Cinder Drop Rate Shadow Nerfed

Thanks You for all yah do.

How you managed to hype up this patch so much and then managed to disregard pretty much every major important thing that the community has voiced is wrong with the game is an achievement on it’s own. How can a company that has been developing major games for years make a patch that i would call the worst i’ve ever seen is beyond me, you failed in every single aspect. I have many friends that have said i should try out POE but since i loved D2 when i was younger i was really excited for D4. Now i’m actually considering trying POE, i think you just made them a huge favor with this patch and tanked the future of D4. You at Blizzard should gather all developers and have a long, thorough reflection about how you managed to mess this up so badly


The team is incompetant.


Understatement my friend. There’s far far more than a mere “issue”.

It took everything in my power to farm 250 in 30 Minutes(well 264 when I exited game).
I’m not good at very much in this game but Helltides I excel at.
Rogue built for move speed, cdr and speedfarming.
Granted 6.9 dual imbue CD is up to 8.3 but that’s np.

Went from 800/h chill, casual farming to 250 in 30 min.
Including: Kixx, Helltide Commander, 6 Events, Hundreds of mobs, 5 “Super Elites”, ‘red objects’…
First 3 packs(West Coast rather large packs) = 2 cinders. lol.

This was ridiculous.

The Mysterious Chest dropped 2 Legs - 1 Sacred/1 Ancestral and 2 Rares. 1 Sacred/1 Ancestral.
Idk if THAT is intended. Might as well have the Team look into the Mysterious Chests while they’re at it :wink:

Edit: Also have them Check on Mob Respawn Rate. It was VERY LOW.


Blizz made some 5Head chess moves. They know that forums are the endgame and Wow it feels like 1st day so much hype… kinda LuL

Just rename to Nerfs 4
So ppl dont expect anything…

Me! Ill do the job! F mike yabarra, f bobby… sorry but ian and diablo devs are next. Ill change this company over night.

Cinder drop rates did not need lowering, especially if you are raising how many are required for the mystery chests.

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Interesting how this proves the patch was never playtested. Else this would have been an obvious catch.

Same with the HotA incident.

Seems like Diablo IV dev workflow doesn’t actually include testing.


One of my buddies in a WT3 helltide thinks they hotfix overtuned. Said he killed one mob and 20x cinders dropped from the single monster.

they nerfed jboots!!

Kek. Backlash damsge control initiated!

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somebody needs to, thats for sure. cause… lawdy.

have you looked into making your game good? That seems to be the biggest issue.


Great, those who are still playing will look forward to the change in season 5 lol.


how about you un do all the stuff zero people wanted


The community in the forums is more of an embarrassment than the game.


Well good luck swapping to another class. If you think barb is bad wait until you try sorc


WE are the testers. They save money that way!


Make Minion Necro at least PLAYABLE LMAO


Dear Mister Stalker,

Enjoy following me around in all the various threads I post.

You won’t be able to do it after today.


The Stalked

– in all seriousness get off my nuts following me around, clown - i already proved to you what i was saying was truth - questioning if i can easily do 70-80 NMDs, i COULD… now i probably be lucky to do a 40