Community Questions for Oct 4 Developer Update Livestream

I’m fine if that’s the reason too, so Ill bump it every day until the Oct 4th.

Also not a fan of necroing or spamming old threads, but this is one of the threads that has meaning. At least compared to most threads in the forum.

It is very hard to unite this community in any way, this is one of those reasons.


absolutely. i mean i still like d4 and dont regret the purchase but what iggi collected here is absolutely fair and correct. we all hope for the diablo franchise to be awesone ^^


Are there any plans to condense the amount of affixes currently on gear?

I hope not, i wold love more affixes, not less.

Any plans for a higher tier of gear for endgame?

I hope not, we already have normals, magicals, normal rares and sacred rares that become useless because of ancient ones, one more tier make no sense

Would it be possible to limit the level requirement of an item that drops based on the World Tier more so then the player level? This makes it harder to gear up alts for example.

They already put a cap of 80, its already easy enough

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there are mods here?

So you would like more affixes? I think they’ve reached the limit of what they can add, the only thing missing is +% damage to specific mob types (which can be found on elixirs). I mean +duration to shrine buffs is actually an affix. I made a comment about this before but some items can quite literally have upwards of 50 affixes they can roll on one piece of gear due to class specific affixes as well.

It gets to the point where trying to find even decent gear with just 2 or 3 of the stats you want is like finding a needle in a haystack, if you find all 4 you may want to play the lottery. Just my opinion though, I’ve seen this brought up a lot on these forums.

Sorry I should reword this, I meant higher ilvl tier, currently the cap is ilvl 845 (without upgrades). Which does little but add more armor/damage. Affix ranges are capped at 720 I believe? A higher ilvl tier would increase the affix range as well as the armor/damage on gear. I’ll reword this.

Although I assume we won’t see a new ilvl tier until they add a new world tier difficulty, but doesn’t hurt to ask.

It was asked so I added it, I personally don’t mind it myself, but I can see how some would find it inconvenient.

Currently working on adding some of these in. You ask some very specific questions that also kind of coincide with other questions already asked, but it’s a good list. I feel some are a little too specific, so I may shorten them a bit for the ones I add.

Apologies for the delay, I’ll start to incorporate them tomorrow morning. Just didn’t want you to feel I’m ignoring you. I only give likes to posts that ask questions after I’ve put in their questions to remind me I’ve actually done it or not.

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Great job, resuming them :slight_smile:


they arent “capped” there, its just the current last breakpoint where stats do a little jump. basicially you can say the stats can increase, tho its of course just a minor amount

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true the clan system needs a lot of love.


Updated and added a few more questions. Shameless bump I know.

Um… :duck: :duck: :watermelon:

List is great and getting bigger, daily bump. Maybe someone else would have some questions to add.

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Maybe theres some in this thread from 24 hours b4 this on on the same exact topic

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Take and use what you will. I only ask the questions I dont judge!


haha yea i didnt expect it to become this big xD

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I forgot one:


When can I bump to the bump she bump she bump?

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Don’t forget enchantment costs too!

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Not sure how I missed that one thank you. It’s under itemization now, 2nd bolded question.

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Folks add more question for Oct. 4th, if you have anything that’s not covered.


made a topic earlier,

is there plans to have an option to replay the story (and reset it) on all world tiers?

i realy think it would help the lackluster/boring endgame

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has the tree of whisper been mentioned yet? Personally i dont see a reason doing it at all. i get my rewards from it when i have it accidently finished from a world boss but thats about it.

Maybe at least add gylph ep to it, so its a nice break from nmds eventually, or heavily increase the amount if herbs you get from it, so it makes sense to do it to craft incenses and elixirs.

(for example, i use incenses way too rarely as its usually just not worth it since its gone when you die)

Its a nice thing to have these missions on the map, but the pay off just isnt worth it. so its kinda sad to have this underultilized feature

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