Community Questions for Oct 4 Developer Update Livestream

Great job, resuming them :slight_smile:


they arent “capped” there, its just the current last breakpoint where stats do a little jump. basicially you can say the stats can increase, tho its of course just a minor amount

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true the clan system needs a lot of love.


Updated and added a few more questions. Shameless bump I know.

Um… :duck: :duck: :watermelon:

List is great and getting bigger, daily bump. Maybe someone else would have some questions to add.

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Maybe theres some in this thread from 24 hours b4 this on on the same exact topic

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Take and use what you will. I only ask the questions I dont judge!


haha yea i didnt expect it to become this big xD

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I forgot one:


When can I bump to the bump she bump she bump?

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Don’t forget enchantment costs too!

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Not sure how I missed that one thank you. It’s under itemization now, 2nd bolded question.

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Folks add more question for Oct. 4th, if you have anything that’s not covered.


made a topic earlier,

is there plans to have an option to replay the story (and reset it) on all world tiers?

i realy think it would help the lackluster/boring endgame

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has the tree of whisper been mentioned yet? Personally i dont see a reason doing it at all. i get my rewards from it when i have it accidently finished from a world boss but thats about it.

Maybe at least add gylph ep to it, so its a nice break from nmds eventually, or heavily increase the amount if herbs you get from it, so it makes sense to do it to craft incenses and elixirs.

(for example, i use incenses way too rarely as its usually just not worth it since its gone when you die)

Its a nice thing to have these missions on the map, but the pay off just isnt worth it. so its kinda sad to have this underultilized feature

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Did some clean up, got rid of some specific questions as I feel they would just answer the more opened ended ones. Added two new categories, 8) Gameplay and 9) Quality of Life and moved the appropriate questions into those spots.

@Bukkit I added in your question to the Gameplay section

@Nyurei - not yet, let’s see

Would it be possible to add more rewards to the Tree of Whispers? Such as more gathering materials, glyph exp, maybe throw in a random elixir or two?

I’ll throw it under the Open World Category.


i really hope your work will get acknowledged - itd indeed be really great if the cm left a short remark here. something short like “i got it on my screen and will put it forward!” would be really lovely ^^


Are there any plans to make Unique items scalable? Would like to try new builds on alts without having to level to 80 before finding out it doesn’t work.

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Here’s a big question “why do you think most players think this game is a joke?”

C ?) Any loot filter updates you can give us?
Option to convert filtered out items to drop gold or materials on pickup
(reduce clutter and still benefit from drop)

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Thanks for doing this Iggi,

  • in terms of enchanting, it would be great if we could roll an affix more than 1 time OR if it must be 1-shot, if all possible affix’s were available. Rolling equipment is far too punishing - especially for certain classes
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