Char XP after level 100

Masterworking are the extra levels.

Mostly 4’s = Junior Burger
Mostly 8’s = Beefcake
Some 12’s = Geezus
All 12’s = Make way for the Super Grinder

As your level increases beyond level 100 it should unlock more and more mocking and demeaning titles.

Idk, my wife’s been complaining about that for years now. I think she stopped loving me

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Progression and fun not allowed. If the casuals can not log on and have everything you do with no effort or work put in then it is not fair.
Why you think they removed paragons from D3? Why you think they did not make AoZ permanent? Because crybabies will not have it.

Dude, i made a post about this and it got shadow banned lol

If you HATE D3, then you probably love D4. This is one aspect from D3 I want implemented in some form, but the D4 lovers are going to pillory you for merely suggesting it lol

AoZ is permanent… It’s called Pits now

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AoZ actually had reward for difficulty. Well it did after they buffed the glyph xp for difficulty.
Pits has none. You actually get punished for pushing higher not rewarded.

AoZ gave you 0 rewards. You got Glyph exp that gave you .02x dmg. You are delusional… K bye

Still progression,. Pits gives you 0 loot too and no progression. Because that loot is the same garbage you get anywhere else.
Stygian stones are paperweights i have 3 dozen ubers tired of spending gold by rerolling them just to never get a GA.
Why do i need to do pits at all I have 5k neiheron and half a stash of MW12 gear as well as 3 characters wearing it.

this is 100% true. And the most fun fact about this - we don’t need level scaling now at all. There is absolutly 0 point in open world, nobody use it. All this “blah blah blah” about scaling helping us to maintain relevant open world have no place in the current game.

This game will be x100 times better w/o scaling, it serves no purpose now at all.


Ah yes, more power creep the game absolutely does not need. I really wish the D3 players who just want to see D4 copy everything from D3 would just go back to D3 if they love it so much…

You all cried and complained leveling was a “slog” and “too slow” so now that Blizzard has trivialized that, you all complain about reaching 100 too fast with nothing to do?

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It’s there so “pEoPle cAn FeEl PoWeRfuLL”. Like the game is not enough of a cakewalk.

In fact, the game is so busted, they had to release this stupid seasonal item for helltide monsters to last more than a split second(they still don’t). Plus, the density is so comically over the top you literally can’t take a moment to look at the stupid map. And these guys want to sell you an expansion :joy: :joy:

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That could easily be solved with a overlay map.

There are many options here to channel XP progress at 100 into something else.

Some fast ideas:

Empowerment Levels = Empowerment levels gives players purpose at LV 100!

XP spread across all your glyphs at some sort of highly reduced rate such as 1 to 100 or 1000.

XP fills up whispers slowly.

XP past 100 earns you a new currency called Paragon Shards. These can be spent at a new Paragon vendor. Earning just 1 will take some time.

1 - Random legendary item with 10% chance for max aspect
2 - Character respect
5 - Random unique item
10 - Boss mats cache
10 - Gold cache
25 - Creates a Temper Hammer. Temper hammers reset an item with 0 / 5 tempers to 2 + 1 per greater affix tempers so an item with 3 greater affix goes to 5 / 5.
The next time you temper hammer this same item it costs 2 hammers then 3 hammers ect.
25 - Creates a masterwork hammer. This downgrades your masterwork 1 set so a 12/12 item goes back to how it was at 8/12.
The next time you masterwork hammer this same item it costs 2 hammers then 3 hammers ect.
30 - Pit mats cache
50 - Casino ticket. Entrance to casino area for a season.
100 - Resplendent shard

i feel like it’s completly opposite that.
with levelscaling you never feel powerful, because enemies scale with you.
(you also never feel weak since blizzard set the basepower of player higher than monsters)
it’s literally the same feeling from level one to WT4, when you can play nightmare dungeons or pits that are a higher level.

nobody wanted D3 and for them to do this, they added this crappy mechanic to the game because they didn’t want to add more unique items to the game and make the unique items powerful instead of useless. They had no idea what they were doing so they decided to just add greater rifts to the game and call it a day. We’re basically playing D3 with better graphics at this point.

Bring on the Paragon levels. Endgame at 100 is super boring.

In Diablo 3 you continue with paragon levels.

I will say that even that starts to get harder to see gains. Somewhere around 2000-2500 you have to do a lot to see a gain of 1 level or be super geared to do very hard content. For most players, they won’t hit that high in a season, so it is fine.

I wish we had something like that in D4.

I also wish glyphs that go across classes were account bound so we wouldn’t have to level the same one more than once a season - like D3 gems were not character bound but account bound.

No more power…We can have more gold, yes.More chance of finding 3 GA items.And if we can choose even better.A point to increase my chance of finding a boot?Yes, thank you.I think it’s also cool that this progression is infinite to see how far we will go. Ex season 5 I reached level 67 in season 6 I played but I reached 75. Etc. Note: Keep the explosion of power from leveling up, it is wonderful.

I agree with you and the OP. The Blizzard D4 Team should find a meaningful way for us to continue enjoying the game journey after we reach max level 100, otherwise what’s the point in repetitive, boring, grindy game play that has no real end game or nothing fun to do after level 100?

I hope Blizzard does something about this by the time the new expansion comes out. Maybe Blizzard can have mini epic stories and special event side quests in D4 while we are leveling and after we reach level 100. That would be very cool. And, from completing the mini-story or bonus questlines players can get unique rewards, cosmetics, mounts etc. and compete in leader board arenas or Pit etc… This is very doable, and Blizzard can add something like this to the game to make it more fun and worth while for players that reach level 100.

The bottom line is: Blizzard needs to make things much more fun and rewarding for every season, and during and after we reach level 100 for sure, especially since the game has been out for more than a year now! This is way overdue for Diablo IV, big time! Let’s hope it happens. - JJ -