Char XP after level 100

I think they’ve mentioned it in one of the campfire chats. They said - wait until the expansion.

If people :sob: about the time it took to get to 100 believing thats when end game started why would they put another leveling system in that woulf invalidate gear. Why would anyone want a leveling system past the max level.

I never will understand this viewpoint.

I wouldnt say the loot hunt is boring but the narural character progression ends 2.5-8 hours into a new season now.

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Trickle the Post Level 100 XP into a Paragon Glyph pool.
Evenly distributed to currently Equipped Para Glyphs automatically…
Banked for use on Any Para Glyphs(this would open up some room for Alt Specs and alleviate a bit of the swap-spec Para Glyph grind slog). Click ‘Assign XP’ and the Awakened interface screen pops up much like at the end of NMDs.

It would be much much slower than NMDs ofc which would always remain as the primary Glyph XP route - more like earning interest while doing all other activities post 100.

infinite paragon was one of the worst D3 system. So no i don’t think that we need it here.


Now if they made slow leveling from 80-100 or 90-100 (like really slow) would be nice.


This would be awesome but is incompatible with the “end game starts at max level” crowd which is now the majority.


That’s kinda true. Still though I’d rather take this option than xp over 100 to get more useless power that is not needed and already over the board.

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Would be cool if it was 1 paragon point per level.

But you are gaining one paragon point, not even extra hp or mana, nothing. Why punish people for that paragon point or make it a drag.
I agree there should be some way to use the ethereal XP we are not using, or get the xp from NMD or pit transformed into gold, materials, whisper caches progression, etc.

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For example, I would have liked the leveling system of diablo 3 and diablo immortal, where you keep gaining experience beyond 100.
For example in diablo 3 your character’s box changes according to the level you have.
That would be nice to come to diablo.

I hope blizzard will put it in the new expansion since they are talking about the paragon.

I imagine they will eventually listen to the idiots championing the post level cap paragon system.

That was so much fun in d3 right?

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And what if… we could change the rarity of the nodes in the board, like normal to magic, magic to rare :astonished:

There needs to be a lot more (like 90%) of the control & power MY CHARACTER HAS…ON MY OWN CHARACTER. NOT on some arbitrary piece of gear/glyph/whatever I have to mindlessly farm like some drone. D3 had a much, much better balance of your overall character power being enhanced by your items. Not your items defining your character.

I don’t want to see too many post-100 leveling systems because it gets convoluted, but I do hope that eventually we get skill points all the way up to lvl100 with higher caps for any given skill and some kind of secondary gearing system that benefits from xp or monsters killed, e.g. from a certain family, etc., and which takes a really long time to max out. Just spit balling here, but sure, they could stand to add some more passive grind elements to the game. :slight_smile:

When the 50-100 ‘endgame’ took a whole lot longer, people whined that it’s too long and the game starts at max level. That WAS the endgame grind. Now we’re at a point where reaching 100 is much easier and people now want to keep leveling for a whole lot longer. smdh

I’m ok with every level after 100 giving you a free item cache with random legendaries.

Not really, your lacking imagination here, could be cosmetic or any other imaginable item.

Give me bonus levels and every 10th level I get a new colour palette for my skills or cosmetics

Companions! They need them for this game too, maybe for extra powers you can unlock, extra inventory space, and yes cosmetics too…perhaps ones not so ugly? lol

Stop oppression of Paragon!
Free the Paragon Cap!

They balanced the game around hitting 100 for almost all content but ceased all sense of progression past that 100 cap. Yet it’s all players’ fault for whining. I especially enjoy people gaslighting on behalf of the multi billion $ company.