Char XP after level 100

a) they should just do like an infinite quest progression thing. ie: all exp gained past level 100 fills up a meter. when the meter is full it explodes in a gold/rawhide/mats/gems/tons of goblins loot explosion.

The game starts at 100. Are you new to Diablo?

There’s a silver lining to this… It means you get to put D4 back on the shelf and play other games until the next Season. After defeating the Tormented Echos, there’s nothing else to do. The Seasonal content gets completely done in a few days, and then’s 3 months of doing the same thing over and over and over… just to get more power, to do it faster next time. Like this is fun for a few days and then completely idiotic for the next 2-3 months. It’s mind-numbingly boring. There needs to be continuous progression, or the illusion of progression at least lol. Killing a boss 5,000 times for a sword or a helmet to drop is not content. It’s Bullchips.


Nobody wants uncap D3 paragon power where the person who plays the most is the winner. Especially with leaderboards coming


I leave leaderboards to the people who care about leaderboards. There’s a portion of players in this game that works their 9-5 jobs, comes home, and wants to tune out reality. I don’t care about what anyone else is doing, what drops they get, how far they’ve leveled… I care about decompressing from work, in a place where “competition” checks its bags at the door, and leaves me in peace for a few hours before I need to go to sleep to wake up for work again lol.

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Yeah, something similar was suggested before.

I don’t think it would be a bad thing, if at every new “level up” you would be rewarded an item cache similar to the ones from the Tree of Whispers, or exactly one from the Tree of Whispers.

The level cap at 100 is good enough. Hell, make it cap at 50 for all I care. Stop asking blizzard for meaningless grind because you got nothing else better to do.

You got it all wrong there man, are you new to Diablo? The game ends at 100. This is not the WoW forum section.


I’d be fine with just increasing health with each extra level even if it was a very minimal increase. SOMETHING to show for the hours and hours of grinding. Might help players push Pit a little further besides hoping and praying for 2GA+ and for the RNG gods to be merciful when it comes to tempering and masterworking.

Dang so you got full 12/12 master working and GA gear before you hit 100? that’s wild man.

In all honestly it sounds like you just don’t enjoy diablo, that’s ok, just don’t play. No one minds if you quit and go to a different game. D4 is no different than any other diablo, you hit max level and grind for upgrades and push rifts.

You mean is no different than D3? Cuz “any other” diablo have no system like that.

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Dang. Imagine thinking these stat sticks even matter :joy:

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i’d love to see new game+ after getting level 100 max paragon, it unlocks a new game mode were wt1 is wt1+ (everything is +10 levels higher so instead of mobs capping at 50, they cap at 60) and wt2 helltides cap at 60.

But the loot drops are better in new game+ base items are 600 base for normal, 850 for sacred and cap at 1050 for ancestral

I’m sure we will get a few “freebie” paragons with the expansion for those that bought it - each area of d4 lilith status gave random stats/obol cap and 1 paragon state that awarded 5 paragon, so I am guessing at the very least those that bought the xpac will get +5 paragon to spend with a possibility of up to 25 free paragon points (which is HUGE)…


It means a lot. Your response is of someone who is wrong but wont admit it.

You get a mid stat item that you throw an aspect on and the grind is already done. All you’re doing is perfecting stats on that item, the game.

But there is a cap on that power…

Character level increased to 150 in the expansion.


moo - not really :wink:

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This would make class balancing a lot easier. Although it would be possible to simply reduce the size of all parangons to 50*4+10. Then balancing would be much easier. And skill points All skills/48 skill points per level.

dear god no, D3s infinite paragon was a terrible system, it made balancing impossible, it also made everything but time invested meaningless.
there was no skill involved, just who invested the most time, to reach the highest paragon, to beat the highest GRs. (150 was only the cap because the Boss HP reached the integer cap a few levels higher had they kept going)

this is imo a problem of level scaling,
you cant create a game like D2 where around lvl85 is the sweet spot where you basically beat the game, can do most endgame things depending on gear/build, when said content scales to your level.
you can’t exponentionally raise the XP required to level to max when everything scales to you.

you cant balance enemies as long as they keep scaling which is why they make you reach the max level so fast, since thats the point the scaling stops and they have a fixed point to go off on.

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I would be extremely surprised if lvl cap does not rise in the expansion, accompanied by a new World Tier.

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