Cinder Drop Rate Shadow Nerfed

It could even just be on purpose, and only saying it is an issue when they got caught.


What is the justification for raising the cap AND reducing the rate of cinder drops?? Seriously, donā€™t think Iā€™ll be doing Helltides anymore, let alone trying to level up to 100 (Iā€™m still a 61 Rogue), smh


Yeah because theyā€™re a bunch of clowns making clownish changes they canā€™t defend rationally.

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what in the hells is going on here? Theres a smurf on the forums guys!


Theres a whole patch they should be looking intoā€¦


Iā€™m running out of words so blizzard has sucked for so many yearsā€¦ and weā€™re still here like idiots full of hope to believe it lol


Oh you mean like how there is an issue with Helltides after literally every single patch and/or hotfix you put out? At this point you guys might just as well disable that feature and remove it from the game entirely.

Not that it will make much of a difference anyway because if these nerfs stand no one is going to be doing it anyway. It was already largely considered a waste for time before today, now itā€™s tantamount to slamming your head into a brick wall.

Even if you bring back the guaranteed Uber Uniques from Helltide chests I wouldnā€™t bother farming 250 cinders at the drop rates you have now.


I really envy you. As someone who as always hated helltides, I didnā€™t have a soul stockpile. Now theyā€™re 5x slower the farm. Fun game!

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not that you even really care - but just know i cancelled all 5 of my wow accts, and will not spend another PENNY in any ā€œshopā€ or for any ā€œgameā€ Blizzard ever makes moving forward

you guys ruined what has been a game i fondly enjoyed on and off since 1996

Diablo 4 is now a 100% OFF - you guys have a LOT of work to do - and you lost me as a paying customer, who easily spent 70+/mo on wow accts and routinely bought stuff to support your business from the shops (even though most of the cosmetics were low quality and not worth what you asked)

i am 100% done - finite - donezo - gone - you wonā€™t see me posting again after this dumpster fire of today


I killed some 40-50 mobs as a quick test and got TWO cinders :joy:. That is the end of me bothering with them.


Maybe if they made a better game, they would not have to hide their embarrassments.
Maybe if they were transparent, they would earn more respect from the people waiting for good changes. We get none of these. They give us the middle finger with their arm hanging out of a 20 story window


Oh, you thought this patch was for the players? My sweet summer child, this patch was for the investors.


Thank goodness its a bugā€¦ was like holy moly

as a community manager, it is their job to deal withā€¦ wait for itā€¦ the community.

Maybe the CM could take the advice to the higher ups so the CM doesnt get crap every time they check the forums?

Also, who in the heck is actually WILLING to be a CM for blizzard? lmfao that has to be the worst job ever. it better pay a lot of money is all I am saying. poor dude is stuck between a company that doesnt care and players who are angry.

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best comment on that patch by far . 100 points

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Yes if you mess up something so bad, you cant really show your face to the community lol


Hey Siphoning strikes is broken plz fix =))

Investors? Dude, I was going to use my free BP unlock for the season. I 100% will not now. I know for a fact I will be forced to play a class I do not want to play because they ruined barb now.

The investors will take 0 cents from me this season I promise you that.

In before ā€˜too many cinders are dropping, you should find approximately two per minuteā€™

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Iā€™d like to bring to your attention the latest diablo 4 patch notes; it seems that there is an issue with its entirety. Please have all the teams look into it and subsequently release a justifications notes. Tia