Char XP after level 100

It feels like a drag to run through Pits once your character reaches level 100. My character is doing more difficult content and upping gear, but I can’t help but think about all that potential XP lost. I would have enjoyed using that XP to directly become stronger. I don’t know if that means additional paragon levels. I don’t think that paragon should be uncapped, but it feels like it ends prematurely. Are there any plans to address this?


Yeah it would be nice


Agree, once I hit 100 on all my characters I made since launch I pretty much quit, there is no progression after that. Wish we could keep getting paragon points after 100, or if the XP we earn after level 100 goes into our skills and levels them up further or something else.


Same here. After a char hit the 100, it feels like the game is over. I have no motivation to keep grinding - why should i? It would be nice to receive something after 100 to keep people motivated.


It would be fun if we kept the XP bar and every time we filled it up, got a random reward at the Mystic or whatever.


Or just use that overflow to fill the whisper bar without having to grind whisper specific events.


I’d be happy if we could put even 1 point into a stat as a reward.


Yep! I usually lose interest after I hit 100…I mean…what’s the point right? Done everything…so…why bother? A mystifyingly boneheaded move by Blizz.


I wouldn’t mind if they allowed levelling for paragon post 100, but make it a long/slow grind.


I don’t want to write a long topic so, long story short…
More power → NO !
More rewards => why not


What happens when everyone out levels the content? At the rate that Blizzard puts out new content, we’d be left with nothing to challenge players anymore. The gap between players with more time and less time would expand drastically. Complaints would fill the forums with people angry they don’t have the time to invest like others. The way it is now, my friends can catch up to me after hitting 100. A system like this, they’d never catch up to me, and the gap would continuously keep getting bigger.

More rewards = more power

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This is a huge problem with this game, wasted xp, and a empty feeling after getting only 1 paragon point for hitting lvl 100. It doesnt even have to be power, give me more gold find, materials, loot bags, SOMETHING to keep the xp bar moving.


They combined the exponential exp grind of D2 (lvl 99) and the infinite exp scaling of D3 (paragon) and… somehow got rid of any long term exp progression…

Honestly I think it just boils down to Blizz wanting people to just do seasons…because that’s where the money’s at I guess.

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They needed a consultant from the old days of D3 development to tell them why D3 added paragon in the first place. Or a dev with enough sense of direction to decide “we don’t want players hitting 100 ever”. They got neither and one year later there’s enough power creep to fairly trivialize max level grind and really no easy way to solve it without even more power creep.

But yeah, seasons sidesteps the issue to some degree and I guess upgrading gear might be sufficient to keep many people engaged. Especially if their major income is people just doing enough for the season journey.


Thats the problem with leveling so fast. With no character progression and only diminishing returns on items to hunt for it gets boring quickly.


Quick question. Since we both agree it ends prematurely, why not make it last longer?

How about XP being spendable for getting more tempering rolls? :open_mouth:

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those xp should be spendable to level glyphs


That’s not a fix, it just delays the problem until all the glyphs you use are maxed out.

How about spending it on tempering rerolls?