Questions for OCT 4 post proposal

Anyone with more spare time than I have willing to create a post and edit it periodically with our most “liked” or voted on questions being listed? Could be a good way to ensure our most burning questions get addressed on the stream when Adam doesn’t have to scroll through a million replies buried in their official post. I haven’t seen one created yet and thought it might be a good idea. If someone gets something going THANKS! & I’ll delete this post to avoid confusion.
*maybe one other post to redirect Console thread to whatever we get going.


One I want and have also seen echoed everyone on reddit and these forums is an overhaul of itemization.

Trimming of the fat (tons of useless stats).
More affixes per piece.
Way more uniques.
Fixes to uniques and aspects making them affect more than just one single names skill (makes it less restrictive.)
Remove weapon restrictions.
Add stat requirements to balance weapons.

Good luck though with getting them to address real issues. They just cherry pick one easy problem to address and then answer google-able questions the rest of the stream.

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its nice to the forum to keep track, i wouldnt worry about the “adam scrolling through million things” point. i think thats what our new CM is mostly doing, as in checking complaints and suggestions, and preparing it for such events.

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The only reasonable person that can answer your questions objectively and with facts is Adam Jackson. If you have any questions about itemization and class balance, this is the guy. To be fair, I like his attitude, shame he works on this ARPG, hopefully there are 10 more like him there. Doubt it tho.

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Edit: Moved all the stuff I wrote down here into the post I made.

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Flagged my post as spam since I can’t delete because it’s locked. I can’t notify in my post either since lock prevents editing as well. PLEASE DELETE- It’s no longer needed as another user (Iggi) has created a repository for the Oct 4 stream questions that they are keeping up with. Thank you!

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