one of the few threads that isnt filled with troll or hate and might actually help the cm as well.


:+1: Added your questions and reworded them slightly, or integrated them into existing questions I already had up.

Edit for reference here are the questions you asked:

Or could we possibly have a way to temporarily store certain aspects to use multiple times within the Codex itself? Thus freeing up more space without having to carry them around or hold in our stash.

Are there plans to increase the available amount of Nightmare Dungeons per season, and possibly a few more baseline bosses? Running the same 30 dungeons can be quite repetitive.

Would it be possible to allow trading of only dropped items found within a group, for group members only, for a specific period of time, similar to Diablo 3?

Any plans to increase drop amounts or rates of farmable materials, or alternate ways to obtain materials, found in the open world? It can take hours just to gather enough materials sometimes.
(Had this question up before, just reworded it a little differently)

Are there any plans to allow modding of any kind? Perhaps UI mods that would not interact with the game in anyway other then to display information differently.

Don’t suppose you could give us a hint as to any new class(es) that might be coming in the expansion?

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+1 support to Iggi’s topic and a free bump :100: :+1:


yea this thread should def be kept up til the stream. maybe it can get a semi sticky or the likes?

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Lyricana or PezRadar need to look at this and bring at least one question from it to the livestream. Most questions are relevant and well formulated.


oh is there a transmog question yet? as in, more colour options?

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Just saw a post about it, currently working on adding the questions in.

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Personally I would like to see a significant addition to character slots. 5 classes, with multiple effective builds per, with more classes in future, means 10 slots shared between Eternal and Season is cripplingly low. (IMO)

You might add in a question about future character class additions if you wanted to give them more wiggle room in their answer.

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