Dev Stream October 4th

Here we go, finally details - and there will also be a fireside chat a few days later.

They’re gonna be answering questions live during the fireside, so just wanna say two quick things;

  • Let’s be sure to ask the stuff that really matters

  • I know we’re all pissed off, but for the love of God please try to be civil. Cussing the devs out on stream’s not gonna help anyone.

A tall order I’m sure but come on. Keeping my fingers crossed we get something good, they mentioned reworks to multiple systems including dungeons.

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You can ask anything you want, they only answer the stupid questions like “hey Rod, what if Target runs out of s’mores cookies”

And if they do only answer a serious question, the answer you get is elusive at best, but I’ll talk to em.


Got a giant list of questions in this post:

Been updating it regularly, was pointed out early on that some of the questions were a bit too specific, and they tend to ignore those, so also added some very broad open ended questions they could easily take on. If you have anything to add feel free.

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Will do.


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they’ll be taking questions on colonoscopies and diablo immortal.


What? D4 has developers?? :scream: