Community Questions for Oct 4 Developer Update Livestream

You should be commended for the work you are doing. A lot of things being brought up are things I havent thought about because I have my own list of issues. Most of which have already been covered.

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Holy crap, a CM posted on the forums. Must be a slow day on X. :sweat_smile: :melting_face:

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Social aspect of this game is severely lacking from previous games, IDK if it is due to instances of game worlds or what. But as a PC player, there is almost non existent.
I understand console probably uses headset, but unless it has been ppl i know from d3 or family, I have only spoke to less than a hand full of people in any form other than EMOTE replies.

This is a really disappointing aspect. It is also pushing me towards, moving on to something with more social interaction.

World boss events, players gather around and emote, but nobody groups up, and there is no personal interaction.

  1. When traslucent minimap overlay?
  2. When mini-map-corner zoom out?

this is already the wrong question. this lets them divert into the “over time we will…”

the correct question is “how will you FIX itemization for SEASON 2?”

this specifically forces them to address the fact its bad NOW and how they intend to address it in season 2 and not any other time. and if they try and divert any other way you know right away they have no plan and to not waste your time with d4.

  1. What would it take for a global reduction to cooldowns, like 50% range?

  2. What would it take to get a global improvement to movement speed, like 15 - 20%?

  3. Request: please buff brawling skills, paragons, and aspects on Barbarian…the all brawl build must thrive

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D4 is a single player game and multiplayer is optional. There is really no need to group up except for World Bosses and legion events. Even in MMOs these days, most players who like to socialize are on discord. Finding strangers to talk to is going to be hard. If socializing is your thing I’d recommend joining a clan. There isn’t much the game can do to make people more social who aren’t interested in being social.

Keep in mind before you post your question

  1. They are going to go over a TON of new stuff first
  2. Odds are they will have answered your question already in the presentation
  3. Keep it short - sign your name in readable form lol.

It’s from the community, I just consolidated and worded some of the questions. Im also a bit of a perfectionist so I’ve reworded, formatted, deleted, reworked that post who knows how many times lol. Edit count says 30+ times, we’ll go with that.

Regardless ty, I’m just the messenger, if we can get some of these questions answered it’ll be worth it.

I would very much like to know why there are no +Skill Point nodes in Paragon Boards. It’s an endgame goal I’d like to chase and currently there are no options supporting this fantasy other than gear, which feels very restrictive.

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Because Paragon Board is bad? They delayed giving you Attribute Points until 50 then created the most bloated and convoluted system to do that. They split off some Passive Skills that would otherwise be in the Skill Tree or on Gear and slapped it into “Boards” instead. “Glyphs” were added as the only real scalable Passive “Skill” with Ranks. It could be immensely streamlined graphically which would make planning infinitely easier.

There is no need for the clunkiness and it could have easily been incorporated into a single Skill Tree system.

how many times did you rewatch inuyasha :o?

anyway its awesome our CM had a visit. makes this thead more popular and filled with nice questions + shows interest :D. i sadly wont have the time to watch the live stream it seems sadly. Dx

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After removing the grind to complete renown, which many still enjoyed and looked forward to. How do you plan to replace this removed in game activity with something rewarding? Preferably something that does not equate directly to player power.

Are there any plans to remove all of the doors in dungeons that stop you from progressing? I really dislike the number of dungeons that require me to pick up a thing and bring it to a pedestal.

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Gates are not a problem. The manner in which you unlock them is. Having to back-track is a major gameplay fluidity issue. This occurs even when clearing all enemies.

Dungeons should be linear. If you want to add a randomized element to it, maybe antechambers have a scripted event. Upon completing the event, you can choose between 1 of 3 doors to take. All doors end the same, but the challenges and rewards might differ. Once you unlock a door, the others become inaccessible. This gives you some choice and offers a randomized map. These branches might have different enemy archetypes. You always move forward.

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Agree, some minor backtracking is expected, but full on monty’s going on right now on some of the maps.

Probably been asked already in this thread but:

when will leaderboards be introduced?

Side suggestion: Please add leaderboards for lowest level clears of Cap Stone dungeons. Personally the most fun I have in D4 is making builds to clear Capstone for T3/T4 at low levels.

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Was mentioned a while ago but they said Leaderboards will be coming in Season 3. They did not specify exactly what metric they will be using though, could be levels, NM dungeons, Butcher kills, who knows.

I’ll add a question about the metric in the morning.

Sure here are my questions.

Why is Blizzard failing to engage with the community on virtually any level on the forums?

Why does D4 have literally no social features?

Why is D4 being outclassed with regards to QOL by virtually every other ARPG on the market? (Lootfilters, sorting, etc.)

Why is is taking months to fix fundamental issues with the game? (ie resistances not working)

Where is my Sword and Board class? And why do you think its ok as a studio to release an ARPG without one of its foundational classes?

Why is seasonal content in other ARPGS, that shall not be names, so much more robust that D4?

What is being done to address the stale nature of itemizations? Right now everyone is just stacking every sources of %increase to dmg, this is boring.

Since Blizzard has now put D2R in maintenance mode and OW2 seems to also be on its last legs, why should I trust that this dev team is simply not goin to abandon D4 in the same manner? Why should I invest my time here anymore?

What can you tell players to reassure them that bugs that literally destroyed this season are not goin to creep up again, what changes in your process are you making to avert similar problems? (ie dupes, moving items between seasonal and non seasonal leagues)

What is being done to address all barb builds requiring all 3 shouts by default?

What is being done to address the plethora of class skills that are not supported by items, are underpowered, or are not utilized for other reasons?

When can we expect content that should have been in the game in launch and that your competitors have/had in early access? (ie leaderboards)

Since D4 is one of if not the most expensive ARPG on the market between the box cost, cash shop, battle pass, what is the rationale internally that the game is lacking on Both features and content compared to its much more reasonably priced competitors, as a consumer why should I pay a premium for less?


Why bother listing all the names this time?
They’re definitely not your run-of-the-mill paid or self-proclaimed internet trolls. No need to painstakingly spell out every username again. Just toss in a couple of those corporate figures to make it all shiny. After all, they’ve had their fair share of slip-ups in the past. Do we really want everyone to have another chuckle at their expense?