Please { DELETE } " We've " decided this isnt needed

" WE " had a meeting and decided this thread was inferior, please delete

I wasnt aware 2 people from the community decide who can post and where, good to know

Will I finally be able to see the armor dmg % reduction on console.

When will itemization concerns be addressed?


Loot system.

As of right now they don’t even acknowledge it as a problem.

I’m not asking immediate solution, I don’t expect that from a team that took 4 months to release gem tabs no, but I expect them to do the very hate minimum which is just acknowledging that is a problem and are working on a solution.

They fail to even deliver the bare minimum, pathetic.


Just a few. What have you changed on loot itemization to make it worth it/interesting. What have you added as endgame content. Details of the seasonal mechanic. The rest is trivial to me.


When will the devs stop being neutered by the executives and allow them to finish the game?


Can we please get a combat log? I’m too busy during a fight to see the numbers flying amongst the mob and I’m not recording a game just to see information that should be made available. Having this would greatly help players with deciding what is working and what isn’t.


I hope " combat log " includes damage numbers and from what source or type of damage.

All i see in the chat window is " DiesFourth was killed by xxxx " If i knew what type of damage it was i could adjust.

As it is i have to guess from the name but its kinda hard to tell when it says " Crazed wildabeast "

Yes. A combat log would show how much damage you put out on a skill and how much you received. It would also show your blocks and parrys, which is also important. It’s just a really big help when trying to figure out what is and isn’t working with your build. This is something that was requested as far back as BETA and I’m surprised the game was released without it. IMO, it’s an essential feature for a game like this.

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I’ll ask them why honestly. Why they never apologized for D3. Why they made D4. Why make seasons when the game is soulless af.

  1. when is diabolo 5 landing? is the rumours for 2025 as per the streamers accurate?
  2. which classes will we have in the xpansion pack? i hope for monk or wd.
  3. when is the real money auction house coming? we need to be able to buy the super rare items
  4. when will we see a paid battlepass consisiting of items and not cosmetics? we need progress much faster with better loot.

Rough estimate on when we can expect most passives and glyphs that appear to not be working a intended will be looking at getting patched?

Can we hope to see more free items in the battle pass for free players at each level, rather than have lots of levels where we gain nothing?

Can veteran players hope to see more difficulty options for the WT content like OpenWorld and grim/normal dungeons and Hell tides?

It’s 3 but yeah take your pick, IDC if you read out my Name :smiley:

Id ask them if they plan on adding more free cometics and achievements in game regarding earned cosmetics. I bought all the paid cosmetics will blizzard reward me for doing so? Mainly cosmetic questions.

When will SSF come to D4?

Give us battlegrounds.

The game is jank, but if pvp is good enough, it can survive.

Clan “last online” so we can filter out inactive players

Other than that the major issues like a gameplan on tackling itemization

If they simply acknowledge it and give small details why and where they will improve, I will be happy and hopeful. It’s supposed to be fun to loot, for me it’s the opposite. Feels like a chore with little upside at all.

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Do you plan to rework the lootsystem/itemization?

No one’s allowed to say just “itemization,” anymore. It’s become meaningless. It mean 50 things to 50 different people, none of which agree on what needs to change and in what order.

Say you want more quality, tier specific drops, you want less affixes to choose from, you want access to super uniques, you want better aspects and/or to change the aspect system.

It just makes it sound like you’re repeating a buzzword and don’t know what the actual F you’re talking about.

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Barrier amount too, right?